mutableApply<U> method

MutableCell<U> mutableApply<U>(
  1. U fn(
    1. T
  2. void reverse(
    1. U
    ), {
  3. dynamic key,
  4. bool changesOnly = false,

Create a new mutable cell, with a value that is a function of this cell's value.

The value of the returned cell is computed by fn, which is applied on the value of this cell. The reverse function is called when the value of the return cell is set. It should set the value of this cell accordingly such that calling fn again will produce the same value that was passed to reverse.

If changesOnly is true, the returned cell only notifies its observers if its value has actually changed.

The returned cell is identified by key if non-null. NOTE: A key argument is accepted since a MutableCellView is returned rather than a full mutable computed cell.


MutableCell<U> mutableApply<U>(U Function(T) fn, void Function(U) reverse, {
  bool changesOnly = false
}) {
  if (changesOnly) {
    return apply(fn, key: key != null ? _MutableApplyKey(this, key) : null)
        .store(changesOnly: true)
        .mutableApply((p0) => p0, reverse, key: key);

  return MutableCellView(
    arguments: {this},
    compute: () => fn(value),
    reverse: reverse,
    key: key,