en constant

Map<String, dynamic> const en


static const Map<String,dynamic> en = {
  "ad": {
    "disclaimer": {
      "user_tracking": "This identifier will be used to suggest targeted advertising to you based on your interests."
    "error": {
      "dimissed_ad": "Since you dismissed the ad early, you will not receive a reward. Please try again later.",
      "failed_to_load_ad": "Unable to load the ad. Please try again later.",
      "no_ads_available": "Currently, there are no ads available. Please check back later."
    "label": {
      "ad": "Ad",
      "advertisement": "Advertisement",
      "no_ads_available": "No ads available",
      "personalized_ads": "Personalized ads",
      "sponsored": "Sponsored",
      "watch_ad": "Watch an ad"
    "message": {
      "discover_other_app": "Take a look at our other free apps!",
      "enjoy_your_reward": {
        "csv": "Congratulations! Your CSV file is ready. Happy reading!",
        "excel": "Congratulations! Your Excel file is ready. Happy reading!",
        "pdf": "Congratulations! Your PDF file is ready. Happy reading!",
        "text": "Enjoy your reward!"
      "go_ad_free": "Go ad-free!",
      "lucky_you": "Lucky you!",
      "no_ads_now": "No advertisements for now. Enjoy the application!",
      "say_goodbye_to_ads": "Say goodbye to ads!",
      "watch_ad": {
        "unlock": {
          "csv": "Watch a short ad to unlock the ability to export your data as a CSV!",
          "excel": "Watch a short ad to unlock the ability to export your data as an Excel file!",
          "feature": "Watch a short ad to unlock this feature!",
          "feature_plural": "Watch a short ad to unlock these features!",
          "pdf": "Watch a short ad to unlock the ability to export your data as a PDF!"