MutableComputeCell<T> constructor

  1. required T compute(),
  2. required void reverseCompute(
    1. T
  3. required Set<ValueCell> arguments,
  4. bool changesOnly = false,
  5. dynamic key,

Create a MutableComputeCell with a given compute and reverse compute function.

The compute function is called with no arguments whenever the value of at least one cell in arguments changes. It should return the cell's value.

The reverseCompute function is called when the value of the cell is set, with the new value passed as an argument to the function. It should set the values of the argument cells accordingly such that calling compute again will produce the same value that was passed to reverseCompute.

reverseCompute is called in a batch update, by MutableCell.batch, so that the values of the argument cells are set simultaneously.

arguments is a list of argument cells on which the value of the cell depends.

If changesOnly is true, the returned cell only notifies its observers if its value has actually changed.

If key is non-null it is used to identify the cell. NOTE, if key is non null dispose has to be called, when the cell is no longer used.


final a = MutableCell(1);

final b = MutableComputeCell(
  arguments: [a],
  compute: () => a.value + 1,
  reverseCompute: (b) {
    a.value = b - 1;


  required T Function() compute,
  required void Function(T) reverseCompute,
  required Set<ValueCell> arguments,
}) : _compute = compute, _reverseCompute = reverseCompute, super(arguments);