delayWhen method
Delays the emission of items from the source Stream by a given time span determined by the emissions of another Stream.
When the source emits a data element, the itemDelaySelector
function is called
with the data element as argument, and return a "duration" Stream.
The source element is emitted on the output Stream only when the "duration" Stream
emits a data or done event.
Optionally, delayWhen
takes a second argument listenDelay
. When listenDelay
emits its first data or done event, the source Stream is listen to.
If listenDelay
is not provided, delayWhen
will listen to the source Stream
as soon as the output Stream is listen.
Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 3])
.delayWhen((i) => Rx.timer(null, Duration(seconds: i)))
.listen(print); // [after 1s] prints 1 [after 1s] prints 2 [after 1s] prints 3
Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 3])
(i) => Rx.timer(null, Duration(seconds: i)),
listenDelay: Rx.timer(null, Duration(seconds: 2)),
.listen(print); // [after 3s] prints 1 [after 1s] prints 2 [after 1s] prints 3
Stream<T> delayWhen(
Stream<void> Function(T value) itemDelaySelector, {
Stream<void>? listenDelay,
}) =>
DelayWhenStreamTransformer<T>(itemDelaySelector, listenDelay: listenDelay)