CellWidget.builder constructor

  1. Widget builder(
    1. CellHookContext context
    ), {
  2. Key? key,
  3. String? restorationId,

Create a CellWidget with the build method defined by builder.

This allows a widget, which is dependent on the values of one or more cells, to be defined without subclassing.

builder is provided a CellHookContext, instead of a BuildContext, which allows cells to be defined within the builder using CellHookContext.cell, and watch functions to be defined using CellHookContext.watch.

If restorationId is non-null it is used as the restoration ID for restoring the state of the cells created within builder.


WidgetCell.builder((context) => Text('The value of cell a is ${a()}'))


factory CellWidget.builder(Widget Function(CellHookContext context) builder, {
  Key? key,
  String? restorationId
}) => _WidgetCellBuilder(builder,
  key: key,
  restorationId: restorationId,