setHttpExtraHeadersOnSessionCreationOnly method
Setter method that enables/disables a restriction on the forwarding of the extra http headers specified through setHttpExtraHeaders.
If true, said headers will only be sent during the session creation process (and thus will still be available to the metadata adapter notifyUser method) but will not be sent on following requests. On the contrary, when set to true, the specified extra headers will be sent to the server on every request.
Default false
Lifecycle This setting should be performed before calling the LightstreamerClient.connect method. However, the value can be changed at any time: the supplied value will be used for the next HTTP request or WebSocket establishment.
Notification A change to this setting will be notified through a call to ClientListener.onPropertyChange with argument "httpExtraHeadersOnSessionCreationOnly" on any ClientListener listening to the related LightstreamerClient.
true/false to enable/disable the restriction on extra headers forwarding.
void setHttpExtraHeadersOnSessionCreationOnly(bool newVal) {
_httpExtraHeadersOnSessionCreationOnly = newVal;