Room class

A class to represent a room


Room(String _id, GameManager gameManager, {DatabaseReference? lref})


adminId String
The admin of the room
no setter
amAdmin bool
Whether the current user is the admin
no setter
data Map<String, dynamic>
getter/setter pair
gameManager GameManager
gameName String
The name of the current game
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id String
The id of the room
no setter
inLobby bool
Whether the room is in the lobby
no setter
listeners List<void Function(Map<String, dynamic> data)?>
getter/setter pair
myDataRef ↔ DatabaseReference
getter/setter pair
myId String
The id of the current user
no setter
players List<String>
A list of players in the room
no setter
ref ↔ DatabaseReference?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addDataListener(void onValue(Map<String, dynamic> data)?) → void
Function to add a listener to the room
addToList(String key, dynamic value) Future<bool>
Function to add a value to a list in the room
dbListen() → void
disconnect() Future<void>
Function to leave a room
get<T>(String key) → T?
Function to get a value from the room
getBool(String key) bool?
Function to get a bool from the room
getDouble(String key) double?
Function to get a double from the room
getGameView() Widget
returns the view of the game
getInt(String key) int?
Function to get an int from the room
getKey(String key) → dynamic
Function to get a value from the room
getList<T>(String key) List
Function to get a list from the room
getMap<T>(String key) Map<String, T>
Function to get a map from the room
getPlayers() List<String>
getString(String key) String?
Function to get a string from the room
goBackToLobby() Future<bool>
Function to go back to the lobby
isAdmin(String uid) bool
Whether the sone user is the admin
join(String myName) Future
Function to join the room
joined(String uid) bool
Function to check if a user has joined the room
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeFromList<T>(String key, T value) → void
Function to remove a value from a list in the room
set(String key, dynamic value) Future<bool>
Function to set a value of a key in the room
startGame() Future<bool>
Function to start the game
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.