updatePublishingLayers method

  1. @internal
void updatePublishingLayers(
  1. List<SubscribedQuality> layers


void updatePublishingLayers(List<lk_rtc.SubscribedQuality> layers) async {
  logger.fine('Update publishing layers: $layers');

  final params = track?.sender?.parameters;
  if (params == null) {
    logger.fine('Update publishing layers: sender params are null');

  final encodings = params.encodings;
  if (encodings == null) {
    logger.fine('Update publishing layers: encodings are null');

  bool didChange = false;

  for (final encoding in encodings) {
    logger.fine('Processing encoding: ${encoding.rid}...');
    final layer = layers.firstWhereOrNull((e) =>
        // If there is exact match, use it
        (e.quality.toRid() == encoding.rid) ||
        // Use low layer if rid is null (not simulcast)
        (encoding.rid == null && e.quality == lk_models.VideoQuality.LOW));
    if (layer != null && encoding.active != layer.enabled) {
      encoding.active = layer.enabled;
      logger.fine('Setting layer ${layer.quality} to ${layer.enabled}');
      // FireFox does not support setting encoding.active to false, so we
      // have a workaround of lowering its bitrate and resolution to the min.
      // TODO: Workaround for firefox
      didChange = true;

  if (didChange) {
    params.encodings = encodings;
    final result = await track?.sender?.setParameters(params);
    if (result == false) {
      logger.warning('Failed to update sender parameters');
  } else {
    logger.fine('Update publishing layers: nothing to change');