MutableCell<T>.computed constructor
- T compute(),
- void reverse(
- T value
- bool changesOnly = false,
- dynamic key,
Create a computational cell which can also have its value set directly.
The compute
function is called to compute the value of the cell as a
function of one or more argument cells. Any cell referenced in compute
by the call method is considered an argument cell. Any change in the
value of an argument cell will result in the value of the returned cell
being recomputed.
NOTE: All argument cells referenced in compute
must be MutableCell's.
Additionally this cell can also have its value changed by setting the
value property directly. When the value property is set, reverse
is called, with the newly assigned value. reverse
should set the values
of the argument cells such that calling compute
again will produce the
same value that was assigned to the value property.
is called in a batch update, by batch, so that the values of
the argument cells are set simultaneously.
If changesOnly
is true, the returned cell only notifies its observers
if its value has actually changed.
final a = MutableCell(1);
final b = MutableCell.computed(() => a() + 1, (b) => {
a.value = b - 1;
factory MutableCell.computed(T Function() compute, void Function(T value) reverse, {
bool changesOnly = false,
}) => DynamicMutableComputeCell(
compute: compute,
reverseCompute: reverse,
changesOnly: changesOnly,
key: key