getTrackPublicationBySource method

T? getTrackPublicationBySource(
  1. TrackSource source

Tries to find a TrackPublication by its TrackSource. Otherwise, will return a compatible type of TrackPublication for the TrackSource specified. returns null when not found.


T? getTrackPublicationBySource(TrackSource source) {
  if (source == TrackSource.unknown) return null;
  // try to find by source
  final result =
      trackPublications.values.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.source == source);
  if (result != null) return result;
  // try to find by compatibility
  return trackPublications.values
      .where((e) => e.source == TrackSource.unknown)
      .firstWhereOrNull((e) =>
          (source == TrackSource.microphone && e.kind == TrackType.AUDIO) ||
          (source == && e.kind == TrackType.VIDEO) ||
          (source == TrackSource.screenShareVideo &&
              e.kind == TrackType.VIDEO) ||
          (source == TrackSource.screenShareAudio &&
              e.kind == TrackType.AUDIO));