BehaviorSubject<T>.seeded constructor

  1. T seedValue, {
  2. void onListen()?,
  3. void onCancel()?,
  4. bool sync = false,

Constructs a BehaviorSubject, optionally pass handlers for onListen, onCancel and a flag to handle events sync.

seedValue becomes the current value and is emitted immediately.

See also StreamController.broadcast


factory BehaviorSubject.seeded(
  T seedValue, {
  void Function()? onListen,
  void Function()? onCancel,
  bool sync = false,
}) {
  // ignore: close_sinks
  final controller = StreamController<T>.broadcast(
    onListen: onListen,
    onCancel: onCancel,
    sync: sync,

  final wrapper = _Wrapper<T>.seeded(seedValue);

  return BehaviorSubject<T>._(
    Rx.defer<T>(_deferStream(wrapper, controller, sync), reusable: true),