transformStar method

void transformStar(
  1. Star star

Translates the provided Star's points.

The star will either be transformed to move towards the screen or its radius will be updated to create a 'flicker' effect.

To create a transform offset, the star's current position are set in relation to the provided velocity.

The star's z value is decreased by the starfield's depth to make the star appear moving towards the screen.


void transformStar(Star star) {
  // Transform
  star.translatedOffset =
      Offset((star.dx / + center.dx), star.dy / + center.dy);
  // Slowly move the star to the size edges. -= star.baseDepth;

  // If the star's z point is closer to the screen than the base depth
  if ( < star.baseDepth) {
    // Accelerate it
    final Math.Random random = Math.Random(); = random.nextDouble() * absoluteVelocity + absoluteVelocity;
    star.radius = scale;
    // Else only adjust the radius to create a 'flicker' effect.
  } else {
    star.radius = ((absoluteVelocity / 8) / + star.baseDepth) * scale;