Linkpeek 🔍

LinkPeek is a Flutter package that allows you to retrieve information about a web link, including title, description, thumbnail, favicon, default color, etc. It also provides a convenient popup widget for displaying link previews.


  • Get detailed information about a web link using the LinkPeek.fromUrl method.
  • Display a small popup showing a preview of the link using the LinkPeek.showLinkPeekPopup method.


To use this package, add linkpeek as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  linkpeek: ^latest_version


import linkpeek first

import "package:linkpeek/linkpeek.dart";

To get link preview use this snippet of code

LinkPeekModel? linkPeekModel;

// Initailize It

LinkPeek.fromUrl("your url").then((value) {
    linkPeekModel = value;

To open the linkpeek popup

 LinkPeek.showLinkPeekPopup(context, controller.text);

Example output

Linkpeek preview

Link peek popup

🚀 About Me

Hi, I am Aabir Kaveri Sarkar - a full stack developer from India
