switchPlan static method

Future<bool> switchPlan(
  1. LinkFivePlan oldPurchasePlan,
  2. LinkFiveProductDetails productDetails, {
  3. ProrationMode? prorationMode,

Handles the Switch Plan functionality.

You can switch from one Subscription plan to another. Example: from currently a 1 month subscription to a 3 months subscription on iOS: you can only switch to a plan which is in the same Subscription Family

oldPurchaseDetails given by the LinkFive Plugin

productDetails from the purchases you want to switch to

prorationMode Google Only: default replaces immediately the subscription, and the remaining time will be prorated and credited to the user. Check https://developer.android.com/reference/com/android/billingclient/api/BillingFlowParams.ProrationMode for more information


static Future<bool> switchPlan(LinkFivePlan oldPurchasePlan, LinkFiveProductDetails productDetails,
    {ProrationMode? prorationMode}) {
  return LinkFivePurchasesImpl().switchPlan(oldPurchasePlan, productDetails, prorationMode: prorationMode);