Dart lint maker
Custom linting maker. Creates analysis_options.yaml files to your liking. This package is useful if you want to either create your own linting package or just add a custom analysis_options.yaml file to your project.
Add lint_maker to your dev dependencies and create a lint_maker.yaml
file in the root of your project.
The config can look something like:
name: # internal name of the config
output: "analysis_options.yaml" # output file
preset: # The base analyzer config
strict-casts: true
strict-inference: true
strict-raw-types: true
- "**.g.dart"
always_specify_types: false
avoid_annotating_with_dynamic: false
avoid_as: false
avoid_print: false
diagnostic_describe_all_properties: false
prefer_double_quotes: false
prefer_relative_imports: false
unnecessary_final: false
prefer_final_parameters: false
prefer_expression_function_bodies: false
avoid_catches_without_on_clauses: false
You can specify multiple such configs in the same file.
Update rules:
To update the rules you need to update the execute lint_maker.dart by running:
dart pub run lint_maker