LineIcon class

Class for a single Icon (not IconData), based on constructors.

For instance: final Icon icon = LineIcon.mobilePhone();

If you're looking for IconData instead of Icon objects, please see LineIcons class.



LineIcon(IconData icon, {Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
General constructor Not intended to be used widely, but who knows. It may come at hand sometime
LineIcon.accessibleIcon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for accessible_icon icon Name accessible_icon turns into flutterish accessibleIcon
LineIcon.accusoft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for accusoft icon Name accusoft turns into flutterish accusoft
LineIcon.acquisitionsIncorporated({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for acquisitions_incorporated icon Name acquisitions_incorporated turns into flutterish acquisitionsIncorporated
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ad icon Name ad turns into flutterish ad
LineIcon.addressBook({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for address_book icon Name address_book turns into flutterish addressBook
LineIcon.addressBookAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for address_book_1 icon Name address_book_1 turns into flutterish addressBookAlt
LineIcon.addressCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for address_card icon Name address_card turns into flutterish addressCard
LineIcon.addressCardAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for address_card_1 icon Name address_card_1 turns into flutterish addressCardAlt
LineIcon.addToShoppingCart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for add_to_shopping_cart icon Name add_to_shopping_cart turns into flutterish addToShoppingCart
LineIcon.adjust({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for adjust icon Name adjust turns into flutterish adjust
LineIcon.adobe({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for adobe icon Name adobe turns into flutterish adobe
LineIcon.adversal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for adversal icon Name adversal turns into flutterish adversal
LineIcon.affiliatetheme({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for affiliatetheme icon Name affiliatetheme turns into flutterish affiliatetheme
LineIcon.airbnb({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for airbnb icon Name airbnb turns into flutterish airbnb
LineIcon.airFreshener({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for air_freshener icon Name air_freshener turns into flutterish airFreshener
LineIcon.algolia({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for algolia icon Name algolia turns into flutterish algolia
LineIcon.alignCenter({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for align_center icon Name align_center turns into flutterish alignCenter
LineIcon.alignJustify({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for align_justify icon Name align_justify turns into flutterish alignJustify
LineIcon.alignLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for align_left icon Name align_left turns into flutterish alignLeft
LineIcon.alignRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for align_right icon Name align_right turns into flutterish alignRight
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alipay icon Name alipay turns into flutterish alipay
LineIcon.allergies({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for allergies icon Name allergies turns into flutterish allergies
LineIcon.alternateArrowCircleDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrow_circle_down icon Name alternate_arrow_circle_down turns into flutterish alternateArrowCircleDown
LineIcon.alternateArrowCircleDownAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrow_circle_down_1 icon Name alternate_arrow_circle_down_1 turns into flutterish alternateArrowCircleDownAlt
LineIcon.alternateArrowCircleLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrow_circle_left icon Name alternate_arrow_circle_left turns into flutterish alternateArrowCircleLeft
LineIcon.alternateArrowCircleLeftAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrow_circle_left_1 icon Name alternate_arrow_circle_left_1 turns into flutterish alternateArrowCircleLeftAlt
LineIcon.alternateArrowCircleRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrow_circle_right icon Name alternate_arrow_circle_right turns into flutterish alternateArrowCircleRight
LineIcon.alternateArrowCircleRightAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrow_circle_right_1 icon Name alternate_arrow_circle_right_1 turns into flutterish alternateArrowCircleRightAlt
LineIcon.alternateArrowCircleUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrow_circle_up icon Name alternate_arrow_circle_up turns into flutterish alternateArrowCircleUp
LineIcon.alternateArrowCircleUpAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrow_circle_up_1 icon Name alternate_arrow_circle_up_1 turns into flutterish alternateArrowCircleUpAlt
LineIcon.alternateArrows({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrows icon Name alternate_arrows turns into flutterish alternateArrows
LineIcon.alternateArrowsHorizontal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrows_horizontal icon Name alternate_arrows_horizontal turns into flutterish alternateArrowsHorizontal
LineIcon.alternateArrowsVertical({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_arrows_vertical icon Name alternate_arrows_vertical turns into flutterish alternateArrowsVertical
LineIcon.alternateCalendar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_calendar icon Name alternate_calendar turns into flutterish alternateCalendar
LineIcon.alternateCalendarAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_calendar_1 icon Name alternate_calendar_1 turns into flutterish alternateCalendarAlt
LineIcon.alternateCar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_car icon Name alternate_car turns into flutterish alternateCar
LineIcon.alternateCloudDownload({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_cloud_download icon Name alternate_cloud_download turns into flutterish alternateCloudDownload
LineIcon.alternateCloudUpload({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_cloud_upload icon Name alternate_cloud_upload turns into flutterish alternateCloudUpload
LineIcon.alternateComment({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_comment icon Name alternate_comment turns into flutterish alternateComment
LineIcon.alternateCommentAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_comment_1 icon Name alternate_comment_1 turns into flutterish alternateCommentAlt
LineIcon.alternateCompressArrows({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_compress_arrows icon Name alternate_compress_arrows turns into flutterish alternateCompressArrows
LineIcon.alternateCreativeCommonsPublicDomain({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_creative_commons_public_domain icon Name alternate_creative_commons_public_domain turns into flutterish alternateCreativeCommonsPublicDomain
LineIcon.alternateCrop({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_crop icon Name alternate_crop turns into flutterish alternateCrop
Constructor for alternate_css3_logo icon Name alternate_css3_logo turns into flutterish alternateCss3Logo
LineIcon.alternateExchange({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_exchange icon Name alternate_exchange turns into flutterish alternateExchange
LineIcon.alternateExpandArrows({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_expand_arrows icon Name alternate_expand_arrows turns into flutterish alternateExpandArrows
Constructor for alternate_external_link icon Name alternate_external_link turns into flutterish alternateExternalLink
LineIcon.alternateExternalLinkSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_external_link_square icon Name alternate_external_link_square turns into flutterish alternateExternalLinkSquare
LineIcon.alternateFeather({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_feather icon Name alternate_feather turns into flutterish alternateFeather
LineIcon.alternateFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_file icon Name alternate_file turns into flutterish alternateFile
LineIcon.alternateFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_file_1 icon Name alternate_file_1 turns into flutterish alternateFileAlt
LineIcon.alternateFire({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_fire icon Name alternate_fire turns into flutterish alternateFire
LineIcon.alternateFirstOrder({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_first_order icon Name alternate_first_order turns into flutterish alternateFirstOrder
LineIcon.alternateFontAwesome({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_font_awesome icon Name alternate_font_awesome turns into flutterish alternateFontAwesome
LineIcon.alternateFortAwesome({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_fort_awesome icon Name alternate_fort_awesome turns into flutterish alternateFortAwesome
LineIcon.alternateGithub({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_github icon Name alternate_github turns into flutterish alternateGithub
LineIcon.alternateGlassMartini({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_glass_martini icon Name alternate_glass_martini turns into flutterish alternateGlassMartini
LineIcon.alternateGrinningFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_grinning_face icon Name alternate_grinning_face turns into flutterish alternateGrinningFace
LineIcon.alternateGrinningFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_grinning_face_1 icon Name alternate_grinning_face_1 turns into flutterish alternateGrinningFaceAlt
LineIcon.alternateHeadphones({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_headphones icon Name alternate_headphones turns into flutterish alternateHeadphones
LineIcon.alternateHospital({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_hospital icon Name alternate_hospital turns into flutterish alternateHospital
LineIcon.alternateIdentificationCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_identification_card icon Name alternate_identification_card turns into flutterish alternateIdentificationCard
LineIcon.alternateLevelDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_level_down icon Name alternate_level_down turns into flutterish alternateLevelDown
LineIcon.alternateLevelUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_level_up icon Name alternate_level_up turns into flutterish alternateLevelUp
LineIcon.alternateList({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_list icon Name alternate_list turns into flutterish alternateList
LineIcon.alternateListAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_list_1 icon Name alternate_list_1 turns into flutterish alternateListAlt
LineIcon.alternateLongArrowDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_long_arrow_down icon Name alternate_long_arrow_down turns into flutterish alternateLongArrowDown
LineIcon.alternateLongArrowLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_long_arrow_left icon Name alternate_long_arrow_left turns into flutterish alternateLongArrowLeft
LineIcon.alternateLongArrowRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_long_arrow_right icon Name alternate_long_arrow_right turns into flutterish alternateLongArrowRight
LineIcon.alternateLongArrowUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_long_arrow_up icon Name alternate_long_arrow_up turns into flutterish alternateLongArrowUp
LineIcon.alternateMapMarked({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_map_marked icon Name alternate_map_marked turns into flutterish alternateMapMarked
LineIcon.alternateMapMarker({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_map_marker icon Name alternate_map_marker turns into flutterish alternateMapMarker
LineIcon.alternateMedicalChat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_medical_chat icon Name alternate_medical_chat turns into flutterish alternateMedicalChat
LineIcon.alternateMedicalFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_medical_file icon Name alternate_medical_file turns into flutterish alternateMedicalFile
LineIcon.alternateMicrophone({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_microphone icon Name alternate_microphone turns into flutterish alternateMicrophone
LineIcon.alternateMicrophoneSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_microphone_slash icon Name alternate_microphone_slash turns into flutterish alternateMicrophoneSlash
LineIcon.alternateMobile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_mobile icon Name alternate_mobile turns into flutterish alternateMobile
LineIcon.alternateMoneyBill({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_money_bill icon Name alternate_money_bill turns into flutterish alternateMoneyBill
LineIcon.alternateMoneyBillAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_money_bill_1 icon Name alternate_money_bill_1 turns into flutterish alternateMoneyBillAlt
LineIcon.alternateMoneyCheck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_money_check icon Name alternate_money_check turns into flutterish alternateMoneyCheck
LineIcon.alternatePen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_pen icon Name alternate_pen turns into flutterish alternatePen
LineIcon.alternatePencil({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_pencil icon Name alternate_pencil turns into flutterish alternatePencil
LineIcon.alternatePhone({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_phone icon Name alternate_phone turns into flutterish alternatePhone
LineIcon.alternatePhoneSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_phone_square icon Name alternate_phone_square turns into flutterish alternatePhoneSquare
Constructor for alternate_pied_piper_logo icon Name alternate_pied_piper_logo turns into flutterish alternatePiedPiperLogo
LineIcon.alternatePrescriptionBottle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_prescription_bottle icon Name alternate_prescription_bottle turns into flutterish alternatePrescriptionBottle
LineIcon.alternateRadiation({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_radiation icon Name alternate_radiation turns into flutterish alternateRadiation
LineIcon.alternateRedo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_redo icon Name alternate_redo turns into flutterish alternateRedo
LineIcon.alternateShare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_share icon Name alternate_share turns into flutterish alternateShare
LineIcon.alternateShareSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_share_square icon Name alternate_share_square turns into flutterish alternateShareSquare
LineIcon.alternateShield({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_shield icon Name alternate_shield turns into flutterish alternateShield
LineIcon.alternateSignIn({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_sign_in icon Name alternate_sign_in turns into flutterish alternateSignIn
LineIcon.alternateSignOut({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_sign_out icon Name alternate_sign_out turns into flutterish alternateSignOut
LineIcon.alternateSortAlphabeticalDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_sort_alphabetical_down icon Name alternate_sort_alphabetical_down turns into flutterish alternateSortAlphabeticalDown
LineIcon.alternateSortAlphabeticalUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_sort_alphabetical_up icon Name alternate_sort_alphabetical_up turns into flutterish alternateSortAlphabeticalUp
LineIcon.alternateSortAmountDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_sort_amount_down icon Name alternate_sort_amount_down turns into flutterish alternateSortAmountDown
LineIcon.alternateSortAmountUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_sort_amount_up icon Name alternate_sort_amount_up turns into flutterish alternateSortAmountUp
LineIcon.alternateSortNumericDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_sort_numeric_down icon Name alternate_sort_numeric_down turns into flutterish alternateSortNumericDown
LineIcon.alternateSortNumericUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_sort_numeric_up icon Name alternate_sort_numeric_up turns into flutterish alternateSortNumericUp
LineIcon.alternateSquareRoot({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_square_root icon Name alternate_square_root turns into flutterish alternateSquareRoot
LineIcon.alternateStarHalf({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_star_half icon Name alternate_star_half turns into flutterish alternateStarHalf
LineIcon.alternateStore({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_store icon Name alternate_store turns into flutterish alternateStore
LineIcon.alternateSync({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_sync icon Name alternate_sync turns into flutterish alternateSync
LineIcon.alternateTablet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_tablet icon Name alternate_tablet turns into flutterish alternateTablet
LineIcon.alternateTachometer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_tachometer icon Name alternate_tachometer turns into flutterish alternateTachometer
LineIcon.alternateTicket({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_ticket icon Name alternate_ticket turns into flutterish alternateTicket
LineIcon.alternateTransgender({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_transgender icon Name alternate_transgender turns into flutterish alternateTransgender
LineIcon.alternateTrash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_trash icon Name alternate_trash turns into flutterish alternateTrash
LineIcon.alternateTrashAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_trash_1 icon Name alternate_trash_1 turns into flutterish alternateTrashAlt
LineIcon.alternateUndo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_undo icon Name alternate_undo turns into flutterish alternateUndo
LineIcon.alternateUnlock({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_unlock icon Name alternate_unlock turns into flutterish alternateUnlock
LineIcon.alternateUser({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_user icon Name alternate_user turns into flutterish alternateUser
LineIcon.alternateUserSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_user_slash icon Name alternate_user_slash turns into flutterish alternateUserSlash
LineIcon.alternateWavyMoneyBill({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_wavy_money_bill icon Name alternate_wavy_money_bill turns into flutterish alternateWavyMoneyBill
LineIcon.alternateWineGlas({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_wine_glas icon Name alternate_wine_glas turns into flutterish alternateWineGlas
LineIcon.alternateWineGlass({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternate_wine_glass icon Name alternate_wine_glas turns into flutterish alternateWineGlass
LineIcon.alternativeTrashRestore({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for alternative_trash_restore icon Name alternative_trash_restore turns into flutterish alternativeTrashRestore
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for amazon icon Name amazon turns into flutterish amazon
LineIcon.amazonPay({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for amazon_pay icon Name amazon_pay turns into flutterish amazonPay
LineIcon.amazonPayCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for amazon_pay_credit_card icon Name amazon_pay_credit_card turns into flutterish amazonPayCreditCard
LineIcon.amazonWebServicesAws({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for amazon_web_services__aws_ icon Name amazon_web_services__aws_ turns into flutterish amazonWebServicesAws
LineIcon.ambulance({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ambulance icon Name ambulance turns into flutterish ambulance
LineIcon.americanExpressCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for american_express_credit_card icon Name american_express_credit_card turns into flutterish americanExpressCreditCard
LineIcon.americanSignLanguageInterpreting({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for american_sign_language_interpreting icon Name american_sign_language_interpreting turns into flutterish americanSignLanguageInterpreting
LineIcon.amilia({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for amilia icon Name amilia turns into flutterish amilia
LineIcon.anchor({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for anchor icon Name anchor turns into flutterish anchor
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for android icon Name android turns into flutterish android
LineIcon.angellist({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angellist icon Name angellist turns into flutterish angellist
LineIcon.angleDoubleDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angle_double_down icon Name angle_double_down turns into flutterish angleDoubleDown
LineIcon.angleDoubleLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angle_double_left icon Name angle_double_left turns into flutterish angleDoubleLeft
LineIcon.angleDoubleRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angle_double_right icon Name angle_double_right turns into flutterish angleDoubleRight
LineIcon.angleDoubleUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angle_double_up icon Name angle_double_up turns into flutterish angleDoubleUp
LineIcon.angleDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angle_down icon Name angle_down turns into flutterish angleDown
LineIcon.angleLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angle_left icon Name angle_left turns into flutterish angleLeft
LineIcon.angleRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angle_right icon Name angle_right turns into flutterish angleRight
LineIcon.angleUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angle_up icon Name angle_up turns into flutterish angleUp
LineIcon.angryCreative({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angry_creative icon Name angry_creative turns into flutterish angryCreative
LineIcon.angryFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angry_face icon Name angry_face turns into flutterish angryFace
LineIcon.angryFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angry_face_1 icon Name angry_face_1 turns into flutterish angryFaceAlt
LineIcon.angular({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for angular icon Name angular turns into flutterish angular
LineIcon.ankh({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ankh icon Name ankh turns into flutterish ankh
LineIcon.apperSystemsAb({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for apper_systems_ab icon Name apper_systems_ab turns into flutterish apperSystemsAb
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for apple icon Name apple turns into flutterish apple
LineIcon.applePay({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for apple_pay icon Name apple_pay turns into flutterish applePay
LineIcon.applePayCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for apple_pay_credit_card icon Name apple_pay_credit_card turns into flutterish applePayCreditCard
LineIcon.appNet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for app_net icon Name app_net turns into flutterish appNet
LineIcon.appStore({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for app_store icon Name app_store turns into flutterish appStore
LineIcon.archive({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for archive icon Name archive turns into flutterish archive
LineIcon.archiveFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for archive_file icon Name archive_file turns into flutterish archiveFile
LineIcon.archiveFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for archive_file_1 icon Name archive_file_1 turns into flutterish archiveFileAlt
LineIcon.archway({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for archway icon Name archway turns into flutterish archway
LineIcon.areaChart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for area_chart icon Name area_chart turns into flutterish areaChart
LineIcon.arrowCircleDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for arrow_circle_down icon Name arrow_circle_down turns into flutterish arrowCircleDown
LineIcon.arrowCircleLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for arrow_circle_left icon Name arrow_circle_left turns into flutterish arrowCircleLeft
LineIcon.arrowCircleRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for arrow_circle_right icon Name arrow_circle_right turns into flutterish arrowCircleRight
LineIcon.arrowCircleUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for arrow_circle_up icon Name arrow_circle_up turns into flutterish arrowCircleUp
LineIcon.arrowDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for arrow_down icon Name arrow_down turns into flutterish arrowDown
LineIcon.arrowLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for arrow_left icon Name arrow_left turns into flutterish arrowLeft
LineIcon.arrowRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for arrow_right icon Name arrow_right turns into flutterish arrowRight
LineIcon.arrowUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for arrow_up icon Name arrow_up turns into flutterish arrowUp
LineIcon.artstation({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for artstation icon Name artstation turns into flutterish artstation
LineIcon.assistiveListeningSystems({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for assistive_listening_systems icon Name assistive_listening_systems turns into flutterish assistiveListeningSystems
LineIcon.asterisk({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for asterisk icon Name asterisk turns into flutterish asterisk
LineIcon.asymmetrikLtd({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for asymmetrik__ltd_ icon Name asymmetrik__ltd_ turns into flutterish asymmetrikLtd
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for at icon Name at turns into flutterish at
LineIcon.atlas({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for atlas icon Name atlas turns into flutterish atlas
LineIcon.atlassian({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for atlassian icon Name atlassian turns into flutterish atlassian
LineIcon.atom({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for atom icon Name atom turns into flutterish atom
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for audible icon Name audible turns into flutterish audible
LineIcon.audioDescription({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for audio_description icon Name audio_description turns into flutterish audioDescription
LineIcon.audioFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for audio_file icon Name audio_file turns into flutterish audioFile
LineIcon.audioFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for audio_file_1 icon Name audio_file_1 turns into flutterish audioFileAlt
LineIcon.autoprefixer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for autoprefixer icon Name autoprefixer turns into flutterish autoprefixer
LineIcon.avianex({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for avianex icon Name avianex turns into flutterish avianex
LineIcon.aviato({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for aviato icon Name aviato turns into flutterish aviato
LineIcon.award({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for award icon Name award turns into flutterish award
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for baby icon Name baby turns into flutterish baby
LineIcon.babyCarriage({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for baby_carriage icon Name baby_carriage turns into flutterish babyCarriage
LineIcon.backspace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for backspace icon Name backspace turns into flutterish backspace
LineIcon.backward({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for backward icon Name backward turns into flutterish backward
LineIcon.bacon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bacon icon Name bacon turns into flutterish bacon
LineIcon.balanceScale({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for balance_scale icon Name balance_scale turns into flutterish balanceScale
LineIcon.balanceScaleLeftWeighted({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for balance_scale__left_weighted_ icon Name balance_scale__left_weighted_ turns into flutterish balanceScaleLeftWeighted
LineIcon.balanceScaleRightWeighted({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for balance_scale__right_weighted_ icon Name balance_scale__right_weighted_ turns into flutterish balanceScaleRightWeighted
LineIcon.ban({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ban icon Name ban turns into flutterish ban
LineIcon.bandAid({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for band_aid icon Name band_aid turns into flutterish bandAid
LineIcon.bandcamp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bandcamp icon Name bandcamp turns into flutterish bandcamp
LineIcon.barChart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bar_chart icon Name bar_chart turns into flutterish barChart
LineIcon.barChartAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bar_chart_1 icon Name bar_chart_1 turns into flutterish barChartAlt
LineIcon.barcode({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for barcode icon Name barcode turns into flutterish barcode
LineIcon.bars({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bars icon Name bars turns into flutterish bars
LineIcon.baseballBall({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for baseball_ball icon Name baseball_ball turns into flutterish baseballBall
LineIcon.basketballBall({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for basketball_ball icon Name basketball_ball turns into flutterish basketballBall
LineIcon.bath({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bath icon Name bath turns into flutterish bath
LineIcon.battery34Full({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for battery_3_4_full icon Name battery_3_4_full turns into flutterish battery34Full
LineIcon.batteryAlt2Full({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for battery_1_2_full icon Name battery_1_2_full turns into flutterish batteryAlt2Full
LineIcon.batteryAlt4Full({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for battery_1_4_full icon Name battery_1_4_full turns into flutterish batteryAlt4Full
LineIcon.batteryEmpty({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for battery_empty icon Name battery_empty turns into flutterish batteryEmpty
LineIcon.batteryFull({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for battery_full icon Name battery_full turns into flutterish batteryFull
LineIcon.battleNet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for battle_net icon Name battle_net turns into flutterish battleNet
LineIcon.beamingFaceWithSmilingEyes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes icon Name beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes turns into flutterish beamingFaceWithSmilingEyes
LineIcon.beamingFaceWithSmilingEyesAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes_1 icon Name beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes_1 turns into flutterish beamingFaceWithSmilingEyesAlt
LineIcon.bed({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bed icon Name bed turns into flutterish bed
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for beer icon Name beer turns into flutterish beer
LineIcon.behance({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for behance icon Name behance turns into flutterish behance
LineIcon.behanceSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for behance_square icon Name behance_square turns into flutterish behanceSquare
LineIcon.bell({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bell icon Name bell turns into flutterish bell
LineIcon.bellAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bell_1 icon Name bell_1 turns into flutterish bellAlt
LineIcon.bellSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bell_slash icon Name bell_slash turns into flutterish bellSlash
LineIcon.bellSlashAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bell_slash_1 icon Name bell_slash_1 turns into flutterish bellSlashAlt
LineIcon.bezierCurve({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bezier_curve icon Name bezier_curve turns into flutterish bezierCurve
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bible icon Name bible turns into flutterish bible
LineIcon.bicycle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bicycle icon Name bicycle turns into flutterish bicycle
LineIcon.biking({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for biking icon Name biking turns into flutterish biking
LineIcon.bimobject({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bimobject icon Name bimobject turns into flutterish bimobject
LineIcon.binoculars({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for binoculars icon Name binoculars turns into flutterish binoculars
LineIcon.biohazard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for biohazard icon Name biohazard turns into flutterish biohazard
LineIcon.birthdayCake({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for birthday_cake icon Name birthday_cake turns into flutterish birthdayCake
LineIcon.bitbucket({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bitbucket icon Name bitbucket turns into flutterish bitbucket
LineIcon.bitcoin({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bitcoin icon Name bitcoin turns into flutterish bitcoin
LineIcon.bity({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bity icon Name bity turns into flutterish bity
LineIcon.blackberry({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for blackberry icon Name blackberry turns into flutterish blackberry
LineIcon.blender({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for blender icon Name blender turns into flutterish blender
LineIcon.blenderPhone({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for blender_phone icon Name blender_phone turns into flutterish blenderPhone
LineIcon.blind({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for blind icon Name blind turns into flutterish blind
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for blog icon Name blog turns into flutterish blog
LineIcon.blogger({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for blogger icon Name blogger turns into flutterish blogger
LineIcon.bloggerB({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for blogger_b icon Name blogger_b turns into flutterish bloggerB
LineIcon.bluetooth({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bluetooth icon Name bluetooth turns into flutterish bluetooth
LineIcon.bluetooth2({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bluetooth_2 icon Name bluetooth_2 turns into flutterish bluetooth2
LineIcon.bold({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bold icon Name bold turns into flutterish bold
LineIcon.bomb({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bomb icon Name bomb turns into flutterish bomb
LineIcon.bone({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bone icon Name bone turns into flutterish bone
LineIcon.bong({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bong icon Name bong turns into flutterish bong
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for book icon Name book turns into flutterish book
LineIcon.bookmark({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bookmark icon Name bookmark turns into flutterish bookmark
LineIcon.bookmarkAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bookmark_1 icon Name bookmark_1 turns into flutterish bookmarkAlt
LineIcon.bookOfTheDead({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for book_of_the_dead icon Name book_of_the_dead turns into flutterish bookOfTheDead
LineIcon.bookOpen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for book_open icon Name book_open turns into flutterish bookOpen
LineIcon.bookReader({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for book_reader icon Name book_reader turns into flutterish bookReader
LineIcon.bootstrap({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bootstrap icon Name bootstrap turns into flutterish bootstrap
LineIcon.borderAll({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for border_all icon Name border_all turns into flutterish borderAll
LineIcon.borderNone({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for border_none icon Name border_none turns into flutterish borderNone
LineIcon.borderStyle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for border_style icon Name border_style turns into flutterish borderStyle
LineIcon.bowlingBall({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bowling_ball icon Name bowling_ball turns into flutterish bowlingBall
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for box icon Name box turns into flutterish box
LineIcon.boxes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for boxes icon Name boxes turns into flutterish boxes
LineIcon.boxOpen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for box_open icon Name box_open turns into flutterish boxOpen
LineIcon.braille({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for braille icon Name braille turns into flutterish braille
LineIcon.brain({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for brain icon Name brain turns into flutterish brain
LineIcon.breadSlice({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bread_slice icon Name bread_slice turns into flutterish breadSlice
LineIcon.briefcase({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for briefcase icon Name briefcase turns into flutterish briefcase
LineIcon.broadcastTower({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for broadcast_tower icon Name broadcast_tower turns into flutterish broadcastTower
LineIcon.bRomBelExperteGmbhCoKg({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for b_rom_bel_experte_gmbh___co__kg_ icon Name b_rom_bel_experte_gmbh___co__kg_ turns into flutterish bRomBelExperteGmbhCoKg
LineIcon.broom({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for broom icon Name broom turns into flutterish broom
LineIcon.brush({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for brush icon Name brush turns into flutterish brush
LineIcon.btc({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for btc icon Name btc turns into flutterish btc
LineIcon.buffer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for buffer icon Name buffer turns into flutterish buffer
LineIcon.bug({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bug icon Name bug turns into flutterish bug
LineIcon.building({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for building icon Name building turns into flutterish building
LineIcon.buildingAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for building_1 icon Name building_1 turns into flutterish buildingAlt
LineIcon.bullhorn({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bullhorn icon Name bullhorn turns into flutterish bullhorn
LineIcon.bullseye({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bullseye icon Name bullseye turns into flutterish bullseye
LineIcon.burn({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for burn icon Name burn turns into flutterish burn
LineIcon.bus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bus icon Name bus turns into flutterish bus
LineIcon.busAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for bus_alt icon Name bus_alt turns into flutterish busAlt
LineIcon.businessTime({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for business_time icon Name business_time turns into flutterish businessTime
LineIcon.buyNLarge({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for buy_n_large icon Name buy_n_large turns into flutterish buyNLarge
LineIcon.buysellads({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for buysellads icon Name buysellads turns into flutterish buysellads
LineIcon.calculator({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calculator icon Name calculator turns into flutterish calculator
LineIcon.calendar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar icon Name calendar turns into flutterish calendar
LineIcon.calendarAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_1 icon Name calendar_1 turns into flutterish calendarAlt
LineIcon.calendarCheck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_check icon Name calendar_check turns into flutterish calendarCheck
LineIcon.calendarCheckAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_check_1 icon Name calendar_check_1 turns into flutterish calendarCheckAlt
LineIcon.calendarMinus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_minus icon Name calendar_minus turns into flutterish calendarMinus
LineIcon.calendarMinusAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_minus_1 icon Name calendar_minus_1 turns into flutterish calendarMinusAlt
LineIcon.calendarPlus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_plus icon Name calendar_plus turns into flutterish calendarPlus
LineIcon.calendarPlusAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_plus_1 icon Name calendar_plus_1 turns into flutterish calendarPlusAlt
LineIcon.calendarTimes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_times icon Name calendar_times turns into flutterish calendarTimes
LineIcon.calendarTimesAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_times_1 icon Name calendar_times_1 turns into flutterish calendarTimesAlt
LineIcon.calendarWithDayFocus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_with_day_focus icon Name calendar_with_day_focus turns into flutterish calendarWithDayFocus
LineIcon.calendarWithWeekFocus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for calendar_with_week_focus icon Name calendar_with_week_focus turns into flutterish calendarWithWeekFocus
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for camera icon Name camera turns into flutterish camera
LineIcon.campground({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for campground icon Name campground turns into flutterish campground
LineIcon.canadianMapleLeaf({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for canadian_maple_leaf icon Name canadian_maple_leaf turns into flutterish canadianMapleLeaf
LineIcon.candyCane({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for candy_cane icon Name candy_cane turns into flutterish candyCane
LineIcon.cannabis({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cannabis icon Name cannabis turns into flutterish cannabis
LineIcon.capsules({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for capsules icon Name capsules turns into flutterish capsules
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for car icon Name car turns into flutterish car
LineIcon.carBattery({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for car_battery icon Name car_battery turns into flutterish carBattery
LineIcon.carCrash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for car_crash icon Name car_crash turns into flutterish carCrash
LineIcon.cardboardVr({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cardboard_vr icon Name cardboard_vr turns into flutterish cardboardVr
LineIcon.caretDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_down icon Name caret_down turns into flutterish caretDown
LineIcon.caretLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_left icon Name caret_left turns into flutterish caretLeft
LineIcon.caretRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_right icon Name caret_right turns into flutterish caretRight
LineIcon.caretSquareDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_square_down icon Name caret_square_down turns into flutterish caretSquareDown
LineIcon.caretSquareDownAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_square_down_1 icon Name caret_square_down_1 turns into flutterish caretSquareDownAlt
LineIcon.caretSquareLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_square_left icon Name caret_square_left turns into flutterish caretSquareLeft
LineIcon.caretSquareLeftAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_square_left_1 icon Name caret_square_left_1 turns into flutterish caretSquareLeftAlt
LineIcon.caretSquareRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_square_right icon Name caret_square_right turns into flutterish caretSquareRight
LineIcon.caretSquareRightAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_square_right_1 icon Name caret_square_right_1 turns into flutterish caretSquareRightAlt
LineIcon.caretSquareUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_square_up icon Name caret_square_up turns into flutterish caretSquareUp
LineIcon.caretSquareUpAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_square_up_1 icon Name caret_square_up_1 turns into flutterish caretSquareUpAlt
LineIcon.caretUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for caret_up icon Name caret_up turns into flutterish caretUp
LineIcon.carrot({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for carrot icon Name carrot turns into flutterish carrot
LineIcon.carSide({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for car_side icon Name car_side turns into flutterish carSide
LineIcon.cashRegister({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cash_register icon Name cash_register turns into flutterish cashRegister
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cat icon Name cat turns into flutterish cat
LineIcon.centercode({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for centercode icon Name centercode turns into flutterish centercode
LineIcon.centos({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for centos icon Name centos turns into flutterish centos
LineIcon.certificate({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for certificate icon Name certificate turns into flutterish certificate
LineIcon.chair({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chair icon Name chair turns into flutterish chair
LineIcon.chalkboard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chalkboard icon Name chalkboard turns into flutterish chalkboard
LineIcon.chalkboardTeacher({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chalkboard_teacher icon Name chalkboard_teacher turns into flutterish chalkboardTeacher
LineIcon.chargingStation({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for charging_station icon Name charging_station turns into flutterish chargingStation
LineIcon.check({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for check icon Name check turns into flutterish check
LineIcon.checkCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for check_circle icon Name check_circle turns into flutterish checkCircle
LineIcon.checkCircleAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for check_circle_1 icon Name check_circle_1 turns into flutterish checkCircleAlt
LineIcon.checkSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for check_square icon Name check_square turns into flutterish checkSquare
LineIcon.checkSquareAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for check_square_1 icon Name check_square_1 turns into flutterish checkSquareAlt
LineIcon.cheese({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cheese icon Name cheese turns into flutterish cheese
LineIcon.chess({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chess icon Name chess turns into flutterish chess
LineIcon.chessBishop({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chess_bishop icon Name chess_bishop turns into flutterish chessBishop
LineIcon.chessBoard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chess_board icon Name chess_board turns into flutterish chessBoard
LineIcon.chessKing({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chess_king icon Name chess_king turns into flutterish chessKing
LineIcon.chessKnight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chess_knight icon Name chess_knight turns into flutterish chessKnight
LineIcon.chessPawn({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chess_pawn icon Name chess_pawn turns into flutterish chessPawn
LineIcon.chessQueen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chess_queen icon Name chess_queen turns into flutterish chessQueen
LineIcon.chessRook({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chess_rook icon Name chess_rook turns into flutterish chessRook
LineIcon.chevronCircleDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chevron_circle_down icon Name chevron_circle_down turns into flutterish chevronCircleDown
LineIcon.chevronCircleLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chevron_circle_left icon Name chevron_circle_left turns into flutterish chevronCircleLeft
LineIcon.chevronCircleRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chevron_circle_right icon Name chevron_circle_right turns into flutterish chevronCircleRight
LineIcon.chevronCircleUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chevron_circle_up icon Name chevron_circle_up turns into flutterish chevronCircleUp
LineIcon.chevronDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chevron_down icon Name chevron_down turns into flutterish chevronDown
LineIcon.chevronLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chevron_left icon Name chevron_left turns into flutterish chevronLeft
LineIcon.chevronRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chevron_right icon Name chevron_right turns into flutterish chevronRight
LineIcon.chevronUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chevron_up icon Name chevron_up turns into flutterish chevronUp
LineIcon.child({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for child icon Name child turns into flutterish child
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chrome icon Name chrome turns into flutterish chrome
LineIcon.chromecast({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for chromecast icon Name chromecast turns into flutterish chromecast
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for church icon Name church turns into flutterish church
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for circle icon Name circle turns into flutterish circle
LineIcon.circleAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for circle_1 icon Name circle_1 turns into flutterish circleAlt
LineIcon.circleNotched({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for circle_notched icon Name circle_notched turns into flutterish circleNotched
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for city icon Name city turns into flutterish city
LineIcon.clipboard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for clipboard icon Name clipboard turns into flutterish clipboard
LineIcon.clipboardAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for clipboard_1 icon Name clipboard_1 turns into flutterish clipboardAlt
LineIcon.clipboardList({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for clipboard_list icon Name clipboard_list turns into flutterish clipboardList
LineIcon.clipboardWithCheck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for clipboard_with_check icon Name clipboard_with_check turns into flutterish clipboardWithCheck
LineIcon.clock({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for clock icon Name clock turns into flutterish clock
LineIcon.clockAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for clock_1 icon Name clock_1 turns into flutterish clockAlt
LineIcon.clone({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for clone icon Name clone turns into flutterish clone
LineIcon.cloneAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for clone_1 icon Name clone_1 turns into flutterish cloneAlt
LineIcon.closedCaptioning({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for closed_captioning icon Name closed_captioning turns into flutterish closedCaptioning
LineIcon.closedCaptioningAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for closed_captioning_1 icon Name closed_captioning_1 turns into flutterish closedCaptioningAlt
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloud icon Name cloud turns into flutterish cloud
LineIcon.cloudscaleCh({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloudscale_ch icon Name cloudscale_ch turns into flutterish cloudscaleCh
LineIcon.cloudsmith({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloudsmith icon Name cloudsmith turns into flutterish cloudsmith
LineIcon.cloudversify({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloudversify icon Name cloudversify turns into flutterish cloudversify
LineIcon.cloudWithAChanceOfMeatball({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloud_with__a_chance_of__meatball icon Name cloud_with__a_chance_of__meatball turns into flutterish cloudWithAChanceOfMeatball
LineIcon.cloudWithHeavyShowers({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloud_with_heavy_showers icon Name cloud_with_heavy_showers turns into flutterish cloudWithHeavyShowers
LineIcon.cloudWithMoon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloud_with_moon icon Name cloud_with_moon turns into flutterish cloudWithMoon
LineIcon.cloudWithMoonAndRain({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloud_with_moon_and_rain icon Name cloud_with_moon_and_rain turns into flutterish cloudWithMoonAndRain
LineIcon.cloudWithRain({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloud_with_rain icon Name cloud_with_rain turns into flutterish cloudWithRain
LineIcon.cloudWithSun({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloud_with_sun icon Name cloud_with_sun turns into flutterish cloudWithSun
LineIcon.cloudWithSunAndRain({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cloud_with_sun_and_rain icon Name cloud_with_sun_and_rain turns into flutterish cloudWithSunAndRain
LineIcon.cocktail({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cocktail icon Name cocktail turns into flutterish cocktail
LineIcon.code({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for code icon Name code turns into flutterish code
LineIcon.codeBranch({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for code_branch icon Name code_branch turns into flutterish codeBranch
LineIcon.codeFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for code_file icon Name code_file turns into flutterish codeFile
LineIcon.codeFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for code_file_1 icon Name code_file_1 turns into flutterish codeFileAlt
LineIcon.codepen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for codepen icon Name codepen turns into flutterish codepen
LineIcon.codiePie({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for codie_pie icon Name codie_pie turns into flutterish codiePie
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for coffee icon Name coffee turns into flutterish coffee
LineIcon.cog({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cog icon Name cog turns into flutterish cog
LineIcon.cogs({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cogs icon Name cogs turns into flutterish cogs
LineIcon.coins({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for coins icon Name coins turns into flutterish coins
LineIcon.columns({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for columns icon Name columns turns into flutterish columns
LineIcon.comment({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for comment icon Name comment turns into flutterish comment
LineIcon.commentAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for comment_1 icon Name comment_1 turns into flutterish commentAlt
LineIcon.commentDollar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for comment_dollar icon Name comment_dollar turns into flutterish commentDollar
LineIcon.commentDots({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for comment_dots icon Name comment_dots turns into flutterish commentDots
LineIcon.commentDotsAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for comment_dots_1 icon Name comment_dots_1 turns into flutterish commentDotsAlt
LineIcon.comments({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for comments icon Name comments turns into flutterish comments
LineIcon.commentsAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for comments_1 icon Name comments_1 turns into flutterish commentsAlt
LineIcon.commentsDollar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for comments_dollar icon Name comments_dollar turns into flutterish commentsDollar
LineIcon.commentSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for comment_slash icon Name comment_slash turns into flutterish commentSlash
LineIcon.compactDisc({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for compact_disc icon Name compact_disc turns into flutterish compactDisc
LineIcon.compass({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for compass icon Name compass turns into flutterish compass
LineIcon.compassAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for compass_1 icon Name compass_1 turns into flutterish compassAlt
LineIcon.compress({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for compress icon Name compress turns into flutterish compress
LineIcon.conciergeBell({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for concierge_bell icon Name concierge_bell turns into flutterish conciergeBell
LineIcon.confluence({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for confluence icon Name confluence turns into flutterish confluence
LineIcon.connectDevelop({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for connect_develop icon Name connect_develop turns into flutterish connectDevelop
LineIcon.contao({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for contao icon Name contao turns into flutterish contao
LineIcon.cookie({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cookie icon Name cookie turns into flutterish cookie
LineIcon.cookieBite({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cookie_bite icon Name cookie_bite turns into flutterish cookieBite
LineIcon.copy({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for copy icon Name copy turns into flutterish copy
LineIcon.copyAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for copy_1 icon Name copy_1 turns into flutterish copyAlt
LineIcon.copyright({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for copyright icon Name copyright turns into flutterish copyright
LineIcon.copyrightAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for copyright_1 icon Name copyright_1 turns into flutterish copyrightAlt
LineIcon.cottonBureau({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cotton_bureau icon Name cotton_bureau turns into flutterish cottonBureau
LineIcon.couch({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for couch icon Name couch turns into flutterish couch
LineIcon.cowboyHat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cowboy_hat icon Name cowboy_hat turns into flutterish cowboyHat
LineIcon.cowboyHatSide({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cowboy_hat_side icon Name cowboy_hat_side turns into flutterish cowboyHatSide
LineIcon.cpanel({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cpanel icon Name cpanel turns into flutterish cpanel
LineIcon.creativeCommons({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons icon Name creative_commons turns into flutterish creativeCommons
LineIcon.creativeCommonsAttribution({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_attribution icon Name creative_commons_attribution turns into flutterish creativeCommonsAttribution
LineIcon.creativeCommonsCc0({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_cc0 icon Name creative_commons_cc0 turns into flutterish creativeCommonsCc0
LineIcon.creativeCommonsNoDerivativeWorks({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_no_derivative_works icon Name creative_commons_no_derivative_works turns into flutterish creativeCommonsNoDerivativeWorks
LineIcon.creativeCommonsNoncommercial({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_noncommercial icon Name creative_commons_noncommercial turns into flutterish creativeCommonsNoncommercial
LineIcon.creativeCommonsNoncommercialEuroSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_noncommercial__euro_sign_ icon Name creative_commons_noncommercial__euro_sign_ turns into flutterish creativeCommonsNoncommercialEuroSign
LineIcon.creativeCommonsNoncommercialYenSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_noncommercial__yen_sign_ icon Name creative_commons_noncommercial__yen_sign_ turns into flutterish creativeCommonsNoncommercialYenSign
LineIcon.creativeCommonsPublicDomain({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_public_domain icon Name creative_commons_public_domain turns into flutterish creativeCommonsPublicDomain
LineIcon.creativeCommonsRemix({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_remix icon Name creative_commons_remix turns into flutterish creativeCommonsRemix
LineIcon.creativeCommonsSampling({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_sampling icon Name creative_commons_sampling turns into flutterish creativeCommonsSampling
LineIcon.creativeCommonsSamplingAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_sampling__ icon Name creative_commons_sampling__ turns into flutterish creativeCommonsSamplingAlt
LineIcon.creativeCommonsShare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_share icon Name creative_commons_share turns into flutterish creativeCommonsShare
LineIcon.creativeCommonsShareAlike({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for creative_commons_share_alike icon Name creative_commons_share_alike turns into flutterish creativeCommonsShareAlike
LineIcon.creditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for credit_card icon Name credit_card turns into flutterish creditCard
LineIcon.creditCardAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for credit_card_1 icon Name credit_card_1 turns into flutterish creditCardAlt
LineIcon.criticalRole({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for critical_role icon Name critical_role turns into flutterish criticalRole
LineIcon.crop({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for crop icon Name crop turns into flutterish crop
LineIcon.cross({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cross icon Name cross turns into flutterish cross
LineIcon.crosshairs({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for crosshairs icon Name crosshairs turns into flutterish crosshairs
LineIcon.crow({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for crow icon Name crow turns into flutterish crow
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for crown icon Name crown turns into flutterish crown
LineIcon.crutch({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for crutch icon Name crutch turns into flutterish crutch
LineIcon.cryingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for crying_face icon Name crying_face turns into flutterish cryingFace
LineIcon.cryingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for crying_face_1 icon Name crying_face_1 turns into flutterish cryingFaceAlt
Constructor for css_3_logo icon Name css_3_logo turns into flutterish css3Logo
LineIcon.cube({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cube icon Name cube turns into flutterish cube
LineIcon.cubes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cubes icon Name cubes turns into flutterish cubes
LineIcon.cut({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cut icon Name cut turns into flutterish cut
LineIcon.cuttlefish({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for cuttlefish icon Name cuttlefish turns into flutterish cuttlefish
LineIcon.damagedHouse({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for damaged_house icon Name damaged_house turns into flutterish damagedHouse
LineIcon.dashcube({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dashcube icon Name dashcube turns into flutterish dashcube
LineIcon.database({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for database icon Name database turns into flutterish database
LineIcon.dDBeyond({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for d_d_beyond icon Name d_d_beyond turns into flutterish dDBeyond
LineIcon.deaf({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for deaf icon Name deaf turns into flutterish deaf
LineIcon.delicious({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for delicious icon Name delicious turns into flutterish delicious
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for democrat icon Name democrat turns into flutterish democrat
LineIcon.deployDog({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for deploy_dog icon Name deploy_dog turns into flutterish deployDog
LineIcon.deskpro({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for deskpro icon Name deskpro turns into flutterish deskpro
LineIcon.desktop({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for desktop icon Name desktop turns into flutterish desktop
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dev icon Name dev turns into flutterish dev
LineIcon.deviantart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for deviantart icon Name deviantart turns into flutterish deviantart
LineIcon.dharmachakra({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dharmachakra icon Name dharmachakra turns into flutterish dharmachakra
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dhl icon Name dhl turns into flutterish dhl
LineIcon.diagnoses({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for diagnoses icon Name diagnoses turns into flutterish diagnoses
LineIcon.diaspora({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for diaspora icon Name diaspora turns into flutterish diaspora
LineIcon.dice({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dice icon Name dice turns into flutterish dice
LineIcon.diceD20({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dice_d20 icon Name dice_d20 turns into flutterish diceD20
LineIcon.diceD6({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dice_d6 icon Name dice_d6 turns into flutterish diceD6
LineIcon.diceFive({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dice_five icon Name dice_five turns into flutterish diceFive
LineIcon.diceFour({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dice_four icon Name dice_four turns into flutterish diceFour
LineIcon.diceOne({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dice_one icon Name dice_one turns into flutterish diceOne
LineIcon.diceSix({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dice_six icon Name dice_six turns into flutterish diceSix
LineIcon.diceThree({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dice_three icon Name dice_three turns into flutterish diceThree
LineIcon.diceTwo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dice_two icon Name dice_two turns into flutterish diceTwo
Constructor for digg_logo icon Name digg_logo turns into flutterish diggLogo
LineIcon.digitalOcean({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for digital_ocean icon Name digital_ocean turns into flutterish digitalOcean
LineIcon.digitalTachograph({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for digital_tachograph icon Name digital_tachograph turns into flutterish digitalTachograph
LineIcon.dinerSClubCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for diner_s_club_credit_card icon Name diner_s_club_credit_card turns into flutterish dinerSClubCreditCard
LineIcon.directions({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for directions icon Name directions turns into flutterish directions
LineIcon.discord({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for discord icon Name discord turns into flutterish discord
LineIcon.discourse({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for discourse icon Name discourse turns into flutterish discourse
LineIcon.discoverCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for discover_credit_card icon Name discover_credit_card turns into flutterish discoverCreditCard
LineIcon.divide({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for divide icon Name divide turns into flutterish divide
LineIcon.dizzyFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dizzy_face icon Name dizzy_face turns into flutterish dizzyFace
LineIcon.dizzyFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dizzy_face_1 icon Name dizzy_face_1 turns into flutterish dizzyFaceAlt
LineIcon.dna({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dna icon Name dna turns into flutterish dna
LineIcon.dochub({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dochub icon Name dochub turns into flutterish dochub
LineIcon.docker({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for docker icon Name docker turns into flutterish docker
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for doctor icon Name doctor turns into flutterish doctor
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dog icon Name dog turns into flutterish dog
LineIcon.dollarSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dollar_sign icon Name dollar_sign turns into flutterish dollarSign
LineIcon.dolly({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dolly icon Name dolly turns into flutterish dolly
LineIcon.dollyFlatbed({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dolly_flatbed icon Name dolly_flatbed turns into flutterish dollyFlatbed
Constructor for donate icon Name donate turns into flutterish donate
LineIcon.doorClosed({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for door_closed icon Name door_closed turns into flutterish doorClosed
LineIcon.doorOpen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for door_open icon Name door_open turns into flutterish doorOpen
LineIcon.dotCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dot_circle icon Name dot_circle turns into flutterish dotCircle
LineIcon.dotCircleAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dot_circle_1 icon Name dot_circle_1 turns into flutterish dotCircleAlt
LineIcon.doubleCheck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for double_check icon Name double_check turns into flutterish doubleCheck
LineIcon.dove({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dove icon Name dove turns into flutterish dove
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for download icon Name download turns into flutterish download
LineIcon.draft2Digital({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for draft2digital icon Name draft2digital turns into flutterish draft2Digital
LineIcon.draftingCompass({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for drafting_compass icon Name drafting_compass turns into flutterish draftingCompass
LineIcon.dragon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dragon icon Name dragon turns into flutterish dragon
LineIcon.drawPolygon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for draw_polygon icon Name draw_polygon turns into flutterish drawPolygon
LineIcon.dribbble({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dribbble icon Name dribbble turns into flutterish dribbble
LineIcon.dribbbleSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dribbble_square icon Name dribbble_square turns into flutterish dribbbleSquare
LineIcon.dropbox({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dropbox icon Name dropbox turns into flutterish dropbox
LineIcon.drum({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for drum icon Name drum turns into flutterish drum
LineIcon.drumSteelpan({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for drum_steelpan icon Name drum_steelpan turns into flutterish drumSteelpan
LineIcon.drumstickWithBiteTakenOut({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for drumstick_with_bite_taken_out icon Name drumstick_with_bite_taken_out turns into flutterish drumstickWithBiteTakenOut
Constructor for drupal_logo icon Name drupal_logo turns into flutterish drupalLogo
LineIcon.dumbbell({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dumbbell icon Name dumbbell turns into flutterish dumbbell
LineIcon.dumpster({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dumpster icon Name dumpster turns into flutterish dumpster
LineIcon.dumpsterFire({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dumpster_fire icon Name dumpster_fire turns into flutterish dumpsterFire
LineIcon.dungeon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dungeon icon Name dungeon turns into flutterish dungeon
LineIcon.dungeonsDragons({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dungeons___dragons icon Name dungeons___dragons turns into flutterish dungeonsDragons
LineIcon.dyalog({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for dyalog icon Name dyalog turns into flutterish dyalog
LineIcon.earlybirds({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for earlybirds icon Name earlybirds turns into flutterish earlybirds
LineIcon.ebay({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ebay icon Name ebay turns into flutterish ebay
LineIcon.edgeBrowser({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for edge_browser icon Name edge_browser turns into flutterish edgeBrowser
LineIcon.edit({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for edit icon Name edit turns into flutterish edit
LineIcon.editAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for edit_1 icon Name edit_1 turns into flutterish editAlt
LineIcon.egg({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for egg icon Name egg turns into flutterish egg
LineIcon.eject({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for eject icon Name eject turns into flutterish eject
LineIcon.elementor({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for elementor icon Name elementor turns into flutterish elementor
LineIcon.ello({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ello icon Name ello turns into flutterish ello
LineIcon.ember({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ember icon Name ember turns into flutterish ember
LineIcon.envelope({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for envelope icon Name envelope turns into flutterish envelope
LineIcon.envelopeAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for envelope_1 icon Name envelope_1 turns into flutterish envelopeAlt
LineIcon.envelopeOpen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for envelope_open icon Name envelope_open turns into flutterish envelopeOpen
LineIcon.envelopeOpenAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for envelope_open_1 icon Name envelope_open_1 turns into flutterish envelopeOpenAlt
LineIcon.envelopeOpenText({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for envelope_open_text icon Name envelope_open_text turns into flutterish envelopeOpenText
LineIcon.envelopeSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for envelope_square icon Name envelope_square turns into flutterish envelopeSquare
LineIcon.enviraGallery({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for envira_gallery icon Name envira_gallery turns into flutterish enviraGallery
LineIcon.equals({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for equals icon Name equals turns into flutterish equals
LineIcon.eraser({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for eraser icon Name eraser turns into flutterish eraser
LineIcon.erlang({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for erlang icon Name erlang turns into flutterish erlang
LineIcon.ethereum({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ethereum icon Name ethereum turns into flutterish ethereum
LineIcon.ethernet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ethernet icon Name ethernet turns into flutterish ethernet
LineIcon.etsy({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for etsy icon Name etsy turns into flutterish etsy
LineIcon.euroSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for euro_sign icon Name euro_sign turns into flutterish euroSign
LineIcon.evernote({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for evernote icon Name evernote turns into flutterish evernote
LineIcon.excelFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for excel_file icon Name excel_file turns into flutterish excelFile
LineIcon.excelFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for excel_file_1 icon Name excel_file_1 turns into flutterish excelFileAlt
LineIcon.exclamation({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for exclamation icon Name exclamation turns into flutterish exclamation
LineIcon.exclamationCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for exclamation_circle icon Name exclamation_circle turns into flutterish exclamationCircle
LineIcon.exclamationTriangle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for exclamation_triangle icon Name exclamation_triangle turns into flutterish exclamationTriangle
LineIcon.expand({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for expand icon Name expand turns into flutterish expand
LineIcon.expeditedssl({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for expeditedssl icon Name expeditedssl turns into flutterish expeditedssl
LineIcon.eye({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for eye icon Name eye turns into flutterish eye
LineIcon.eyeAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for eye_1 icon Name eye_1 turns into flutterish eyeAlt
LineIcon.eyeDropper({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for eye_dropper icon Name eye_dropper turns into flutterish eyeDropper
LineIcon.eyeSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for eye_slash icon Name eye_slash turns into flutterish eyeSlash
LineIcon.eyeSlashAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for eye_slash_1 icon Name eye_slash_1 turns into flutterish eyeSlashAlt
LineIcon.faceBlowingAKiss({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_blowing_a_kiss icon Name face_blowing_a_kiss turns into flutterish faceBlowingAKiss
LineIcon.faceBlowingAKissAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_blowing_a_kiss_1 icon Name face_blowing_a_kiss_1 turns into flutterish faceBlowingAKissAlt
LineIcon.facebook({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for facebook icon Name facebook turns into flutterish facebook
LineIcon.facebookF({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for facebook_f icon Name facebook_f turns into flutterish facebookF
LineIcon.facebookMessenger({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for facebook_messenger icon Name facebook_messenger turns into flutterish facebookMessenger
LineIcon.facebookSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for facebook_square icon Name facebook_square turns into flutterish facebookSquare
LineIcon.faceWithoutMouth({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_without_mouth icon Name face_without_mouth turns into flutterish faceWithoutMouth
LineIcon.faceWithoutMouthAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_without_mouth_1 icon Name face_without_mouth_1 turns into flutterish faceWithoutMouthAlt
LineIcon.faceWithRollingEyes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_with_rolling_eyes icon Name face_with_rolling_eyes turns into flutterish faceWithRollingEyes
LineIcon.faceWithRollingEyesAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_with_rolling_eyes_1 icon Name face_with_rolling_eyes_1 turns into flutterish faceWithRollingEyesAlt
LineIcon.faceWithTearsOfJoy({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_with_tears_of_joy icon Name face_with_tears_of_joy turns into flutterish faceWithTearsOfJoy
LineIcon.faceWithTearsOfJoyAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_with_tears_of_joy_1 icon Name face_with_tears_of_joy_1 turns into flutterish faceWithTearsOfJoyAlt
LineIcon.faceWithTongue({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_with_tongue icon Name face_with_tongue turns into flutterish faceWithTongue
LineIcon.faceWithTongueAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for face_with_tongue_1 icon Name face_with_tongue_1 turns into flutterish faceWithTongueAlt
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fan icon Name fan turns into flutterish fan
LineIcon.fantasyFlightGames({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fantasy_flight_games icon Name fantasy_flight_games turns into flutterish fantasyFlightGames
LineIcon.fastBackward({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fast_backward icon Name fast_backward turns into flutterish fastBackward
LineIcon.fastForward({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fast_forward icon Name fast_forward turns into flutterish fastForward
LineIcon.fax({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fax icon Name fax turns into flutterish fax
LineIcon.feather({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for feather icon Name feather turns into flutterish feather
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fedex icon Name fedex turns into flutterish fedex
LineIcon.fedora({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fedora icon Name fedora turns into flutterish fedora
LineIcon.female({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for female icon Name female turns into flutterish female
LineIcon.fighterJet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fighter_jet icon Name fighter_jet turns into flutterish fighterJet
LineIcon.figma({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for figma icon Name figma turns into flutterish figma
LineIcon.file({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file icon Name file turns into flutterish file
LineIcon.fileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_1 icon Name file_1 turns into flutterish fileAlt
LineIcon.fileContract({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_contract icon Name file_contract turns into flutterish fileContract
LineIcon.fileCsv({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_csv icon Name file_csv turns into flutterish fileCsv
LineIcon.fileDownload({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_download icon Name file_download turns into flutterish fileDownload
LineIcon.fileExport({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_export icon Name file_export turns into flutterish fileExport
LineIcon.fileImport({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_import icon Name file_import turns into flutterish fileImport
LineIcon.fileInvoice({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_invoice icon Name file_invoice turns into flutterish fileInvoice
LineIcon.fileInvoiceWithUsDollar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_invoice_with_us_dollar icon Name file_invoice_with_us_dollar turns into flutterish fileInvoiceWithUsDollar
LineIcon.filePrescription({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_prescription icon Name file_prescription turns into flutterish filePrescription
LineIcon.fileSignature({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_signature icon Name file_signature turns into flutterish fileSignature
LineIcon.fileUpload({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for file_upload icon Name file_upload turns into flutterish fileUpload
LineIcon.fill({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fill icon Name fill turns into flutterish fill
LineIcon.fillDrip({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fill_drip icon Name fill_drip turns into flutterish fillDrip
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for film icon Name film turns into flutterish film
LineIcon.filter({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for filter icon Name filter turns into flutterish filter
LineIcon.fingerprint({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fingerprint icon Name fingerprint turns into flutterish fingerprint
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fire icon Name fire turns into flutterish fire
LineIcon.fireExtinguisher({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fire_extinguisher icon Name fire_extinguisher turns into flutterish fireExtinguisher
LineIcon.firefox({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for firefox icon Name firefox turns into flutterish firefox
LineIcon.firstAid({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for first_aid icon Name first_aid turns into flutterish firstAid
LineIcon.firstdraft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for firstdraft icon Name firstdraft turns into flutterish firstdraft
LineIcon.firstOrder({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for first_order icon Name first_order turns into flutterish firstOrder
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fish icon Name fish turns into flutterish fish
LineIcon.flag({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for flag icon Name flag turns into flutterish flag
LineIcon.flagAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for flag_1 icon Name flag_1 turns into flutterish flagAlt
LineIcon.flagCheckered({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for flag_checkered icon Name flag_checkered turns into flutterish flagCheckered
LineIcon.flask({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for flask icon Name flask turns into flutterish flask
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for flickr icon Name flickr turns into flutterish flickr
LineIcon.flipboard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for flipboard icon Name flipboard turns into flutterish flipboard
LineIcon.flushedFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for flushed_face icon Name flushed_face turns into flutterish flushedFace
LineIcon.flushedFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for flushed_face_1 icon Name flushed_face_1 turns into flutterish flushedFaceAlt
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fly icon Name fly turns into flutterish fly
LineIcon.folder({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for folder icon Name folder turns into flutterish folder
LineIcon.folderAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for folder_1 icon Name folder_1 turns into flutterish folderAlt
LineIcon.folderMinus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for folder_minus icon Name folder_minus turns into flutterish folderMinus
LineIcon.folderOpen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for folder_open icon Name folder_open turns into flutterish folderOpen
LineIcon.folderOpenAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for folder_open_1 icon Name folder_open_1 turns into flutterish folderOpenAlt
LineIcon.folderPlus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for folder_plus icon Name folder_plus turns into flutterish folderPlus
LineIcon.font({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for font icon Name font turns into flutterish font
LineIcon.fontAwesome({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for font_awesome icon Name font_awesome turns into flutterish fontAwesome
LineIcon.fontAwesomeBlackTie({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for font_awesome_black_tie icon Name font_awesome_black_tie turns into flutterish fontAwesomeBlackTie
LineIcon.fontAwesomeFlag({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for font_awesome_flag icon Name font_awesome_flag turns into flutterish fontAwesomeFlag
LineIcon.fonticons({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fonticons icon Name fonticons turns into flutterish fonticons
LineIcon.fonticonsFi({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fonticons_fi icon Name fonticons_fi turns into flutterish fonticonsFi
LineIcon.footballBall({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for football_ball icon Name football_ball turns into flutterish footballBall
LineIcon.fortAwesome({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fort_awesome icon Name fort_awesome turns into flutterish fortAwesome
LineIcon.forumbee({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for forumbee icon Name forumbee turns into flutterish forumbee
LineIcon.forward({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for forward icon Name forward turns into flutterish forward
LineIcon.foursquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for foursquare icon Name foursquare turns into flutterish foursquare
LineIcon.freebsd({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for freebsd icon Name freebsd turns into flutterish freebsd
LineIcon.freeCodeCamp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for free_code_camp icon Name free_code_camp turns into flutterish freeCodeCamp
LineIcon.frog({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for frog icon Name frog turns into flutterish frog
LineIcon.frowningFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for frowning_face icon Name frowning_face turns into flutterish frowningFace
LineIcon.frowningFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for frowning_face_1 icon Name frowning_face_1 turns into flutterish frowningFaceAlt
LineIcon.frowningFaceWithOpenMouth({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for frowning_face_with_open_mouth icon Name frowning_face_with_open_mouth turns into flutterish frowningFaceWithOpenMouth
LineIcon.frowningFaceWithOpenMouthAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for frowning_face_with_open_mouth_1 icon Name frowning_face_with_open_mouth_1 turns into flutterish frowningFaceWithOpenMouthAlt
LineIcon.fruitApple({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fruit_apple icon Name fruit_apple turns into flutterish fruitApple
LineIcon.fulcrum({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for fulcrum icon Name fulcrum turns into flutterish fulcrum
LineIcon.funnelDollar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for funnel_dollar icon Name funnel_dollar turns into flutterish funnelDollar
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for futbol icon Name futbol turns into flutterish futbol
LineIcon.futbolAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for futbol_1 icon Name futbol_1 turns into flutterish futbolAlt
LineIcon.galacticEmpire({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for galactic_empire icon Name galactic_empire turns into flutterish galacticEmpire
LineIcon.galacticRepublic({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for galactic_republic icon Name galactic_republic turns into flutterish galacticRepublic
LineIcon.galacticSenate({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for galactic_senate icon Name galactic_senate turns into flutterish galacticSenate
LineIcon.gamepad({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gamepad icon Name gamepad turns into flutterish gamepad
LineIcon.gasPump({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gas_pump icon Name gas_pump turns into flutterish gasPump
LineIcon.gavel({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gavel icon Name gavel turns into flutterish gavel
LineIcon.gem({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gem icon Name gem turns into flutterish gem
LineIcon.gemAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gem_1 icon Name gem_1 turns into flutterish gemAlt
LineIcon.genderless({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for genderless icon Name genderless turns into flutterish genderless
LineIcon.getPocket({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for get_pocket icon Name get_pocket turns into flutterish getPocket
LineIcon.ggCurrency({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gg_currency icon Name gg_currency turns into flutterish ggCurrency
LineIcon.ggCurrencyCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gg_currency_circle icon Name gg_currency_circle turns into flutterish ggCurrencyCircle
LineIcon.ghost({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ghost icon Name ghost turns into flutterish ghost
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gift icon Name gift turns into flutterish gift
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gifts icon Name gifts turns into flutterish gifts
LineIcon.git({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for git icon Name git turns into flutterish git
LineIcon.gitAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for git_alt icon Name git_alt turns into flutterish gitAlt
LineIcon.github({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for github icon Name github turns into flutterish github
LineIcon.githubSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for github_square icon Name github_square turns into flutterish githubSquare
LineIcon.gitkraken({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gitkraken icon Name gitkraken turns into flutterish gitkraken
LineIcon.gitlab({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gitlab icon Name gitlab turns into flutterish gitlab
LineIcon.gitSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for git_square icon Name git_square turns into flutterish gitSquare
LineIcon.gitter({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gitter icon Name gitter turns into flutterish gitter
LineIcon.glassCheers({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for glass_cheers icon Name glass_cheers turns into flutterish glassCheers
LineIcon.glasses({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for glasses icon Name glasses turns into flutterish glasses
LineIcon.glassWhiskey({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for glass_whiskey icon Name glass_whiskey turns into flutterish glassWhiskey
LineIcon.glide({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for glide icon Name glide turns into flutterish glide
LineIcon.glideG({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for glide_g icon Name glide_g turns into flutterish glideG
LineIcon.globe({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for globe icon Name globe turns into flutterish globe
LineIcon.globeWithAfricaShown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for globe_with_africa_shown icon Name globe_with_africa_shown turns into flutterish globeWithAfricaShown
LineIcon.globeWithAmericasShown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for globe_with_americas_shown icon Name globe_with_americas_shown turns into flutterish globeWithAmericasShown
LineIcon.globeWithAsiaShown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for globe_with_asia_shown icon Name globe_with_asia_shown turns into flutterish globeWithAsiaShown
LineIcon.globeWithEuropeShown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for globe_with_europe_shown icon Name globe_with_europe_shown turns into flutterish globeWithEuropeShown
LineIcon.gofore({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gofore icon Name gofore turns into flutterish gofore
LineIcon.golfBall({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for golf_ball icon Name golf_ball turns into flutterish golfBall
LineIcon.goodreads({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for goodreads icon Name goodreads turns into flutterish goodreads
LineIcon.goodreadsG({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for goodreads_g icon Name goodreads_g turns into flutterish goodreadsG
LineIcon.googleDrive({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for google_drive icon Name google_drive turns into flutterish googleDrive
Constructor for google_logo icon Name google_logo turns into flutterish googleLogo
LineIcon.googlePlay({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for google_play icon Name google_play turns into flutterish googlePlay
LineIcon.googlePlus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for google_plus icon Name google_plus turns into flutterish googlePlus
LineIcon.googlePlusG({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for google_plus_g icon Name google_plus_g turns into flutterish googlePlusG
LineIcon.googlePlusSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for google_plus_square icon Name google_plus_square turns into flutterish googlePlusSquare
LineIcon.googleWallet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for google_wallet icon Name google_wallet turns into flutterish googleWallet
LineIcon.gopuram({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gopuram icon Name gopuram turns into flutterish gopuram
LineIcon.graduationCap({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for graduation_cap icon Name graduation_cap turns into flutterish graduationCap
LineIcon.gratipayGittip({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gratipay__gittip_ icon Name gratipay__gittip_ turns into flutterish gratipayGittip
LineIcon.grav({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grav icon Name grav turns into flutterish grav
LineIcon.greaterThan({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for greater_than icon Name greater_than turns into flutterish greaterThan
LineIcon.greaterThanEqualTo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for greater_than_equal_to icon Name greater_than_equal_to turns into flutterish greaterThanEqualTo
LineIcon.grimacingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grimacing_face icon Name grimacing_face turns into flutterish grimacingFace
LineIcon.grimacingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grimacing_face_1 icon Name grimacing_face_1 turns into flutterish grimacingFaceAlt
LineIcon.grinningFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_face icon Name grinning_face turns into flutterish grinningFace
LineIcon.grinningFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_face_1 icon Name grinning_face_1 turns into flutterish grinningFaceAlt
LineIcon.grinningFaceWithBigEyes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_face_with_big_eyes icon Name grinning_face_with_big_eyes turns into flutterish grinningFaceWithBigEyes
LineIcon.grinningFaceWithBigEyesAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_face_with_big_eyes_1 icon Name grinning_face_with_big_eyes_1 turns into flutterish grinningFaceWithBigEyesAlt
LineIcon.grinningFaceWithSmilingEyes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes icon Name grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes turns into flutterish grinningFaceWithSmilingEyes
LineIcon.grinningFaceWithSmilingEyesAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes_1 icon Name grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes_1 turns into flutterish grinningFaceWithSmilingEyesAlt
LineIcon.grinningFaceWithSweat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_face_with_sweat icon Name grinning_face_with_sweat turns into flutterish grinningFaceWithSweat
LineIcon.grinningFaceWithSweatAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_face_with_sweat_1 icon Name grinning_face_with_sweat_1 turns into flutterish grinningFaceWithSweatAlt
LineIcon.grinningSquintingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_squinting_face icon Name grinning_squinting_face turns into flutterish grinningSquintingFace
LineIcon.grinningSquintingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_squinting_face_1 icon Name grinning_squinting_face_1 turns into flutterish grinningSquintingFaceAlt
LineIcon.grinningWinkingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_winking_face icon Name grinning_winking_face turns into flutterish grinningWinkingFace
LineIcon.grinningWinkingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grinning_winking_face_1 icon Name grinning_winking_face_1 turns into flutterish grinningWinkingFaceAlt
LineIcon.gripfireInc({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gripfire__inc_ icon Name gripfire__inc_ turns into flutterish gripfireInc
LineIcon.gripHorizontal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grip_horizontal icon Name grip_horizontal turns into flutterish gripHorizontal
LineIcon.gripLines({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grip_lines icon Name grip_lines turns into flutterish gripLines
LineIcon.gripLinesVertical({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grip_lines_vertical icon Name grip_lines_vertical turns into flutterish gripLinesVertical
LineIcon.gripVertical({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grip_vertical icon Name grip_vertical turns into flutterish gripVertical
LineIcon.grunt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for grunt icon Name grunt turns into flutterish grunt
LineIcon.guitar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for guitar icon Name guitar turns into flutterish guitar
LineIcon.gulp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for gulp icon Name gulp turns into flutterish gulp
LineIcon.hackerNews({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hacker_news icon Name hacker_news turns into flutterish hackerNews
LineIcon.hackerNewsSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hacker_news_square icon Name hacker_news_square turns into flutterish hackerNewsSquare
LineIcon.hackerrank({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hackerrank icon Name hackerrank turns into flutterish hackerrank
LineIcon.hamburger({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hamburger icon Name hamburger turns into flutterish hamburger
LineIcon.hammer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hammer icon Name hammer turns into flutterish hammer
LineIcon.hamsa({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hamsa icon Name hamsa turns into flutterish hamsa
LineIcon.handHolding({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_holding icon Name hand_holding turns into flutterish handHolding
LineIcon.handHoldingHeart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_holding_heart icon Name hand_holding_heart turns into flutterish handHoldingHeart
LineIcon.handHoldingUsDollar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_holding_us_dollar icon Name hand_holding_us_dollar turns into flutterish handHoldingUsDollar
LineIcon.handPointingDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_pointing_down icon Name hand_pointing_down turns into flutterish handPointingDown
LineIcon.handPointingDownAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_pointing_down_1 icon Name hand_pointing_down_1 turns into flutterish handPointingDownAlt
LineIcon.handPointingLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_pointing_left icon Name hand_pointing_left turns into flutterish handPointingLeft
LineIcon.handPointingLeftAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_pointing_left_1 icon Name hand_pointing_left_1 turns into flutterish handPointingLeftAlt
LineIcon.handPointingRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_pointing_right icon Name hand_pointing_right turns into flutterish handPointingRight
LineIcon.handPointingRightAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_pointing_right_1 icon Name hand_pointing_right_1 turns into flutterish handPointingRightAlt
LineIcon.handPointingUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_pointing_up icon Name hand_pointing_up turns into flutterish handPointingUp
LineIcon.handPointingUpAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_pointing_up_1 icon Name hand_pointing_up_1 turns into flutterish handPointingUpAlt
LineIcon.hands({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hands icon Name hands turns into flutterish hands
LineIcon.handshake({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for handshake icon Name handshake turns into flutterish handshake
LineIcon.handshakeAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for handshake_1 icon Name handshake_1 turns into flutterish handshakeAlt
LineIcon.handWithMiddleFingerRaised({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hand_with_middle_finger_raised icon Name hand_with_middle_finger_raised turns into flutterish handWithMiddleFingerRaised
LineIcon.hangingWeight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hanging_weight icon Name hanging_weight turns into flutterish hangingWeight
LineIcon.hanukiah({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hanukiah icon Name hanukiah turns into flutterish hanukiah
LineIcon.hardHat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hard_hat icon Name hard_hat turns into flutterish hardHat
LineIcon.hashtag({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hashtag icon Name hashtag turns into flutterish hashtag
LineIcon.haykal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for haykal icon Name haykal turns into flutterish haykal
LineIcon.hdd({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hdd icon Name hdd turns into flutterish hdd
LineIcon.hddAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hdd_1 icon Name hdd_1 turns into flutterish hddAlt
LineIcon.heading({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for heading icon Name heading turns into flutterish heading
LineIcon.headphones({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for headphones icon Name headphones turns into flutterish headphones
LineIcon.headset({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for headset icon Name headset turns into flutterish headset
LineIcon.heart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for heart icon Name heart turns into flutterish heart
LineIcon.heartAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for heart_1 icon Name heart_1 turns into flutterish heartAlt
LineIcon.heartbeat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for heartbeat icon Name heartbeat turns into flutterish heartbeat
LineIcon.heartBroken({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for heart_broken icon Name heart_broken turns into flutterish heartBroken
LineIcon.helicopter({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for helicopter icon Name helicopter turns into flutterish helicopter
LineIcon.helpingHands({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for helping_hands icon Name helping_hands turns into flutterish helpingHands
LineIcon.highlighter({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for highlighter icon Name highlighter turns into flutterish highlighter
LineIcon.highTemperature({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for high_temperature icon Name high_temperature turns into flutterish highTemperature
LineIcon.hiking({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hiking icon Name hiking turns into flutterish hiking
LineIcon.hippo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hippo icon Name hippo turns into flutterish hippo
LineIcon.hips({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hips icon Name hips turns into flutterish hips
LineIcon.hireahelper({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hireahelper icon Name hireahelper turns into flutterish hireahelper
LineIcon.history({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for history icon Name history turns into flutterish history
LineIcon.hockeyPuck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hockey_puck icon Name hockey_puck turns into flutterish hockeyPuck
LineIcon.hollyBerry({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for holly_berry icon Name holly_berry turns into flutterish hollyBerry
LineIcon.home({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for home icon Name home turns into flutterish home
LineIcon.hooli({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hooli icon Name hooli turns into flutterish hooli
LineIcon.horizontalEllipsis({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for horizontal_ellipsis icon Name horizontal_ellipsis turns into flutterish horizontalEllipsis
LineIcon.horizontalSliders({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for horizontal_sliders icon Name horizontal_sliders turns into flutterish horizontalSliders
LineIcon.hornbill({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hornbill icon Name hornbill turns into flutterish hornbill
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for horse icon Name horse turns into flutterish horse
LineIcon.horseHead({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for horse_head icon Name horse_head turns into flutterish horseHead
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hospital icon Name hospital turns into flutterish hospital
LineIcon.hospitalAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hospital_1 icon Name hospital_1 turns into flutterish hospitalAlt
LineIcon.hospitalSymbol({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hospital_symbol icon Name hospital_symbol turns into flutterish hospitalSymbol
LineIcon.hotDog({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hot_dog icon Name hot_dog turns into flutterish hotDog
LineIcon.hotel({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hotel icon Name hotel turns into flutterish hotel
LineIcon.hotjar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hotjar icon Name hotjar turns into flutterish hotjar
LineIcon.hotPepper({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hot_pepper icon Name hot_pepper turns into flutterish hotPepper
LineIcon.hotTub({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hot_tub icon Name hot_tub turns into flutterish hotTub
LineIcon.hourglass({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hourglass icon Name hourglass turns into flutterish hourglass
LineIcon.hourglassAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hourglass_1 icon Name hourglass_1 turns into flutterish hourglassAlt
LineIcon.hourglassEnd({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hourglass_end icon Name hourglass_end turns into flutterish hourglassEnd
LineIcon.hourglassHalf({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hourglass_half icon Name hourglass_half turns into flutterish hourglassHalf
LineIcon.hourglassStart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hourglass_start icon Name hourglass_start turns into flutterish hourglassStart
LineIcon.houzz({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for houzz icon Name houzz turns into flutterish houzz
LineIcon.hryvnia({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hryvnia icon Name hryvnia turns into flutterish hryvnia
LineIcon.hSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for h_square icon Name h_square turns into flutterish hSquare
Constructor for html_5_logo icon Name html_5_logo turns into flutterish html5Logo
LineIcon.hubspot({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hubspot icon Name hubspot turns into flutterish hubspot
LineIcon.hushedFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hushed_face icon Name hushed_face turns into flutterish hushedFace
LineIcon.hushedFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for hushed_face_1 icon Name hushed_face_1 turns into flutterish hushedFaceAlt
LineIcon.iBeamCursor({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for i_beam_cursor icon Name i_beam_cursor turns into flutterish iBeamCursor
LineIcon.iceCream({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ice_cream icon Name ice_cream turns into flutterish iceCream
LineIcon.icicles({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for icicles icon Name icicles turns into flutterish icicles
LineIcon.icons({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for icons icon Name icons turns into flutterish icons
LineIcon.identificationBadge({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for identification_badge icon Name identification_badge turns into flutterish identificationBadge
LineIcon.identificationBadgeAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for identification_badge_1 icon Name identification_badge_1 turns into flutterish identificationBadgeAlt
LineIcon.identificationCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for identification_card icon Name identification_card turns into flutterish identificationCard
LineIcon.identificationCardAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for identification_card_1 icon Name identification_card_1 turns into flutterish identificationCardAlt
LineIcon.igloo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for igloo icon Name igloo turns into flutterish igloo
LineIcon.image({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for image icon Name image turns into flutterish image
LineIcon.imageAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for image_1 icon Name image_1 turns into flutterish imageAlt
LineIcon.imageFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for image_file icon Name image_file turns into flutterish imageFile
LineIcon.imageFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for image_file_1 icon Name image_file_1 turns into flutterish imageFileAlt
LineIcon.images({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for images icon Name images turns into flutterish images
LineIcon.imagesAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for images_1 icon Name images_1 turns into flutterish imagesAlt
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for imdb icon Name imdb turns into flutterish imdb
LineIcon.inbox({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for inbox icon Name inbox turns into flutterish inbox
LineIcon.indent({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for indent icon Name indent turns into flutterish indent
LineIcon.indianRupeeSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for indian_rupee_sign icon Name indian_rupee_sign turns into flutterish indianRupeeSign
LineIcon.industry({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for industry icon Name industry turns into flutterish industry
LineIcon.infinity({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for infinity icon Name infinity turns into flutterish infinity
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for info icon Name info turns into flutterish info
LineIcon.infoCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for info_circle icon Name info_circle turns into flutterish infoCircle
LineIcon.instagram({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for instagram icon Name instagram turns into flutterish instagram
LineIcon.intercom({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for intercom icon Name intercom turns into flutterish intercom
LineIcon.internetExplorer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for internet_explorer icon Name internet_explorer turns into flutterish internetExplorer
LineIcon.invision({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for invision icon Name invision turns into flutterish invision
LineIcon.iosAppStore({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ios_app_store icon Name ios_app_store turns into flutterish iosAppStore
LineIcon.ioxhost({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ioxhost icon Name ioxhost turns into flutterish ioxhost
LineIcon.italic({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for italic icon Name italic turns into flutterish italic
LineIcon.itchIo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for itch_io icon Name itch_io turns into flutterish itchIo
LineIcon.itunes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for itunes icon Name itunes turns into flutterish itunes
LineIcon.itunesNote({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for itunes_note icon Name itunes_note turns into flutterish itunesNote
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for java icon Name java turns into flutterish java
LineIcon.javascriptJs({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for javascript__js_ icon Name javascript__js_ turns into flutterish javascriptJs
LineIcon.javascriptJsSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for javascript__js__square icon Name javascript__js__square turns into flutterish javascriptJsSquare
LineIcon.jcbCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for jcb_credit_card icon Name jcb_credit_card turns into flutterish jcbCreditCard
LineIcon.jedi({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for jedi icon Name jedi turns into flutterish jedi
LineIcon.jediOrder({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for jedi_order icon Name jedi_order turns into flutterish jediOrder
LineIcon.jenkis({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for jenkis icon Name jenkis turns into flutterish jenkis
LineIcon.jira({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for jira icon Name jira turns into flutterish jira
LineIcon.joget({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for joget icon Name joget turns into flutterish joget
LineIcon.joint({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for joint icon Name joint turns into flutterish joint
Constructor for joomla_logo icon Name joomla_logo turns into flutterish joomlaLogo
LineIcon.journalOfTheWhills({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for journal_of_the_whills icon Name journal_of_the_whills turns into flutterish journalOfTheWhills
LineIcon.jsfiddle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for jsfiddle icon Name jsfiddle turns into flutterish jsfiddle
LineIcon.kaaba({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for kaaba icon Name kaaba turns into flutterish kaaba
LineIcon.kaggle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for kaggle icon Name kaggle turns into flutterish kaggle
LineIcon.key({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for key icon Name key turns into flutterish key
LineIcon.keybase({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for keybase icon Name keybase turns into flutterish keybase
LineIcon.keyboard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for keyboard icon Name keyboard turns into flutterish keyboard
LineIcon.keyboardAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for keyboard_1 icon Name keyboard_1 turns into flutterish keyboardAlt
LineIcon.keycdn({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for keycdn icon Name keycdn turns into flutterish keycdn
LineIcon.khanda({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for khanda icon Name khanda turns into flutterish khanda
LineIcon.kickstarter({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for kickstarter icon Name kickstarter turns into flutterish kickstarter
LineIcon.kickstarterK({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for kickstarter_k icon Name kickstarter_k turns into flutterish kickstarterK
LineIcon.kissingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for kissing_face icon Name kissing_face turns into flutterish kissingFace
LineIcon.kissingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for kissing_face_1 icon Name kissing_face_1 turns into flutterish kissingFaceAlt
LineIcon.kissingFaceWithSmilingEyes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for kissing_face_with_smiling_eyes icon Name kissing_face_with_smiling_eyes turns into flutterish kissingFaceWithSmilingEyes
LineIcon.kissingFaceWithSmilingEyesAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for kissing_face_with_smiling_eyes_1 icon Name kissing_face_with_smiling_eyes_1 turns into flutterish kissingFaceWithSmilingEyesAlt
LineIcon.kiwiBird({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for kiwi_bird icon Name kiwi_bird turns into flutterish kiwiBird
LineIcon.korvue({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for korvue icon Name korvue turns into flutterish korvue
LineIcon.landmark({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for landmark icon Name landmark turns into flutterish landmark
LineIcon.language({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for language icon Name language turns into flutterish language
LineIcon.laptop({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laptop icon Name laptop turns into flutterish laptop
LineIcon.laptopCode({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laptop_code icon Name laptop_code turns into flutterish laptopCode
LineIcon.laptopMedical({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laptop_medical icon Name laptop_medical turns into flutterish laptopMedical
LineIcon.laravel({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laravel icon Name laravel turns into flutterish laravel
LineIcon.lastFm({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for last_fm icon Name last_fm turns into flutterish lastFm
LineIcon.lastFmSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for last_fm_square icon Name last_fm_square turns into flutterish lastFmSquare
LineIcon.laughFaceWithBeamingEyes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laugh_face_with_beaming_eyes icon Name laugh_face_with_beaming_eyes turns into flutterish laughFaceWithBeamingEyes
LineIcon.laughFaceWithBeamingEyesAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laugh_face_with_beaming_eyes_1 icon Name laugh_face_with_beaming_eyes_1 turns into flutterish laughFaceWithBeamingEyesAlt
LineIcon.laughingSquintingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laughing_squinting_face icon Name laughing_squinting_face turns into flutterish laughingSquintingFace
LineIcon.laughingSquintingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laughing_squinting_face_1 icon Name laughing_squinting_face_1 turns into flutterish laughingSquintingFaceAlt
LineIcon.laughingWinkingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laughing_winking_face icon Name laughing_winking_face turns into flutterish laughingWinkingFace
LineIcon.laughingWinkingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for laughing_winking_face_1 icon Name laughing_winking_face_1 turns into flutterish laughingWinkingFaceAlt
LineIcon.layerGroup({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for layer_group icon Name layer_group turns into flutterish layerGroup
LineIcon.leaf({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for leaf icon Name leaf turns into flutterish leaf
LineIcon.leanpub({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for leanpub icon Name leanpub turns into flutterish leanpub
LineIcon.lemon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lemon icon Name lemon turns into flutterish lemon
LineIcon.lemonAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lemon_1 icon Name lemon_1 turns into flutterish lemonAlt
LineIcon.less({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for less icon Name less turns into flutterish less
LineIcon.lessThan({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for less_than icon Name less_than turns into flutterish lessThan
LineIcon.lessThanEqualTo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for less_than_equal_to icon Name less_than_equal_to turns into flutterish lessThanEqualTo
LineIcon.lifeRing({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for life_ring icon Name life_ring turns into flutterish lifeRing
LineIcon.lifeRingAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for life_ring_1 icon Name life_ring_1 turns into flutterish lifeRingAlt
LineIcon.lightbulb({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lightbulb icon Name lightbulb turns into flutterish lightbulb
LineIcon.lightbulbAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lightbulb_1 icon Name lightbulb_1 turns into flutterish lightbulbAlt
LineIcon.lightningBolt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lightning_bolt icon Name lightning_bolt turns into flutterish lightningBolt
LineIcon.line({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for line icon Name line turns into flutterish line
LineIcon.lineChart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for line_chart icon Name line_chart turns into flutterish lineChart
Constructor for link icon Name link turns into flutterish link
LineIcon.linkedin({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for linkedin icon Name linkedin turns into flutterish linkedin
LineIcon.linkedinIn({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for linkedin_in icon Name linkedin_in turns into flutterish linkedinIn
LineIcon.linode({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for linode icon Name linode turns into flutterish linode
LineIcon.linux({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for linux icon Name linux turns into flutterish linux
LineIcon.list({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for list icon Name list turns into flutterish list
LineIcon.listOl({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for list_ol icon Name list_ol turns into flutterish listOl
LineIcon.listUl({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for list_ul icon Name list_ul turns into flutterish listUl
LineIcon.lizardHand({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lizard__hand_ icon Name lizard__hand_ turns into flutterish lizardHand
LineIcon.lizardHandAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lizard__hand__1 icon Name lizard__hand__1 turns into flutterish lizardHandAlt
LineIcon.locationArrow({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for location_arrow icon Name location_arrow turns into flutterish locationArrow
LineIcon.lock({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lock icon Name lock turns into flutterish lock
LineIcon.lockOpen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lock_open icon Name lock_open turns into flutterish lockOpen
LineIcon.loudlyCryingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for loudly_crying_face icon Name loudly_crying_face turns into flutterish loudlyCryingFace
LineIcon.loudlyCryingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for loudly_crying_face_1 icon Name loudly_crying_face_1 turns into flutterish loudlyCryingFaceAlt
LineIcon.lowTemperature({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for low_temperature icon Name low_temperature turns into flutterish lowTemperature
LineIcon.lowVision({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for low_vision icon Name low_vision turns into flutterish lowVision
LineIcon.luggageCart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for luggage_cart icon Name luggage_cart turns into flutterish luggageCart
LineIcon.lyft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for lyft icon Name lyft turns into flutterish lyft
LineIcon.magento({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for magento icon Name magento turns into flutterish magento
LineIcon.magic({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for magic icon Name magic turns into flutterish magic
LineIcon.magnet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for magnet icon Name magnet turns into flutterish magnet
LineIcon.mailBulk({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mail_bulk icon Name mail_bulk turns into flutterish mailBulk
LineIcon.mailchimp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mailchimp icon Name mailchimp turns into flutterish mailchimp
LineIcon.male({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for male icon Name male turns into flutterish male
LineIcon.mandalorian({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mandalorian icon Name mandalorian turns into flutterish mandalorian
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for map icon Name map turns into flutterish map
LineIcon.mapAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for map_1 icon Name map_1 turns into flutterish mapAlt
LineIcon.mapMarked({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for map_marked icon Name map_marked turns into flutterish mapMarked
LineIcon.mapMarker({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for map_marker icon Name map_marker turns into flutterish mapMarker
LineIcon.mapPin({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for map_pin icon Name map_pin turns into flutterish mapPin
LineIcon.mapSigns({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for map_signs icon Name map_signs turns into flutterish mapSigns
LineIcon.markdown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for markdown icon Name markdown turns into flutterish markdown
LineIcon.marker({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for marker icon Name marker turns into flutterish marker
LineIcon.mars({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mars icon Name mars turns into flutterish mars
LineIcon.marsDouble({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mars_double icon Name mars_double turns into flutterish marsDouble
LineIcon.marsStroke({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mars_stroke icon Name mars_stroke turns into flutterish marsStroke
LineIcon.marsStrokeHorizontal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mars_stroke_horizontal icon Name mars_stroke_horizontal turns into flutterish marsStrokeHorizontal
LineIcon.marsStrokeVertical({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mars_stroke_vertical icon Name mars_stroke_vertical turns into flutterish marsStrokeVertical
LineIcon.martiniGlass({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for martini_glass icon Name martini_glass turns into flutterish martiniGlass
LineIcon.mask({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mask icon Name mask turns into flutterish mask
LineIcon.mastercardCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mastercard_credit_card icon Name mastercard_credit_card turns into flutterish mastercardCreditCard
LineIcon.mastodon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mastodon icon Name mastodon turns into flutterish mastodon
LineIcon.materialDesignForBootstrap({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for material_design_for_bootstrap icon Name material_design_for_bootstrap turns into flutterish materialDesignForBootstrap
LineIcon.maxcdn({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for maxcdn icon Name maxcdn turns into flutterish maxcdn
LineIcon.medal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medal icon Name medal turns into flutterish medal
LineIcon.medapps({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medapps icon Name medapps turns into flutterish medapps
LineIcon.medicalBook({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medical_book icon Name medical_book turns into flutterish medicalBook
LineIcon.medicalBriefcase({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medical_briefcase icon Name medical_briefcase turns into flutterish medicalBriefcase
LineIcon.medicalClinic({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medical_clinic icon Name medical_clinic turns into flutterish medicalClinic
LineIcon.medicalFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medical_file icon Name medical_file turns into flutterish medicalFile
LineIcon.medicalNotes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medical_notes icon Name medical_notes turns into flutterish medicalNotes
LineIcon.medium({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medium icon Name medium turns into flutterish medium
LineIcon.mediumM({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medium_m icon Name medium_m turns into flutterish mediumM
LineIcon.medkit({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for medkit icon Name medkit turns into flutterish medkit
LineIcon.meetup({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for meetup icon Name meetup turns into flutterish meetup
LineIcon.megaport({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for megaport icon Name megaport turns into flutterish megaport
LineIcon.memory({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for memory icon Name memory turns into flutterish memory
LineIcon.mendeley({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mendeley icon Name mendeley turns into flutterish mendeley
LineIcon.menorah({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for menorah icon Name menorah turns into flutterish menorah
LineIcon.mercury({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mercury icon Name mercury turns into flutterish mercury
LineIcon.meteor({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for meteor icon Name meteor turns into flutterish meteor
LineIcon.microchip({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for microchip icon Name microchip turns into flutterish microchip
LineIcon.microphone({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for microphone icon Name microphone turns into flutterish microphone
LineIcon.microphoneSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for microphone_slash icon Name microphone_slash turns into flutterish microphoneSlash
LineIcon.microscope({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for microscope icon Name microscope turns into flutterish microscope
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for microsoft icon Name microsoft turns into flutterish microsoft
LineIcon.minus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for minus icon Name minus turns into flutterish minus
LineIcon.minusCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for minus_circle icon Name minus_circle turns into flutterish minusCircle
LineIcon.minusSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for minus_square icon Name minus_square turns into flutterish minusSquare
LineIcon.minusSquareAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for minus_square_1 icon Name minus_square_1 turns into flutterish minusSquareAlt
LineIcon.mitten({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mitten icon Name mitten turns into flutterish mitten
LineIcon.mix({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mix icon Name mix turns into flutterish mix
LineIcon.mixcloud({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mixcloud icon Name mixcloud turns into flutterish mixcloud
LineIcon.mizuni({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mizuni icon Name mizuni turns into flutterish mizuni
LineIcon.mobilePhone({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mobile_phone icon Name mobile_phone turns into flutterish mobilePhone
LineIcon.modx({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for modx icon Name modx turns into flutterish modx
LineIcon.monero({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for monero icon Name monero turns into flutterish monero
LineIcon.moneyBill({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for money_bill icon Name money_bill turns into flutterish moneyBill
LineIcon.moneyCheck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for money_check icon Name money_check turns into flutterish moneyCheck
LineIcon.monument({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for monument icon Name monument turns into flutterish monument
LineIcon.moon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for moon icon Name moon turns into flutterish moon
LineIcon.moonAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for moon_1 icon Name moon_1 turns into flutterish moonAlt
LineIcon.mortarPestle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mortar_pestle icon Name mortar_pestle turns into flutterish mortarPestle
LineIcon.mosque({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mosque icon Name mosque turns into flutterish mosque
LineIcon.motorcycle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for motorcycle icon Name motorcycle turns into flutterish motorcycle
LineIcon.mountain({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mountain icon Name mountain turns into flutterish mountain
LineIcon.mouse({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mouse icon Name mouse turns into flutterish mouse
LineIcon.mousePointer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mouse_pointer icon Name mouse_pointer turns into flutterish mousePointer
LineIcon.mrt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mrt icon Name mrt turns into flutterish mrt
LineIcon.mugHot({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for mug_hot icon Name mug_hot turns into flutterish mugHot
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for music icon Name music turns into flutterish music
LineIcon.napster({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for napster icon Name napster turns into flutterish napster
LineIcon.neos({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for neos icon Name neos turns into flutterish neos
LineIcon.neuter({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for neuter icon Name neuter turns into flutterish neuter
LineIcon.neutralFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for neutral_face icon Name neutral_face turns into flutterish neutralFace
LineIcon.neutralFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for neutral_face_1 icon Name neutral_face_1 turns into flutterish neutralFaceAlt
LineIcon.newspaper({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for newspaper icon Name newspaper turns into flutterish newspaper
LineIcon.newspaperAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for newspaper_1 icon Name newspaper_1 turns into flutterish newspaperAlt
LineIcon.nimblr({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for nimblr icon Name nimblr turns into flutterish nimblr
LineIcon.nodeJs({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for node_js icon Name node_js turns into flutterish nodeJs
LineIcon.nodeJsJs({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for node_js_js icon Name node_js_js turns into flutterish nodeJsJs
LineIcon.notEqual({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for not_equal icon Name not_equal turns into flutterish notEqual
LineIcon.npm({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for npm icon Name npm turns into flutterish npm
LineIcon.ns8({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ns8 icon Name ns8 turns into flutterish ns8
LineIcon.nurse({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for nurse icon Name nurse turns into flutterish nurse
LineIcon.nutritionix({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for nutritionix icon Name nutritionix turns into flutterish nutritionix
LineIcon.objectGroup({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for object_group icon Name object_group turns into flutterish objectGroup
LineIcon.objectGroupAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for object_group_1 icon Name object_group_1 turns into flutterish objectGroupAlt
LineIcon.objectUngroup({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for object_ungroup icon Name object_ungroup turns into flutterish objectUngroup
LineIcon.objectUngroupAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for object_ungroup_1 icon Name object_ungroup_1 turns into flutterish objectUngroupAlt
LineIcon.odnoklassniki({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for odnoklassniki icon Name odnoklassniki turns into flutterish odnoklassniki
LineIcon.odnoklassnikiSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for odnoklassniki_square icon Name odnoklassniki_square turns into flutterish odnoklassnikiSquare
LineIcon.oilCan({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for oil_can icon Name oil_can turns into flutterish oilCan
LineIcon.oldRepublic({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for old_republic icon Name old_republic turns into flutterish oldRepublic
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for om icon Name om turns into flutterish om
LineIcon.opencart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for opencart icon Name opencart turns into flutterish opencart
LineIcon.openid({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for openid icon Name openid turns into flutterish openid
LineIcon.openSourceInitiative({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for open_source_initiative icon Name open_source_initiative turns into flutterish openSourceInitiative
LineIcon.opera({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for opera icon Name opera turns into flutterish opera
LineIcon.optinMonster({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for optin_monster icon Name optin_monster turns into flutterish optinMonster
LineIcon.orcid({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for orcid icon Name orcid turns into flutterish orcid
LineIcon.otter({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for otter icon Name otter turns into flutterish otter
LineIcon.outdent({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for outdent icon Name outdent turns into flutterish outdent
LineIcon.page4Corporation({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for page4_corporation icon Name page4_corporation turns into flutterish page4Corporation
LineIcon.pagelines({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pagelines icon Name pagelines turns into flutterish pagelines
LineIcon.pager({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pager icon Name pager turns into flutterish pager
LineIcon.paintBrush({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paint_brush icon Name paint_brush turns into flutterish paintBrush
LineIcon.paintRoller({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paint_roller icon Name paint_roller turns into flutterish paintRoller
LineIcon.palette({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for palette icon Name palette turns into flutterish palette
LineIcon.palfed({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for palfed icon Name palfed turns into flutterish palfed
LineIcon.pallet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pallet icon Name pallet turns into flutterish pallet
LineIcon.paperclip({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paperclip icon Name paperclip turns into flutterish paperclip
LineIcon.paperHand({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paper__hand_ icon Name paper__hand_ turns into flutterish paperHand
LineIcon.paperHandAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paper__hand__1 icon Name paper__hand__1 turns into flutterish paperHandAlt
LineIcon.paperPlane({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paper_plane icon Name paper_plane turns into flutterish paperPlane
LineIcon.paperPlaneAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paper_plane_1 icon Name paper_plane_1 turns into flutterish paperPlaneAlt
LineIcon.parachuteBox({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for parachute_box icon Name parachute_box turns into flutterish parachuteBox
LineIcon.paragraph({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paragraph icon Name paragraph turns into flutterish paragraph
LineIcon.parking({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for parking icon Name parking turns into flutterish parking
LineIcon.passport({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for passport icon Name passport turns into flutterish passport
LineIcon.pastafarianism({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pastafarianism icon Name pastafarianism turns into flutterish pastafarianism
LineIcon.paste({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paste icon Name paste turns into flutterish paste
LineIcon.patreon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for patreon icon Name patreon turns into flutterish patreon
LineIcon.pause({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pause icon Name pause turns into flutterish pause
LineIcon.pauseCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pause_circle icon Name pause_circle turns into flutterish pauseCircle
LineIcon.pauseCircleAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pause_circle_1 icon Name pause_circle_1 turns into flutterish pauseCircleAlt
LineIcon.paw({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paw icon Name paw turns into flutterish paw
LineIcon.paypal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paypal icon Name paypal turns into flutterish paypal
LineIcon.paypalCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for paypal_credit_card icon Name paypal_credit_card turns into flutterish paypalCreditCard
LineIcon.pdfFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pdf_file icon Name pdf_file turns into flutterish pdfFile
LineIcon.pdfFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pdf_file_1 icon Name pdf_file_1 turns into flutterish pdfFileAlt
LineIcon.peace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for peace icon Name peace turns into flutterish peace
LineIcon.peaceHand({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for peace__hand_ icon Name peace__hand_ turns into flutterish peaceHand
LineIcon.peaceHandAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for peace__hand__1 icon Name peace__hand__1 turns into flutterish peaceHandAlt
LineIcon.pen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pen icon Name pen turns into flutterish pen
LineIcon.pencilRuler({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pencil_ruler icon Name pencil_ruler turns into flutterish pencilRuler
LineIcon.penFancy({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pen_fancy icon Name pen_fancy turns into flutterish penFancy
LineIcon.penNib({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pen_nib icon Name pen_nib turns into flutterish penNib
LineIcon.pennyArcade({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for penny_arcade icon Name penny_arcade turns into flutterish pennyArcade
LineIcon.penSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pen_square icon Name pen_square turns into flutterish penSquare
LineIcon.peopleCarry({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for people_carry icon Name people_carry turns into flutterish peopleCarry
LineIcon.percent({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for percent icon Name percent turns into flutterish percent
LineIcon.percentage({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for percentage icon Name percentage turns into flutterish percentage
LineIcon.periscope({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for periscope icon Name periscope turns into flutterish periscope
LineIcon.personEnteringBooth({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for person_entering_booth icon Name person_entering_booth turns into flutterish personEnteringBooth
LineIcon.phabricator({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for phabricator icon Name phabricator turns into flutterish phabricator
LineIcon.phoenixFramework({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for phoenix_framework icon Name phoenix_framework turns into flutterish phoenixFramework
LineIcon.phoenixSquadron({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for phoenix_squadron icon Name phoenix_squadron turns into flutterish phoenixSquadron
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for phone icon Name phone turns into flutterish phone
LineIcon.phoneSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for phone_slash icon Name phone_slash turns into flutterish phoneSlash
LineIcon.phoneSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for phone_square icon Name phone_square turns into flutterish phoneSquare
LineIcon.phoneVolume({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for phone_volume icon Name phone_volume turns into flutterish phoneVolume
LineIcon.photoVideo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for photo_video icon Name photo_video turns into flutterish photoVideo
LineIcon.php({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for php icon Name php turns into flutterish php
LineIcon.pieChart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pie_chart icon Name pie_chart turns into flutterish pieChart
LineIcon.piedPiperHat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pied_piper_hat icon Name pied_piper_hat turns into flutterish piedPiperHat
Constructor for pied_piper_logo icon Name pied_piper_logo turns into flutterish piedPiperLogo
LineIcon.piedPiperPpLogoOld({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pied_piper_pp_logo__old_ icon Name pied_piper_pp_logo__old_ turns into flutterish piedPiperPpLogoOld
LineIcon.piggyBank({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for piggy_bank icon Name piggy_bank turns into flutterish piggyBank
LineIcon.pills({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pills icon Name pills turns into flutterish pills
LineIcon.pinterest({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pinterest icon Name pinterest turns into flutterish pinterest
LineIcon.pinterestP({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pinterest_p icon Name pinterest_p turns into flutterish pinterestP
LineIcon.pinterestSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pinterest_square icon Name pinterest_square turns into flutterish pinterestSquare
LineIcon.pizzaSlice({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pizza_slice icon Name pizza_slice turns into flutterish pizzaSlice
LineIcon.placeOfWorship({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for place_of_worship icon Name place_of_worship turns into flutterish placeOfWorship
LineIcon.plane({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for plane icon Name plane turns into flutterish plane
LineIcon.planeArrival({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for plane_arrival icon Name plane_arrival turns into flutterish planeArrival
LineIcon.planeDeparture({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for plane_departure icon Name plane_departure turns into flutterish planeDeparture
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for play icon Name play turns into flutterish play
LineIcon.playCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for play_circle icon Name play_circle turns into flutterish playCircle
LineIcon.playCircleAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for play_circle_1 icon Name play_circle_1 turns into flutterish playCircleAlt
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for playstation icon Name playstation turns into flutterish playstation
LineIcon.plug({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for plug icon Name plug turns into flutterish plug
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for plus icon Name plus turns into flutterish plus
LineIcon.plusCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for plus_circle icon Name plus_circle turns into flutterish plusCircle
LineIcon.plusSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for plus_square icon Name plus_square turns into flutterish plusSquare
LineIcon.plusSquareAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for plus_square_1 icon Name plus_square_1 turns into flutterish plusSquareAlt
LineIcon.podcast({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for podcast icon Name podcast turns into flutterish podcast
LineIcon.pointerHand({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pointer__hand_ icon Name pointer__hand_ turns into flutterish pointerHand
LineIcon.pointerHandAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pointer__hand__1 icon Name pointer__hand__1 turns into flutterish pointerHandAlt
LineIcon.poll({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for poll icon Name poll turns into flutterish poll
LineIcon.pollH({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for poll_h icon Name poll_h turns into flutterish pollH
LineIcon.poo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for poo icon Name poo turns into flutterish poo
LineIcon.poop({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for poop icon Name poop turns into flutterish poop
LineIcon.pooStorm({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for poo_storm icon Name poo_storm turns into flutterish pooStorm
LineIcon.portrait({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for portrait icon Name portrait turns into flutterish portrait
LineIcon.poundSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pound_sign icon Name pound_sign turns into flutterish poundSign
LineIcon.powerOff({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for power_off icon Name power_off turns into flutterish powerOff
LineIcon.powerpointFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for powerpoint_file icon Name powerpoint_file turns into flutterish powerpointFile
LineIcon.powerpointFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for powerpoint_file_1 icon Name powerpoint_file_1 turns into flutterish powerpointFileAlt
LineIcon.pray({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pray icon Name pray turns into flutterish pray
LineIcon.prayingHands({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for praying_hands icon Name praying_hands turns into flutterish prayingHands
LineIcon.prescription({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for prescription icon Name prescription turns into flutterish prescription
LineIcon.prescriptionBottle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for prescription_bottle icon Name prescription_bottle turns into flutterish prescriptionBottle
LineIcon.print({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for print icon Name print turns into flutterish print
LineIcon.procedures({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for procedures icon Name procedures turns into flutterish procedures
LineIcon.productHunt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for product_hunt icon Name product_hunt turns into flutterish productHunt
LineIcon.projectDiagram({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for project_diagram icon Name project_diagram turns into flutterish projectDiagram
LineIcon.pushed({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for pushed icon Name pushed turns into flutterish pushed
LineIcon.puzzlePiece({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for puzzle_piece icon Name puzzle_piece turns into flutterish puzzlePiece
LineIcon.px500({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for 500px icon Name 500px turns into flutterish px500
LineIcon.python({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for python icon Name python turns into flutterish python
LineIcon.qq({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for qq icon Name qq turns into flutterish qq
LineIcon.qrcode({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for qrcode icon Name qrcode turns into flutterish qrcode
LineIcon.question({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for question icon Name question turns into flutterish question
LineIcon.questionCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for question_circle icon Name question_circle turns into flutterish questionCircle
LineIcon.questionCircleAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for question_circle_1 icon Name question_circle_1 turns into flutterish questionCircleAlt
LineIcon.quidditch({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for quidditch icon Name quidditch turns into flutterish quidditch
LineIcon.quinscape({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for quinscape icon Name quinscape turns into flutterish quinscape
LineIcon.quora({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for quora icon Name quora turns into flutterish quora
LineIcon.quoteLeft({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for quote_left icon Name quote_left turns into flutterish quoteLeft
LineIcon.quoteRight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for quote_right icon Name quote_right turns into flutterish quoteRight
LineIcon.quran({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for quran icon Name quran turns into flutterish quran
LineIcon.radiation({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for radiation icon Name radiation turns into flutterish radiation
LineIcon.rainbow({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rainbow icon Name rainbow turns into flutterish rainbow
LineIcon.raisedFist({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for raised_fist icon Name raised_fist turns into flutterish raisedFist
LineIcon.random({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for random icon Name random turns into flutterish random
LineIcon.raspberryPi({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for raspberry_pi icon Name raspberry_pi turns into flutterish raspberryPi
LineIcon.ravelry({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ravelry icon Name ravelry turns into flutterish ravelry
LineIcon.react({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for react icon Name react turns into flutterish react
LineIcon.reacteurope({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for reacteurope icon Name reacteurope turns into flutterish reacteurope
LineIcon.readme({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for readme icon Name readme turns into flutterish readme
LineIcon.rebelAlliance({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rebel_alliance icon Name rebel_alliance turns into flutterish rebelAlliance
LineIcon.receipt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for receipt icon Name receipt turns into flutterish receipt
LineIcon.recordVinyl({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for record_vinyl icon Name record_vinyl turns into flutterish recordVinyl
LineIcon.recycle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for recycle icon Name recycle turns into flutterish recycle
LineIcon.redditAlien({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for reddit_alien icon Name reddit_alien turns into flutterish redditAlien
Constructor for reddit_logo icon Name reddit_logo turns into flutterish redditLogo
LineIcon.redditSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for reddit_square icon Name reddit_square turns into flutterish redditSquare
LineIcon.redhat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for redhat icon Name redhat turns into flutterish redhat
LineIcon.redo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for redo icon Name redo turns into flutterish redo
LineIcon.redRiver({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for red_river icon Name red_river turns into flutterish redRiver
LineIcon.registeredTrademark({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for registered_trademark icon Name registered_trademark turns into flutterish registeredTrademark
LineIcon.registeredTrademarkAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for registered_trademark_1 icon Name registered_trademark_1 turns into flutterish registeredTrademarkAlt
LineIcon.removeFormat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for remove_format icon Name remove_format turns into flutterish removeFormat
LineIcon.removeUser({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for remove_user icon Name remove_user turns into flutterish removeUser
LineIcon.renren({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for renren icon Name renren turns into flutterish renren
LineIcon.reply({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for reply icon Name reply turns into flutterish reply
LineIcon.replyAll({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for reply_all icon Name reply_all turns into flutterish replyAll
LineIcon.replyd({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for replyd icon Name replyd turns into flutterish replyd
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for republican icon Name republican turns into flutterish republican
LineIcon.researchgate({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for researchgate icon Name researchgate turns into flutterish researchgate
LineIcon.resolving({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for resolving icon Name resolving turns into flutterish resolving
LineIcon.restroom({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for restroom icon Name restroom turns into flutterish restroom
LineIcon.retroCamera({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for retro_camera icon Name retro_camera turns into flutterish retroCamera
LineIcon.retweet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for retweet icon Name retweet turns into flutterish retweet
LineIcon.revIo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rev_io icon Name rev_io turns into flutterish revIo
LineIcon.ribbon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ribbon icon Name ribbon turns into flutterish ribbon
LineIcon.ring({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ring icon Name ring turns into flutterish ring
LineIcon.road({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for road icon Name road turns into flutterish road
LineIcon.robot({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for robot icon Name robot turns into flutterish robot
LineIcon.rocket({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rocket icon Name rocket turns into flutterish rocket
LineIcon.rocketChat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rocket_chat icon Name rocket_chat turns into flutterish rocketChat
LineIcon.rockHand({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rock__hand_ icon Name rock__hand_ turns into flutterish rockHand
LineIcon.rockHandAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rock__hand__1 icon Name rock__hand__1 turns into flutterish rockHandAlt
LineIcon.rockrms({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rockrms icon Name rockrms turns into flutterish rockrms
LineIcon.rollingOnTheFloorLaughing({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rolling_on_the_floor_laughing icon Name rolling_on_the_floor_laughing turns into flutterish rollingOnTheFloorLaughing
LineIcon.rollingOnTheFloorLaughingAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rolling_on_the_floor_laughing_1 icon Name rolling_on_the_floor_laughing_1 turns into flutterish rollingOnTheFloorLaughingAlt
LineIcon.route({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for route icon Name route turns into flutterish route
LineIcon.rProject({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for r_project icon Name r_project turns into flutterish rProject
LineIcon.rss({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rss icon Name rss turns into flutterish rss
LineIcon.rssSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for rss_square icon Name rss_square turns into flutterish rssSquare
LineIcon.rubleSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ruble_sign icon Name ruble_sign turns into flutterish rubleSign
LineIcon.ruler({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ruler icon Name ruler turns into flutterish ruler
LineIcon.rulerCombined({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ruler_combined icon Name ruler_combined turns into flutterish rulerCombined
LineIcon.rulerHorizontal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ruler_horizontal icon Name ruler_horizontal turns into flutterish rulerHorizontal
LineIcon.rulerVertical({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ruler_vertical icon Name ruler_vertical turns into flutterish rulerVertical
LineIcon.running({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for running icon Name running turns into flutterish running
LineIcon.safari({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for safari icon Name safari turns into flutterish safari
LineIcon.salesforce({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for salesforce icon Name salesforce turns into flutterish salesforce
LineIcon.sass({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sass icon Name sass turns into flutterish sass
LineIcon.satellite({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for satellite icon Name satellite turns into flutterish satellite
LineIcon.satelliteDish({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for satellite_dish icon Name satellite_dish turns into flutterish satelliteDish
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for save icon Name save turns into flutterish save
LineIcon.saveAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for save_1 icon Name save_1 turns into flutterish saveAlt
LineIcon.schlix({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for schlix icon Name schlix turns into flutterish schlix
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for school icon Name school turns into flutterish school
LineIcon.scissorsHand({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for scissors__hand_ icon Name scissors__hand_ turns into flutterish scissorsHand
LineIcon.scissorsHandAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for scissors__hand__1 icon Name scissors__hand__1 turns into flutterish scissorsHandAlt
LineIcon.screwdriver({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for screwdriver icon Name screwdriver turns into flutterish screwdriver
LineIcon.scribd({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for scribd icon Name scribd turns into flutterish scribd
LineIcon.scroll({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for scroll icon Name scroll turns into flutterish scroll
LineIcon.sdCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sd_card icon Name sd_card turns into flutterish sdCard
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for search icon Name search turns into flutterish search
LineIcon.searchDollar({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for search_dollar icon Name search_dollar turns into flutterish searchDollar
LineIcon.searchengin({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for searchengin icon Name searchengin turns into flutterish searchengin
LineIcon.searchLocation({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for search_location icon Name search_location turns into flutterish searchLocation
LineIcon.searchMinus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for search_minus icon Name search_minus turns into flutterish searchMinus
LineIcon.searchPlus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for search_plus icon Name search_plus turns into flutterish searchPlus
LineIcon.seedling({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for seedling icon Name seedling turns into flutterish seedling
LineIcon.sellcast({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sellcast icon Name sellcast turns into flutterish sellcast
LineIcon.sellsy({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sellsy icon Name sellsy turns into flutterish sellsy
LineIcon.server({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for server icon Name server turns into flutterish server
LineIcon.servicestack({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for servicestack icon Name servicestack turns into flutterish servicestack
LineIcon.shapes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shapes icon Name shapes turns into flutterish shapes
LineIcon.share({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for share icon Name share turns into flutterish share
LineIcon.shareSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for share_square icon Name share_square turns into flutterish shareSquare
LineIcon.shareSquareAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for share_square_1 icon Name share_square_1 turns into flutterish shareSquareAlt
LineIcon.shekelSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shekel_sign icon Name shekel_sign turns into flutterish shekelSign
LineIcon.ship({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ship icon Name ship turns into flutterish ship
LineIcon.shippingFast({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shipping_fast icon Name shipping_fast turns into flutterish shippingFast
LineIcon.shirtsInBulk({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shirts_in_bulk icon Name shirts_in_bulk turns into flutterish shirtsInBulk
LineIcon.shoePrints({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shoe_prints icon Name shoe_prints turns into flutterish shoePrints
LineIcon.shoppingBag({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shopping_bag icon Name shopping_bag turns into flutterish shoppingBag
LineIcon.shoppingBasket({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shopping_basket icon Name shopping_basket turns into flutterish shoppingBasket
LineIcon.shoppingCart({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shopping_cart icon Name shopping_cart turns into flutterish shoppingCart
LineIcon.shoppingCartArrowDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shopping_cart_arrow_down icon Name shopping_cart_arrow_down turns into flutterish shoppingCartArrowDown
LineIcon.shopware({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shopware icon Name shopware turns into flutterish shopware
LineIcon.shower({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shower icon Name shower turns into flutterish shower
LineIcon.shuttleVan({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for shuttle_van icon Name shuttle_van turns into flutterish shuttleVan
LineIcon.sign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sign icon Name sign turns into flutterish sign
LineIcon.signal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for signal icon Name signal turns into flutterish signal
LineIcon.signature({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for signature icon Name signature turns into flutterish signature
LineIcon.signLanguage({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sign_language icon Name sign_language turns into flutterish signLanguage
LineIcon.simCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sim_card icon Name sim_card turns into flutterish simCard
LineIcon.simplybuilt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for simplybuilt icon Name simplybuilt turns into flutterish simplybuilt
LineIcon.sistrix({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sistrix icon Name sistrix turns into flutterish sistrix
LineIcon.sitemap({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sitemap icon Name sitemap turns into flutterish sitemap
LineIcon.sith({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sith icon Name sith turns into flutterish sith
LineIcon.skating({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for skating icon Name skating turns into flutterish skating
LineIcon.sketch({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sketch icon Name sketch turns into flutterish sketch
LineIcon.skiing({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for skiing icon Name skiing turns into flutterish skiing
LineIcon.skiingNordic({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for skiing_nordic icon Name skiing_nordic turns into flutterish skiingNordic
LineIcon.skull({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for skull icon Name skull turns into flutterish skull
LineIcon.skullCrossbones({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for skull___crossbones icon Name skull___crossbones turns into flutterish skullCrossbones
LineIcon.skyatlas({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for skyatlas icon Name skyatlas turns into flutterish skyatlas
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for skype icon Name skype turns into flutterish skype
LineIcon.slackHashtag({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for slack_hashtag icon Name slack_hashtag turns into flutterish slackHashtag
Constructor for slack_logo icon Name slack_logo turns into flutterish slackLogo
LineIcon.slash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for slash icon Name slash turns into flutterish slash
LineIcon.sleigh({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sleigh icon Name sleigh turns into flutterish sleigh
LineIcon.slideshare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for slideshare icon Name slideshare turns into flutterish slideshare
LineIcon.smilingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for smiling_face icon Name smiling_face turns into flutterish smilingFace
LineIcon.smilingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for smiling_face_1 icon Name smiling_face_1 turns into flutterish smilingFaceAlt
LineIcon.smilingFaceWithHeartEyes({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for smiling_face_with_heart_eyes icon Name smiling_face_with_heart_eyes turns into flutterish smilingFaceWithHeartEyes
LineIcon.smilingFaceWithHeartEyesAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for smiling_face_with_heart_eyes_1 icon Name smiling_face_with_heart_eyes_1 turns into flutterish smilingFaceWithHeartEyesAlt
LineIcon.smog({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for smog icon Name smog turns into flutterish smog
LineIcon.smoking({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for smoking icon Name smoking turns into flutterish smoking
LineIcon.smokingBan({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for smoking_ban icon Name smoking_ban turns into flutterish smokingBan
LineIcon.sms({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sms icon Name sms turns into flutterish sms
LineIcon.snapchat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for snapchat icon Name snapchat turns into flutterish snapchat
LineIcon.snapchatGhost({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for snapchat_ghost icon Name snapchat_ghost turns into flutterish snapchatGhost
LineIcon.snapchatSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for snapchat_square icon Name snapchat_square turns into flutterish snapchatSquare
LineIcon.snowboarding({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for snowboarding icon Name snowboarding turns into flutterish snowboarding
LineIcon.snowflake({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for snowflake icon Name snowflake turns into flutterish snowflake
LineIcon.snowflakeAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for snowflake_1 icon Name snowflake_1 turns into flutterish snowflakeAlt
LineIcon.snowman({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for snowman icon Name snowman turns into flutterish snowman
LineIcon.snowplow({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for snowplow icon Name snowplow turns into flutterish snowplow
LineIcon.socks({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for socks icon Name socks turns into flutterish socks
LineIcon.solarPanel({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for solar_panel icon Name solar_panel turns into flutterish solarPanel
LineIcon.sort({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sort icon Name sort turns into flutterish sort
LineIcon.sortAlphabeticalDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sort_alphabetical_down icon Name sort_alphabetical_down turns into flutterish sortAlphabeticalDown
LineIcon.sortAlphabeticalUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sort_alphabetical_up icon Name sort_alphabetical_up turns into flutterish sortAlphabeticalUp
LineIcon.sortAmountDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sort_amount_down icon Name sort_amount_down turns into flutterish sortAmountDown
LineIcon.sortAmountUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sort_amount_up icon Name sort_amount_up turns into flutterish sortAmountUp
LineIcon.sortDownDescending({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sort_down__descending_ icon Name sort_down__descending_ turns into flutterish sortDownDescending
LineIcon.sortNumericDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sort_numeric_down icon Name sort_numeric_down turns into flutterish sortNumericDown
LineIcon.sortNumericUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sort_numeric_up icon Name sort_numeric_up turns into flutterish sortNumericUp
LineIcon.sortUpAscending({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sort_up__ascending_ icon Name sort_up__ascending_ turns into flutterish sortUpAscending
LineIcon.soundcloud({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for soundcloud icon Name soundcloud turns into flutterish soundcloud
LineIcon.sourcetree({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sourcetree icon Name sourcetree turns into flutterish sourcetree
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for spa icon Name spa turns into flutterish spa
LineIcon.spaceShuttle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for space_shuttle icon Name space_shuttle turns into flutterish spaceShuttle
LineIcon.speakap({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for speakap icon Name speakap turns into flutterish speakap
LineIcon.speakerDeck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for speaker_deck icon Name speaker_deck turns into flutterish speakerDeck
LineIcon.spellCheck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for spell_check icon Name spell_check turns into flutterish spellCheck
LineIcon.spider({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for spider icon Name spider turns into flutterish spider
LineIcon.spinner({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for spinner icon Name spinner turns into flutterish spinner
LineIcon.splotch({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for splotch icon Name splotch turns into flutterish splotch
LineIcon.spockHand({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for spock__hand_ icon Name spock__hand_ turns into flutterish spockHand
LineIcon.spockHandAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for spock__hand__1 icon Name spock__hand__1 turns into flutterish spockHandAlt
LineIcon.spotify({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for spotify icon Name spotify turns into flutterish spotify
LineIcon.sprayCan({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for spray_can icon Name spray_can turns into flutterish sprayCan
LineIcon.square({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for square icon Name square turns into flutterish square
LineIcon.squareAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for square_1 icon Name square_1 turns into flutterish squareAlt
LineIcon.squareFull({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for square_full icon Name square_full turns into flutterish squareFull
LineIcon.squarespace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for squarespace icon Name squarespace turns into flutterish squarespace
LineIcon.squareWave({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for square_wave icon Name square_wave turns into flutterish squareWave
LineIcon.squintingFaceWithTongue({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for squinting_face_with_tongue icon Name squinting_face_with_tongue turns into flutterish squintingFaceWithTongue
LineIcon.squintingFaceWithTongueAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for squinting_face_with_tongue_1 icon Name squinting_face_with_tongue_1 turns into flutterish squintingFaceWithTongueAlt
LineIcon.stackExchange({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stack_exchange icon Name stack_exchange turns into flutterish stackExchange
LineIcon.stackOverflow({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stack_overflow icon Name stack_overflow turns into flutterish stackOverflow
LineIcon.stackpath({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stackpath icon Name stackpath turns into flutterish stackpath
LineIcon.stamp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stamp icon Name stamp turns into flutterish stamp
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for star icon Name star turns into flutterish star
LineIcon.starAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for star_1 icon Name star_1 turns into flutterish starAlt
LineIcon.starAndCrescent({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for star_and_crescent icon Name star_and_crescent turns into flutterish starAndCrescent
LineIcon.starHalf({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for star_half icon Name star_half turns into flutterish starHalf
LineIcon.starHalfAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for star_half_1 icon Name star_half_1 turns into flutterish starHalfAlt
LineIcon.starOfDavid({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for star_of_david icon Name star_of_david turns into flutterish starOfDavid
LineIcon.starOfLife({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for star_of_life icon Name star_of_life turns into flutterish starOfLife
LineIcon.starStruck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for star_struck icon Name star_struck turns into flutterish starStruck
LineIcon.starStruckAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for star_struck_1 icon Name star_struck_1 turns into flutterish starStruckAlt
LineIcon.staylinked({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for staylinked icon Name staylinked turns into flutterish staylinked
LineIcon.steam({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for steam icon Name steam turns into flutterish steam
LineIcon.steamSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for steam_square icon Name steam_square turns into flutterish steamSquare
LineIcon.steamSymbol({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for steam_symbol icon Name steam_symbol turns into flutterish steamSymbol
LineIcon.stepBackward({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for step_backward icon Name step_backward turns into flutterish stepBackward
LineIcon.stepForward({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for step_forward icon Name step_forward turns into flutterish stepForward
LineIcon.stethoscope({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stethoscope icon Name stethoscope turns into flutterish stethoscope
LineIcon.stickerMule({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sticker_mule icon Name sticker_mule turns into flutterish stickerMule
LineIcon.stickyNote({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sticky_note icon Name sticky_note turns into flutterish stickyNote
LineIcon.stickyNoteAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sticky_note_1 icon Name sticky_note_1 turns into flutterish stickyNoteAlt
LineIcon.stop({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stop icon Name stop turns into flutterish stop
LineIcon.stopCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stop_circle icon Name stop_circle turns into flutterish stopCircle
LineIcon.stopCircleAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stop_circle_1 icon Name stop_circle_1 turns into flutterish stopCircleAlt
LineIcon.stopwatch({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stopwatch icon Name stopwatch turns into flutterish stopwatch
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for store icon Name store turns into flutterish store
LineIcon.strava({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for strava icon Name strava turns into flutterish strava
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stream icon Name stream turns into flutterish stream
LineIcon.streetView({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for street_view icon Name street_view turns into flutterish streetView
LineIcon.strikethrough({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for strikethrough icon Name strikethrough turns into flutterish strikethrough
LineIcon.stripe({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stripe icon Name stripe turns into flutterish stripe
LineIcon.stripeCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stripe_credit_card icon Name stripe_credit_card turns into flutterish stripeCreditCard
LineIcon.stripeS({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stripe_s icon Name stripe_s turns into flutterish stripeS
LineIcon.stroopwafel({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stroopwafel icon Name stroopwafel turns into flutterish stroopwafel
LineIcon.studioVinari({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for studio_vinari icon Name studio_vinari turns into flutterish studioVinari
LineIcon.stumbleuponCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for stumbleupon_circle icon Name stumbleupon_circle turns into flutterish stumbleuponCircle
Constructor for stumbleupon_logo icon Name stumbleupon_logo turns into flutterish stumbleuponLogo
LineIcon.subscript({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for subscript icon Name subscript turns into flutterish subscript
LineIcon.subway({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for subway icon Name subway turns into flutterish subway
LineIcon.suitcase({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for suitcase icon Name suitcase turns into flutterish suitcase
LineIcon.suitcaseRolling({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for suitcase_rolling icon Name suitcase_rolling turns into flutterish suitcaseRolling
LineIcon.sun({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sun icon Name sun turns into flutterish sun
LineIcon.sunAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sun_1 icon Name sun_1 turns into flutterish sunAlt
LineIcon.superpowers({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for superpowers icon Name superpowers turns into flutterish superpowers
LineIcon.superscript({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for superscript icon Name superscript turns into flutterish superscript
LineIcon.supple({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for supple icon Name supple turns into flutterish supple
LineIcon.suse({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for suse icon Name suse turns into flutterish suse
LineIcon.swatchbook({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for swatchbook icon Name swatchbook turns into flutterish swatchbook
LineIcon.swift({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for swift icon Name swift turns into flutterish swift
LineIcon.swimmer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for swimmer icon Name swimmer turns into flutterish swimmer
LineIcon.swimmingPool({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for swimming_pool icon Name swimming_pool turns into flutterish swimmingPool
LineIcon.symfony({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for symfony icon Name symfony turns into flutterish symfony
LineIcon.synagogue({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for synagogue icon Name synagogue turns into flutterish synagogue
LineIcon.syncIcon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for sync_icon icon Name sync_icon turns into flutterish syncIcon
LineIcon.syringe({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for syringe icon Name syringe turns into flutterish syringe
LineIcon.table({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for table icon Name table turns into flutterish table
LineIcon.tablet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tablet icon Name tablet turns into flutterish tablet
LineIcon.tableTennis({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for table_tennis icon Name table_tennis turns into flutterish tableTennis
LineIcon.tablets({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tablets icon Name tablets turns into flutterish tablets
LineIcon.tag({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tag icon Name tag turns into flutterish tag
LineIcon.tags({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tags icon Name tags turns into flutterish tags
LineIcon.tape({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tape icon Name tape turns into flutterish tape
LineIcon.tasks({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tasks icon Name tasks turns into flutterish tasks
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for taxi icon Name taxi turns into flutterish taxi
LineIcon.teamspeak({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for teamspeak icon Name teamspeak turns into flutterish teamspeak
LineIcon.teeth({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for teeth icon Name teeth turns into flutterish teeth
LineIcon.teethOpen({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for teeth_open icon Name teeth_open turns into flutterish teethOpen
LineIcon.telegram({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for telegram icon Name telegram turns into flutterish telegram
LineIcon.telegramPlane({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for telegram_plane icon Name telegram_plane turns into flutterish telegramPlane
LineIcon.television({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for television icon Name television turns into flutterish television
LineIcon.tencentWeibo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tencent_weibo icon Name tencent_weibo turns into flutterish tencentWeibo
LineIcon.tenge({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tenge icon Name tenge turns into flutterish tenge
LineIcon.terminal({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for terminal icon Name terminal turns into flutterish terminal
LineIcon.textHeight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for text_height icon Name text_height turns into flutterish textHeight
LineIcon.textWidth({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for text_width icon Name text_width turns into flutterish textWidth
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for th icon Name th turns into flutterish th
LineIcon.theaterMasks({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for theater_masks icon Name theater_masks turns into flutterish theaterMasks
LineIcon.themeco({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for themeco icon Name themeco turns into flutterish themeco
LineIcon.themeisle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for themeisle icon Name themeisle turns into flutterish themeisle
LineIcon.theRedYeti({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for the_red_yeti icon Name the_red_yeti turns into flutterish theRedYeti
LineIcon.thermometer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thermometer icon Name thermometer turns into flutterish thermometer
LineIcon.thermometer34Full({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thermometer_3_4_full icon Name thermometer_3_4_full turns into flutterish thermometer34Full
LineIcon.thermometerAlt2Full({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thermometer_1_2_full icon Name thermometer_1_2_full turns into flutterish thermometerAlt2Full
LineIcon.thermometerAlt4Full({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thermometer_1_4_full icon Name thermometer_1_4_full turns into flutterish thermometerAlt4Full
LineIcon.thermometerEmpty({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thermometer_empty icon Name thermometer_empty turns into flutterish thermometerEmpty
LineIcon.thermometerFull({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thermometer_full icon Name thermometer_full turns into flutterish thermometerFull
LineIcon.thinkPeaks({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for think_peaks icon Name think_peaks turns into flutterish thinkPeaks
LineIcon.thLarge({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for th_large icon Name th_large turns into flutterish thLarge
LineIcon.thList({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for th_list icon Name th_list turns into flutterish thList
LineIcon.thumbsDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thumbs_down icon Name thumbs_down turns into flutterish thumbsDown
LineIcon.thumbsDownAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thumbs_down_1 icon Name thumbs_down_1 turns into flutterish thumbsDownAlt
LineIcon.thumbsUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thumbs_up icon Name thumbs_up turns into flutterish thumbsUp
LineIcon.thumbsUpAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thumbs_up_1 icon Name thumbs_up_1 turns into flutterish thumbsUpAlt
LineIcon.thumbtack({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for thumbtack icon Name thumbtack turns into flutterish thumbtack
LineIcon.times({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for times icon Name times turns into flutterish times
LineIcon.timesCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for times_circle icon Name times_circle turns into flutterish timesCircle
LineIcon.timesCircleAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for times_circle_1 icon Name times_circle_1 turns into flutterish timesCircleAlt
LineIcon.tint({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tint icon Name tint turns into flutterish tint
LineIcon.tintSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tint_slash icon Name tint_slash turns into flutterish tintSlash
LineIcon.tiredFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tired_face icon Name tired_face turns into flutterish tiredFace
LineIcon.tiredFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tired_face_1 icon Name tired_face_1 turns into flutterish tiredFaceAlt
LineIcon.toggleOff({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for toggle_off icon Name toggle_off turns into flutterish toggleOff
LineIcon.toggleOn({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for toggle_on icon Name toggle_on turns into flutterish toggleOn
LineIcon.toilet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for toilet icon Name toilet turns into flutterish toilet
LineIcon.toiletPaper({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for toilet_paper icon Name toilet_paper turns into flutterish toiletPaper
LineIcon.toolbox({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for toolbox icon Name toolbox turns into flutterish toolbox
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tools icon Name tools turns into flutterish tools
LineIcon.tooth({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tooth icon Name tooth turns into flutterish tooth
LineIcon.torah({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for torah icon Name torah turns into flutterish torah
LineIcon.toriiGate({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for torii_gate icon Name torii_gate turns into flutterish toriiGate
LineIcon.tractor({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tractor icon Name tractor turns into flutterish tractor
LineIcon.tradeFederation({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for trade_federation icon Name trade_federation turns into flutterish tradeFederation
LineIcon.trademark({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for trademark icon Name trademark turns into flutterish trademark
LineIcon.trafficLight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for traffic_light icon Name traffic_light turns into flutterish trafficLight
LineIcon.train({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for train icon Name train turns into flutterish train
LineIcon.tram({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tram icon Name tram turns into flutterish tram
LineIcon.transgender({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for transgender icon Name transgender turns into flutterish transgender
LineIcon.trash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for trash icon Name trash turns into flutterish trash
LineIcon.trashRestore({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for trash_restore icon Name trash_restore turns into flutterish trashRestore
LineIcon.tree({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tree icon Name tree turns into flutterish tree
LineIcon.trello({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for trello icon Name trello turns into flutterish trello
LineIcon.tripadvisor({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tripadvisor icon Name tripadvisor turns into flutterish tripadvisor
LineIcon.trophy({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for trophy icon Name trophy turns into flutterish trophy
LineIcon.truck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for truck icon Name truck turns into flutterish truck
LineIcon.truckLoading({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for truck_loading icon Name truck_loading turns into flutterish truckLoading
LineIcon.truckMonster({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for truck_monster icon Name truck_monster turns into flutterish truckMonster
LineIcon.truckMoving({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for truck_moving icon Name truck_moving turns into flutterish truckMoving
LineIcon.truckSide({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for truck_side icon Name truck_side turns into flutterish truckSide
LineIcon.tShirt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for t_shirt icon Name t_shirt turns into flutterish tShirt
LineIcon.tty({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tty icon Name tty turns into flutterish tty
LineIcon.tumblr({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tumblr icon Name tumblr turns into flutterish tumblr
LineIcon.tumblrSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for tumblr_square icon Name tumblr_square turns into flutterish tumblrSquare
LineIcon.turkishLiraSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for turkish_lira_sign icon Name turkish_lira_sign turns into flutterish turkishLiraSign
LineIcon.twitch({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for twitch icon Name twitch turns into flutterish twitch
LineIcon.twitter({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for twitter icon Name twitter turns into flutterish twitter
LineIcon.twitterSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for twitter_square icon Name twitter_square turns into flutterish twitterSquare
LineIcon.typo3({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for typo3 icon Name typo3 turns into flutterish typo3
LineIcon.uber({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for uber icon Name uber turns into flutterish uber
LineIcon.ubuntu({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ubuntu icon Name ubuntu turns into flutterish ubuntu
LineIcon.uikit({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for uikit icon Name uikit turns into flutterish uikit
LineIcon.umbraco({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for umbraco icon Name umbraco turns into flutterish umbraco
LineIcon.umbrella({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for umbrella icon Name umbrella turns into flutterish umbrella
LineIcon.umbrellaBeach({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for umbrella_beach icon Name umbrella_beach turns into flutterish umbrellaBeach
LineIcon.underline({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for underline icon Name underline turns into flutterish underline
LineIcon.undo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for undo icon Name undo turns into flutterish undo
LineIcon.uniregistry({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for uniregistry icon Name uniregistry turns into flutterish uniregistry
LineIcon.unitedStatesOfAmericaFlag({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for united_states_of_america_flag icon Name united_states_of_america_flag turns into flutterish unitedStatesOfAmericaFlag
LineIcon.unitedStatesPostalService({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for united_states_postal_service icon Name united_states_postal_service turns into flutterish unitedStatesPostalService
LineIcon.universalAccess({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for universal_access icon Name universal_access turns into flutterish universalAccess
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for university icon Name university turns into flutterish university
Constructor for unlink icon Name unlink turns into flutterish unlink
LineIcon.unlock({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for unlock icon Name unlock turns into flutterish unlock
LineIcon.untappd({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for untappd icon Name untappd turns into flutterish untappd
LineIcon.upload({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for upload icon Name upload turns into flutterish upload
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for ups icon Name ups turns into flutterish ups
LineIcon.usb({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for usb icon Name usb turns into flutterish usb
LineIcon.user({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user icon Name user turns into flutterish user
LineIcon.userAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_1 icon Name user_1 turns into flutterish userAlt
LineIcon.userAstronaut({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_astronaut icon Name user_astronaut turns into flutterish userAstronaut
LineIcon.userCheck({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_check icon Name user_check turns into flutterish userCheck
LineIcon.userCircle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_circle icon Name user_circle turns into flutterish userCircle
LineIcon.userCircleAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_circle_1 icon Name user_circle_1 turns into flutterish userCircleAlt
LineIcon.userClock({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_clock icon Name user_clock turns into flutterish userClock
LineIcon.userCog({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_cog icon Name user_cog turns into flutterish userCog
LineIcon.userEdit({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_edit icon Name user_edit turns into flutterish userEdit
LineIcon.userFriends({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_friends icon Name user_friends turns into flutterish userFriends
LineIcon.userGraduate({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_graduate icon Name user_graduate turns into flutterish userGraduate
LineIcon.userInjured({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_injured icon Name user_injured turns into flutterish userInjured
LineIcon.userLock({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_lock icon Name user_lock turns into flutterish userLock
LineIcon.userMinus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_minus icon Name user_minus turns into flutterish userMinus
LineIcon.userNinja({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_ninja icon Name user_ninja turns into flutterish userNinja
LineIcon.userPlus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_plus icon Name user_plus turns into flutterish userPlus
LineIcon.users({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for users icon Name users turns into flutterish users
LineIcon.usersCog({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for users_cog icon Name users_cog turns into flutterish usersCog
LineIcon.userSecret({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_secret icon Name user_secret turns into flutterish userSecret
LineIcon.userShield({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_shield icon Name user_shield turns into flutterish userShield
LineIcon.userSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_slash icon Name user_slash turns into flutterish userSlash
LineIcon.userTag({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_tag icon Name user_tag turns into flutterish userTag
LineIcon.userTie({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for user_tie icon Name user_tie turns into flutterish userTie
LineIcon.usSunnahFoundation({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for us_sunnah_foundation icon Name us_sunnah_foundation turns into flutterish usSunnahFoundation
LineIcon.utensils({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for utensils icon Name utensils turns into flutterish utensils
LineIcon.utensilSpoon({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for utensil_spoon icon Name utensil_spoon turns into flutterish utensilSpoon
LineIcon.vaadin({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vaadin icon Name vaadin turns into flutterish vaadin
LineIcon.vectorSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vector_square icon Name vector_square turns into flutterish vectorSquare
LineIcon.venus({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for venus icon Name venus turns into flutterish venus
LineIcon.venusDouble({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for venus_double icon Name venus_double turns into flutterish venusDouble
LineIcon.venusMars({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for venus_mars icon Name venus_mars turns into flutterish venusMars
LineIcon.verticalEllipsis({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vertical_ellipsis icon Name vertical_ellipsis turns into flutterish verticalEllipsis
LineIcon.viacoin({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for viacoin icon Name viacoin turns into flutterish viacoin
LineIcon.vial({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vial icon Name vial turns into flutterish vial
LineIcon.vials({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vials icon Name vials turns into flutterish vials
LineIcon.viber({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for viber icon Name viber turns into flutterish viber
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for video icon Name video turns into flutterish video
LineIcon.videoAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for video_1 icon Name video_1 turns into flutterish videoAlt
LineIcon.videoFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for video_file icon Name video_file turns into flutterish videoFile
LineIcon.videoFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for video_file_1 icon Name video_file_1 turns into flutterish videoFileAlt
LineIcon.videoSlash({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for video_slash icon Name video_slash turns into flutterish videoSlash
LineIcon.videoSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for video_square icon Name video_square turns into flutterish videoSquare
LineIcon.vihara({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vihara icon Name vihara turns into flutterish vihara
LineIcon.vimeo({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vimeo icon Name vimeo turns into flutterish vimeo
LineIcon.vimeo2({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vimeo_2 icon Name vimeo_2 turns into flutterish vimeo2
LineIcon.vimeoSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vimeo_square icon Name vimeo_square turns into flutterish vimeoSquare
LineIcon.vine({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vine icon Name vine turns into flutterish vine
LineIcon.visaCreditCard({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for visa_credit_card icon Name visa_credit_card turns into flutterish visaCreditCard
LineIcon.vk({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vk icon Name vk turns into flutterish vk
LineIcon.vnv({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vnv icon Name vnv turns into flutterish vnv
LineIcon.voicemail({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for voicemail icon Name voicemail turns into flutterish voicemail
LineIcon.volleyballBall({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for volleyball_ball icon Name volleyball_ball turns into flutterish volleyballBall
LineIcon.volumeDown({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for volume_down icon Name volume_down turns into flutterish volumeDown
LineIcon.volumeMute({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for volume_mute icon Name volume_mute turns into flutterish volumeMute
LineIcon.volumeOff({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for volume_off icon Name volume_off turns into flutterish volumeOff
LineIcon.volumeUp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for volume_up icon Name volume_up turns into flutterish volumeUp
LineIcon.voteYea({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vote_yea icon Name vote_yea turns into flutterish voteYea
LineIcon.vueJs({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for vue_js icon Name vue_js turns into flutterish vueJs
LineIcon.walking({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for walking icon Name walking turns into flutterish walking
LineIcon.wallet({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wallet icon Name wallet turns into flutterish wallet
LineIcon.warehouse({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for warehouse icon Name warehouse turns into flutterish warehouse
LineIcon.water({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for water icon Name water turns into flutterish water
LineIcon.wavyMoneyBill({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wavy_money_bill icon Name wavy_money_bill turns into flutterish wavyMoneyBill
LineIcon.waze({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for waze icon Name waze turns into flutterish waze
LineIcon.weebly({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for weebly icon Name weebly turns into flutterish weebly
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for weibo icon Name weibo turns into flutterish weibo
LineIcon.weight({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for weight icon Name weight turns into flutterish weight
LineIcon.weixinWechat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for weixin__wechat_ icon Name weixin__wechat_ turns into flutterish weixinWechat
LineIcon.whatSApp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for what_s_app icon Name what_s_app turns into flutterish whatSApp
LineIcon.whatSAppSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for what_s_app_square icon Name what_s_app_square turns into flutterish whatSAppSquare
LineIcon.wheelchair({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wheelchair icon Name wheelchair turns into flutterish wheelchair
LineIcon.whmcs({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for whmcs icon Name whmcs turns into flutterish whmcs
LineIcon.wifi({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wifi icon Name wifi turns into flutterish wifi
LineIcon.wikipediaW({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wikipedia_w icon Name wikipedia_w turns into flutterish wikipediaW
LineIcon.wind({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wind icon Name wind turns into flutterish wind
LineIcon.windowClose({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for window_close icon Name window_close turns into flutterish windowClose
LineIcon.windowCloseAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for window_close_1 icon Name window_close_1 turns into flutterish windowCloseAlt
LineIcon.windowMaximize({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for window_maximize icon Name window_maximize turns into flutterish windowMaximize
LineIcon.windowMaximizeAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for window_maximize_1 icon Name window_maximize_1 turns into flutterish windowMaximizeAlt
LineIcon.windowMinimize({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for window_minimize icon Name window_minimize turns into flutterish windowMinimize
LineIcon.windowMinimizeAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for window_minimize_1 icon Name window_minimize_1 turns into flutterish windowMinimizeAlt
LineIcon.windowRestore({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for window_restore icon Name window_restore turns into flutterish windowRestore
LineIcon.windowRestoreAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for window_restore_1 icon Name window_restore_1 turns into flutterish windowRestoreAlt
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for windows icon Name windows turns into flutterish windows
LineIcon.wineBottle({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wine_bottle icon Name wine_bottle turns into flutterish wineBottle
LineIcon.wineGlass({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wine_glass icon Name wine_glass turns into flutterish wineGlass
LineIcon.winkingFace({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for winking_face icon Name winking_face turns into flutterish winkingFace
LineIcon.winkingFaceAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for winking_face_1 icon Name winking_face_1 turns into flutterish winkingFaceAlt
LineIcon.winkingFaceWithTongue({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for winking_face_with_tongue icon Name winking_face_with_tongue turns into flutterish winkingFaceWithTongue
LineIcon.winkingFaceWithTongueAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for winking_face_with_tongue_1 icon Name winking_face_with_tongue_1 turns into flutterish winkingFaceWithTongueAlt
LineIcon.wiredNetwork({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wired_network icon Name wired_network turns into flutterish wiredNetwork
LineIcon.wix({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wix icon Name wix turns into flutterish wix
LineIcon.wizardSHat({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wizard_s_hat icon Name wizard_s_hat turns into flutterish wizardSHat
LineIcon.wizardsOfTheCoast({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wizards_of_the_coast icon Name wizards_of_the_coast turns into flutterish wizardsOfTheCoast
LineIcon.wolfPackBattalion({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wolf_pack_battalion icon Name wolf_pack_battalion turns into flutterish wolfPackBattalion
LineIcon.wonSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for won_sign icon Name won_sign turns into flutterish wonSign
LineIcon.wordFile({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for word_file icon Name word_file turns into flutterish wordFile
LineIcon.wordFileAlt({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for word_file_1 icon Name word_file_1 turns into flutterish wordFileAlt
Constructor for wordpress_logo icon Name wordpress_logo turns into flutterish wordpressLogo
LineIcon.wordpressSimple({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wordpress_simple icon Name wordpress_simple turns into flutterish wordpressSimple
LineIcon.wpbeginner({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wpbeginner icon Name wpbeginner turns into flutterish wpbeginner
LineIcon.wpexplorer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wpexplorer icon Name wpexplorer turns into flutterish wpexplorer
LineIcon.wpforms({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wpforms icon Name wpforms turns into flutterish wpforms
LineIcon.wpressr({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wpressr icon Name wpressr turns into flutterish wpressr
LineIcon.wrench({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for wrench icon Name wrench turns into flutterish wrench
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for xbox icon Name xbox turns into flutterish xbox
LineIcon.xing({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for xing icon Name xing turns into flutterish xing
LineIcon.xingSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for xing_square icon Name xing_square turns into flutterish xingSquare
LineIcon.xRay({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for x_ray icon Name x_ray turns into flutterish xRay
Constructor for yahoo_logo icon Name yahoo_logo turns into flutterish yahooLogo
LineIcon.yammer({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for yammer icon Name yammer turns into flutterish yammer
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for yandex icon Name yandex turns into flutterish yandex
LineIcon.yandexInternational({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for yandex_international icon Name yandex_international turns into flutterish yandexInternational
LineIcon.yarn({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for yarn icon Name yarn turns into flutterish yarn
LineIcon.yCombinator({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for y_combinator icon Name y_combinator turns into flutterish yCombinator
LineIcon.yelp({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for yelp icon Name yelp turns into flutterish yelp
LineIcon.yenSign({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for yen_sign icon Name yen_sign turns into flutterish yenSign
LineIcon.yinYang({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for yin_yang icon Name yin_yang turns into flutterish yinYang
LineIcon.yoast({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for yoast icon Name yoast turns into flutterish yoast
const{Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for youtube icon Name youtube turns into flutterish youtube
LineIcon.youtubeSquare({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for youtube_square icon Name youtube_square turns into flutterish youtubeSquare
LineIcon.zhihu({Key? key, double? size, Color? color, String? semanticLabel, TextDirection? textDirection})
Constructor for zhihu icon Name zhihu turns into flutterish zhihu


applyTextScaling bool?
Whether to scale the size of this widget using the ambient MediaQuery's TextScaler.
blendMode BlendMode?
The BlendMode to apply to the foreground of the icon.
color Color?
The color to use when drawing the icon.
fill double?
The fill for drawing the icon.
grade double?
The grade (granular stroke weight) for drawing the icon.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
icon IconData?
The icon to display. The available icons are described in Icons.
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
opticalSize double?
The optical size for drawing the icon.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
semanticLabel String?
Semantic label for the icon.
shadows List<Shadow>?
A list of Shadows that will be painted underneath the icon.
size double?
The size of the icon in logical pixels.
textDirection TextDirection?
The text direction to use for rendering the icon.
weight double?
The stroke weight for drawing the icon.


build(BuildContext context) Widget
Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.
createElement() StatelessElement
Creates a StatelessElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug, int wrapWidth = 65}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.