addClient method

Future<Agent> addClient(
  1. String id, {
  2. String? secret,
  3. String? redirectUri,
  4. List<String> allowedScope = const [],

Creates a new OAuth2 client identifier and returns an Agent that makes requests on behalf of that client.

A new AuthClient is added to the authServer's database. Returns an Agent that will execute requests with a basic authorization header that contains id and secret.

If secret is null, redirectUri is ignored (public clients cannot have a redirect URI).

NOTE: This method adds rows to a database table managed by your test application and TestHarnessORMMixin.resetData will delete those rows. To ensure clients exist for all tests, add clients in TestHarnessORMMixin.seed.


Future<Agent> addClient(String id,
    {String? secret, String? redirectUri, List<String> allowedScope = const []}) async {
  final client = AuthClient.public(id,
      allowedScopes: => AuthScope(s)).toList());

  if (secret != null) {
      ..salt = AuthUtility.generateRandomSalt()
      ..hashedSecret = AuthUtility.generatePasswordHash(secret, client.salt!)
      ..redirectURI = redirectUri;

  await authServer.addClient(client);

  final authorizationHeader =
      "Basic ${base64.encode("$id:${secret ?? ""}".codeUnits)}";
  return Agent.from(agent!)..headers["authorization"] = authorizationHeader;