localizeUnitSize function

String? localizeUnitSize({
  1. required num? value,
  2. required String unitKey,
  3. String? localeCode,

Generates a localized string for unit sizes based on the provided unit key.

This function returns a localized string for different units such as forex, barrel, ounce, and mmbtu. It uses the plural method to properly format the output based on the given value and locale.

value: The numerical value to be formatted. unitKey: The key representing the unit type. Supported values are forex, unit, barrel, ounce, and mmbtu. localeCode: Optional. The locale code to format the value. If null, a default formatting is applied.

Returns a String that represents the localized unit size or null if the unit key is not recognized.


String? localizeUnitSize({
  required num? value,
  required String unitKey,
  String? localeCode,
}) {
  String? captionText;

  // Determines the appropriate label key based on the unitKey.
  if (unitKey == LinguaUnits.forex.name || unitKey == LinguaUnits.unit.name) {
    captionText = UnitsLocaleKeys.units_label_count_unit;
  } else if (unitKey == LinguaUnits.barrel.name) {
    captionText = UnitsLocaleKeys.units_label_count_barrel;
  } else if (unitKey == LinguaUnits.ounce.name) {
    captionText = UnitsLocaleKeys.units_label_count_ounce;
  } else if (unitKey == LinguaUnits.mmbtu.name) {
    captionText = UnitsLocaleKeys.units_label_count_mmbtu;

  // Formats the value in a pluralized form based on the locale.
  return captionText?.plural(
    value ?? 0,
    format: getDecimalNumberFormat(locale: localeCode, value: value),