crossProduct method

Vector crossProduct(
  1. Vector other

Calculates the cross product for two 3-dimensional vectors.

Throws MatrixUnsupportedOperation for vectors with other dimensions. Throws MatrixInvalidDimensions if both vectors do not have the same number of elements.

final Vector a = Vector.column([2.0,3.0,4.0]);
final Vector b = Vector.column([5.0,6.0,7.0]);


[-3.0, 6.0, -3.0]


Vector crossProduct(Vector other) {
  if (this.elements != 3) {
    throw MatrixUnsupportedOperation("Cross product only implemented for 3 dimensional vectors.");
  if (this.elements != other.elements) {
    throw MatrixInvalidDimensions("Cross product requires both vectors to have 3 elements.");

  List<double> values = [];

  values.add(this[1] * other[2] - this[2] * other[1]);
  values.add(this[2] * other[0] - this[0] * other[2]);
  values.add(this[0] * other[1] - this[1] * other[0]);

  if (this.type == VectorType.row) {
    return Vector.row(values);
  } else {
    return Vector.column(values);