Suppression constructor

  1. String content,
  2. LineInfo info

Initialize a newly created Suppression with the given content and info.


Suppression(String content, LineInfo info) {
  for (final match in _ignoreMatchers.allMatches(content)) {
    final ids =!.split(',').map(_canonicalize);
    final location = info.getLocation(match.start);
    final lineNumber = location.lineNumber;
    final beforeMatch = content.substring(
      info.getOffsetOfLine(lineNumber - 1),
      info.getOffsetOfLine(lineNumber - 1) + location.columnNumber - 1,

    // If comment sits next to code, so it refers to its own line, otherwise it refers to the next line.
    final ignoredNextLine = beforeMatch.trim().isEmpty;
          ignoredNextLine ? lineNumber + 1 : lineNumber,
          () => <String>[],

  for (final match in _ignoreForFileMatcher.allMatches(content)) {