transformStar method
Translates the provided Star's points.
The star will either be transformed to move towards the screen or its radius will be updated to create a 'flicker' effect.
To create a transform offset, the star's current position are set in relation to the provided velocity.
The star's z value is decreased by the starfield's depth to make the star appear moving towards the screen.
void transformStar(Star star) {
// Transform
star.translatedOffset =
Offset((star.dx / + center.dx), star.dy / + center.dy);
// Slowly move the star to the size edges. -= star.baseDepth;
// If the star's z point is closer to the screen than the base depth
if ( < star.baseDepth) {
// Accelerate it
final Math.Random random = Math.Random(); = random.nextDouble() * absoluteVelocity + absoluteVelocity;
star.radius = scale;
// Else only adjust the radius to create a 'flicker' effect.
} else {
star.radius = ((absoluteVelocity / 8) / + star.baseDepth) * scale;