en constant

Map<String, dynamic> const en


static const Map<String,dynamic> en = {
  "dividend": {
    "help": {
      "dividend_payment_frequency": {
        "example": "For example, choose 'Quarterly' if a company distributes dividends four times a year, or select 'Annually' if dividends are paid once a year.",
        "instructions": "Select the frequency of dividend payments by the company. The options are 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Semiannually', and 'Annually."
      "dividend_reinvestment_plan": {
        "example": "For example, if you are enrolled in a dividend reinvestment plan, enter 'Yes', otherwise enter 'No'.",
        "instructions": "Specify whether you are participating in a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) for this investment. DRIPs allow investors to reinvest their cash dividends into additional shares or fractional shares of the underlying stock."
      "dividend_yield": {
        "example": "For example, if the dividend yield of a stock is 3.5%, enter '3.5'.",
        "instructions": "Enter the dividend yield of the stock. The dividend yield is expressed as a percentage and represents the ratio of a company's annual dividend compared to its share price."
      "duration_in_years": {
        "example": "For example, if you have held an investment for 5 years, enter '5'.",
        "instructions": "Enter the total number of years you have held or plan to hold the investment."
      "expected_annual_dividend_increase": {
        "example": "For example, if you anticipate a 2% annual increase in dividends, enter '2'.",
        "instructions": "Enter the expected annual percentage increase in dividends from your investments. This is an estimate of how much the dividend payouts are expected to grow each year."
      "net_income": {
        "example": "For example, if a company's net income for the year is \u00241.5 million, please enter '1,500,000'.",
        "instructions": "Enter the net income of the company for a specified period. Net income is the profit of a company after all expenses and taxes have been deducted from total revenue."
      "share_price": {
        "example": "For example, if the current price of a company's stock is \u002450, please enter '50'.",
        "instructions": "Enter the current price of the stock you are reviewing."
      "shares_owned": {
        "example": "For example, if you own 500 shares of a company, please enter '500'.",
        "instructions": "Enter the total number of shares you currently own in the company."
      "total_dividends": {
        "example": "For example, if a company has paid out \u0024200,000 in dividends during a year, enter '200,000'.",
        "instructions": "Enter the total amount of dividends distributed by a company."
    "label": {
      "annual": {
        "dividend_income": "Annual dividend income",
        "dividend_per_share": "Annual dividend per share",
        "net_dividend_income": "Annual net dividend income"
      "current_dividend_yield": "Current dividend yield",
      "dividend": {
        "amount": "Dividend amount",
        "payment_frequency": "Dividend payment frequency",
        "payout_ratio": "Dividend payout ratio",
        "reinvestment": "Dividend reinvestment",
        "reinvestment_plan": "Dividend reinvestment plan",
        "text": "Dividend",
        "yield": "Dividend yield"
      "dividends": "Dividends",
      "expected_annual_dividend_increase": "Expected annual dividend increase",
      "gross_dividend_paid": "Gross dividend paid",
      "high_dividend": "High dividend",
      "low_dividend": "Low dividend",
      "net_dividend_paid": "Net dividend paid",
      "normal_dividend": "Normal dividend",
      "total": {
        "dividend_payments": "Total dividend payments",
        "dividends": "Total dividends"
      "unsustainable_high_dividend": "Unsustainable high dividend"
  "select": {
    "distribution_frequency": "Select a distribution frequency"