parseText function
Split the string into multiple instances of TextSegment for mentions, hashtags, URLs and regular text.
Mentions are all words that start with @, e.g. @mention. Hashtags are all words that start with #, e.g. #hashtag.
List<TextSegment> parseText(String? text) {
final segments = <TextSegment>[];
if (text == null || text.isEmpty) {
return segments;
// parse urls and words starting with @ (mention) or # (hashtag)
RegExp exp = RegExp(
unicode: true);
final matches = exp.allMatches(text);
var start = 0;
for (var match in matches) {
// text before the keyword
if (match.start > start) {
if (segments.isNotEmpty && segments.last.isText) {
segments.last.text += text.substring(start, match.start);
} else {
segments.add(TextSegment(text.substring(start, match.start)));
start = match.start;
final url = match.namedGroup('url');
final keyword = match.namedGroup('keyword');
if (url != null) {
segments.add(TextSegment(url, url, false, false, true));
} else if (keyword != null) {
final isWord = match.start == 0 ||
[' ', '\n'].contains(text.substring(match.start - 1, start));
if (!isWord) {
final isHashtag = keyword.startsWith('#');
final isMention = keyword.startsWith('@');
TextSegment(keyword, keyword.substring(1), isHashtag, isMention));
start = match.end;
// text after the last keyword or
// the whole text if it does not contain any keywords
if (start < text.length) {
if (segments.isNotEmpty && segments.last.isText) {
segments.last.text += text.substring(start);
} else {
return segments;