Flutter Package for
Step 1: Installing linkrunner
Installing through cmdline
run the following:
flutter pub add linkrunner
Manually adding dependencies
Add linkrunner
to your pubspec.yaml
under dependencies:
linkrunner: ^0.7.9
Then run:
flutter pub get
to install your new dependency.
Step 2: Android updates
Add the following in app/build.gradle
dependencies {
You will need your project token to initialise the package.
Place it in the main
import 'package:linkrunner/main.dart';
// Initialize the package
final linkrunner = LinkRunner();
void main() async {
// Call the .ensureInitialized method before calling the .init method
final init = await lr.init("YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN");
Response type for linkrunner.init
ip_location_data: {
ip: string;
city: string;
countryLong: string;
countryShort: string;
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
region: string;
timeZone: string;
zipCode: string;
deeplink: string;
root_domain: boolean;
campaign_data: {
id: string;
name: string;
ad_network: "META" | "GOOGLE" | null;
group_name: string | null;
asset_group_name: string | null;
asset_name: string | null;
Call this function once your onboarding is completed and the main stack is loaded
import 'package:linkrunner/main.dart';
void trigger() async {
final trigger = await linkrunner.trigger(
userData: LRUserData(
id: '1',
name: 'John Doe', // optional
phone: '9583849238', // optional
email: '', //optional
data: {}, // Any other data you might need
config: TriggerConfig(
triggerDeeplink: true // true by default
By setting config > triggerDeeplink as true
the deeplink won't be trigged (Only set to false if you are handling the redirection by yourself)
You can pass any additional user related data in the data
Response type for linkrunner.trigger
ip_location_data: {
ip: string;
city: string;
countryLong: string;
countryShort: string;
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
region: string;
timeZone: string;
zipCode: string;
deeplink: string;
root_domain: boolean;
trigger: boolean; // Deeplink won't be triggered if false
Note: Value of trigger
will be only true for the first time the function is triggered by the user in order to prevent unnecessary redirects
Capture revenue
Call this function after a payment is confirmed
import 'package:linkrunner/models/lr_capture_payment.dart';
void capturePayment() async {
await linkrunner.capturePayment(
capturePayment: LRCapturePayment(
userId: '666',
amount: 24168, // Send amount in one currency only
paymentId: 'AJKHAS' // optional but recommended
NOTE: If you accept payments in multiple currencies convert them to one currency before calling the above function
Remove captured payment revenue
Call this function after a payment is cancelled or refunded
import 'package:linkrunner/models/lr_remove_payment.dart';
void removeCapturedPayment() async {
await linkrunner.removePayment(
removePayment: LRRemovePayment(
userId: '666',
paymentId: 'AJKHAS' // Ethier paymentId or userId is required!
NOTE: userId
or paymentId
is required in order to remove a payment entry, if you use userId all the payments attributed to that user will be removed
Facing issues during integration?
Email us at