en constant

Map<String, dynamic> const en


static const Map<String,dynamic> en = {
  "core": {
    "error": {
      "cannot_reach_server": "We apologize for the inconvenience, but there is currently a connection issue with the server. Please try again at a later time.",
      "error_occurred": {
        "exclamation": "An error has occurred!",
        "please": "Apologies, an error has occurred. Please try again later."
      "invalid": {
        "data": {
          "period": "Invalid data.",
          "type": "Invalid data type."
        "file_type": "Invalid file type."
      "service": {
        "unavailable": "The service is currently unavailable."
    "help": {
      "check_your_modem_and_router": "Check your modem and router.",
      "ensure": {
        "app_up_to_date": "Ensure the app is up to date.",
        "internet_restrictions": "Ensure no firewall or network restrictions are preventing access to the service."
      "issue_persist_contact_support": "If the issue persists, please contact our support team for assistance.",
      "reconnect_to_your_wifi_network": "Reconnect to your Wi-Fi network.",
      "restart_device_check_connection": "Restart your device and check your internet connection.",
      "service": {
        "not_available_current_location": "The service may not be available in your current location.",
        "not_operational": "The service may not be operational at this time. Please verify its status or attempt to access it later."
      "several_reasons": "There could be several reasons:"
    "label": {
      "accept": "Accept",
      "accepted": "Accepted",
      "active": "Active",
      "add": "Add",
      "advanced": "Advanced",
      "all": {
        "female": "All",
        "male": "All",
        "other": "All"
      "annually": "Annually",
      "approve": "Approve",
      "approved": "Approved",
      "at": "At",
      "auto_save": "Auto-save",
      "back": "Back",
      "badge": "Badge",
      "behavior": "Behavior",
      "button": "Button",
      "buy": "Buy",
      "cancel": "Cancel",
      "canceled": "Canceled",
      "clear": {
        "selection": "Clear selection",
        "text": "Clear"
      "close": {
        "all": "Close all",
        "others": "Close others",
        "tab": "Close tab",
        "text": "Close",
        "window": "Close window"
      "collapse": {
        "all": "Collapse all",
        "text": "Collapse"
      "commercial": "Commercial",
      "complete": "Complete",
      "completed": "Completed",
      "confirm": "Confirm",
      "confirmation": "Confirmation",
      "connected": "Connected",
      "contact": {
        "support": "Contact support",
        "us": "Contact us"
      "continue": "Continue",
      "copy": "Copy",
      "country": "Country",
      "cut": "Cut",
      "daily": "Daily",
      "date": "Date",
      "default": {
        "text": "Default",
        "values": "Default values"
      "delete": "Delete",
      "description": "Description",
      "details": "Details",
      "disabled": "Disabled",
      "disapprove": "Disapprove",
      "disapproved": "Disapproved",
      "disconnected": "Disconnected",
      "display": "Display",
      "done": "Done",
      "download": "Download",
      "edit": "Edit",
      "enabled": "Enabled",
      "enter": {
        "fullscreen": "Enter fullscreen",
        "pip": "Enter picture-in-picture",
        "text": "Enter"
      "entries": "Entries",
      "entry": "Entry",
      "erase": {
        "all": {
          "content_and_settings": "Erase all content and settings"
      "error": "Error",
      "example": "Example",
      "excluded": "Excluded",
      "exit": {
        "fullscreen": "Exit fullscreen",
        "pip": "Exit picture-in-picture",
        "text": "Exit"
      "exotics": "Exotic",
      "expand": {
        "all": "Expand all",
        "text": "Expand"
      "expired": "Expired",
      "export": {
        "all": "Export all",
        "as": "Export as",
        "csv": "Export as CSV",
        "excel": "Export as Excel",
        "pdf": "Export as PDF",
        "text": "Export"
      "external": "External",
      "fast_forward": "Fast forward",
      "favorites": "Favorites",
      "find": {
        "and_replace": "Find and replace",
        "next": "Find next",
        "previous": "Find previous",
        "text": "Find"
      "follow_us": "Follow us",
      "frame": "Frame",
      "frequency": "Frequency",
      "fullscreen": "Fullscreen",
      "generate": "Generate",
      "go": "Go",
      "help": "Help",
      "hidden": "Hidden",
      "hint": "Hint",
      "home": "Home",
      "import": {
        "all": "Import all",
        "from": "Import from",
        "text": "Import"
      "in_progress": "In progress",
      "inactive": "Inactive",
      "included": "Included",
      "incomplete": "Incomplete",
      "info": "Info",
      "inputs": "Inputs",
      "install": "Install",
      "internal": "Internal",
      "internet_connection": "No internet connection",
      "invalid": "Invalid",
      "learn_more": "Learn more",
      "loading": "Loading",
      "local": "Local",
      "locked": "Locked",
      "loop": "Loop",
      "majors": "Major",
      "menu": "Menu",
      "method": "Method",
      "minors": "Minor",
      "missing_rights": "Missing rights",
      "monthly": "Monthly",
      "mute": "Mute",
      "name": "Name",
      "new": {
        "bookmark": "New bookmark",
        "document": "New document",
        "file": "New file",
        "folder": "New folder",
        "note": "New note",
        "project": "New project",
        "tab": "New tab",
        "text": "New",
        "window": "New window",
        "workspace": "New workspace"
      "next": {
        "chapter": "Next chapter",
        "page": "Next page",
        "text": "Next",
        "track": "Next track"
      "no": "No",
      "no_elements": "No elements",
      "no_items": "No items",
      "non_commercial": "Non-commercial",
      "none": {
        "female": "None",
        "male": "None",
        "other": "None"
      "offline": "Offline",
      "offline_mode": "Offline mode",
      "ok": "OK",
      "online": "Online",
      "open": {
        "all": "Open all",
        "directory": "Open directory",
        "file": "Open file",
        "in_new": {
          "tab": "Open in new tab",
          "window": "Open in new window"
        "text": "Open",
        "url": "Open URL"
      "operation": {
        "canceled": "Operation canceled",
        "completed": "Operation completed",
        "failed": "Operation failed",
        "in_progress": "Operation in progress",
        "pending": "Operation pending",
        "started": "Operation started",
        "succeeded": "Operation succeeded",
        "text": "Operation",
        "timed_out": "Operation timed out"
      "optional": "Optional",
      "panel": "Panel",
      "paste": "Paste",
      "pause": "Pause",
      "paused": "Paused",
      "pending": "Pending",
      "perform": "Perform",
      "personal": "Personal",
      "play": "Play",
      "play_pause": "Play/Pause",
      "previous": {
        "chapter": "Previous chapter",
        "page": "Previous page",
        "text": "Previous",
        "track": "Previous track"
      "private": "Private",
      "public": "Public",
      "quantity": "Quantity",
      "quarterly": "Quarterly",
      "question": "Question",
      "redo": "Redo",
      "refresh": "Refresh",
      "reject": "Reject",
      "rejected": "Rejected",
      "remote": "Remote",
      "remove": "Remove",
      "repeat": {
        "all": "Repeat all",
        "none": "Repeat none",
        "one": "Repeat one",
        "text": "Repeat"
      "replace": {
        "all": "Replace all",
        "text": "Replace"
      "replay": "Replay",
      "report": {
        "error": "Report an error",
        "text": "Report"
      "required": "Required",
      "reset": {
        "all": {
          "content_settings": "Reset all content and settings"
        "text": "Reset"
      "results": "Results",
      "resumed": "Resumed",
      "retry": "Retry",
      "rewind": "Rewind",
      "rights_denied": "Rights denied",
      "rights_granted": "Rights granted",
      "save": {
        "all": "Save all",
        "and": {
          "close": "Save and close",
          "exit": "Save and exit"
        "as": "Save as",
        "text": "Save"
      "saved": "Saved",
      "search": "Search",
      "select": {
        "all": "Select all",
        "none": "Select none",
        "text": "Select"
      "selection": "Selection",
      "sell": "Sell",
      "semi_annually": "Semi-annually",
      "service_unavailable": "Service unavailable",
      "share": {
        "app": "Share this app",
        "text": "Share"
      "shuffle": "Shuffle",
      "skip": {
        "backward": "Skip backward",
        "forward": "Skip forward",
        "next": "Skip next",
        "previous": "Skip previous",
        "text": "Skip"
      "stop": "Stop",
      "submit": "Submit",
      "success": "Success",
      "sync": "Sync",
      "synced": "Synced",
      "template": "Template",
      "time": {
        "elapsed": "Time elapsed",
        "remaining": "Time remaining",
        "text": "Time"
      "tip": "Tip",
      "toggle": {
        "all": "Toggle all",
        "text": "Toggle"
      "try": {
        "again": "Try again",
        "later": "Try later",
        "text": "Try"
      "undo": "Undo",
      "uninstall": "Uninstall",
      "unlocked": "Unlocked",
      "unmute": "Unmute",
      "unsync": "Unsync",
      "unsynced": "Unsynced",
      "update": "Update",
      "upgrade": {
        "now": "Upgrade now",
        "text": "Upgrade"
      "upload": "Upload",
      "user_inputs": "User inputs",
      "valid": "Valid",
      "visible": "Visible",
      "volume": "Volume",
      "warning": "Warning",
      "watch": {
        "later": "Watch later",
        "now": "Watch now",
        "text": "Watch"
      "website": "Website",
      "weekly": "Weekly",
      "yearly": "Yearly",
      "yes": "Yes",
      "yesterday": "Yesterday",
      "zoom": {
        "in": "Zoom in",
        "out": "Zoom out",
        "reset": "Reset zoom",
        "text": "Zoom"
    "message": {
      "action": {
        "canceled": "Action canceled.",
        "completed": "Action completed."
      "bugs_fixes_improvements": "Minor bug fixes and improvements.",
      "checking_connection": "Checking connection...",
      "congratulations": "Congratulations!",
      "copied": "Copied!",
      "copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard!",
      "copied_value_to_clipboard": "Copied {value} to clipboard!",
      "dark_mode_support": "Dark Mode support.",
      "erase_all_content_and_settings_explanation": "This action will permanently delete all data from this app, including your personal settings, preferences, and saved information. This process is irreversible.",
      "example": "Example:",
      "failed_to": {
        "generate": {
          "csv": "A problem was encountered while creating the CSV file.",
          "excel": "A problem was encountered while creating the Excel file.",
          "file": "A problem was encountered while creating the file.",
          "pdf": "A problem was encountered while creating the PDF file.",
          "text": "A problem was encountered while creating the text file."
        "load": {
          "csv": "A problem was encountered while loading the CSV file.",
          "data": "A problem was encountered while loading the data.",
          "excel": "A problem was encountered while loading the Excel file.",
          "file": "A problem was encountered while loading the file.",
          "pdf": "A problem was encountered while loading the PDF file.",
          "text": "A problem was encountered while loading the text file."
        "perform": {
          "action": "A problem was encountered while performing the action."
        "save": {
          "csv": "A problem was encountered while saving the CSV file.",
          "data": "A problem was encountered while saving the data.",
          "excel": "A problem was encountered while saving the Excel file.",
          "file": "A problem was encountered while saving the file.",
          "pdf": "A problem was encountered while saving the PDF file.",
          "text": "A problem was encountered while saving the text file."
      "finally": "Finally!",
      "generating": {
        "csv": "Generating CSV file...",
        "excel": "Generating Excel file...",
        "pdf": "Generating PDF file...",
        "text": "Generation in progress..."
      "have_wonderful_day": "Have a wonderful day!",
      "last_updated_on": "Last updated on {date}",
      "let_get_started": "Let's get started!",
      "loading": {
        "data": "Loading data...",
        "pdf": "Loading PDF...",
        "text": "Loading..."
      "modern_design": "Modern Look.",
      "no": {
        "results_found": "No results found."
      "no_favorites": "No favorites.",
      "pdf_generated_by": "PDF generated by {app_name}",
      "performing": "Performing...",
      "please_wait": "Please wait...",
      "processing": "Processing...",
      "ready": {
        "csv": "CSV file ready!",
        "excel": "Excel file ready!",
        "file": "File ready!",
        "pdf": "PDF file ready!",
        "text": "Ready!"
      "require": {
        "internet_connection": "An internet connection is required."
      "saving": "Saving...",
      "search": "Search...",
      "searching": "Searching...",
      "share": {
        "invite": "Hey, I've discovered this amazing app that will make your life easier. Check it out!"
      "sorry": "Sorry...",
      "success": "Success!",
      "thank_you": "Thank you!",
      "try": {
        "steps_back_online": "Try these steps to get back online:"
      "warning": "Warning!",
      "welcome": "Welcome!",
      "whats_new": "What's new?",
      "whoops": "Whoops!"
    "question": {
      "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?",
      "erase_all_content_and_settings": "Are you sure you want to erase all content and settings?",
      "export": {
        "data": {
          "as": {
            "csv": "Would you like to export this data as a CSV?",
            "excel": "Would you like to export this data as an Excel file?",
            "pdf": "Would you like to export this data as a PDF?",
            "text": "Would you like to export this data?"
      "generate": {
        "data": {
          "csv": "Would you like to generate a CSV version of this data?",
          "excel": "Would you like to generate an Excel version of this data?",
          "pdf": "Would you like to generate a PDF version of this data?"
    "select": {
      "country": "Select a country",
      "frequency": "Select a frequency",
      "method": "Select a method"
    "warning": {
      "offline": "The application is currently operating in offline mode, which means that the data may not be up to date"