summary property

String summary


String get summary {
  final firstSentenceMatch = RegExp(r'^.*?\\n');

  final matchParen = RegExp(r'\(.*\)');
  final matchLink = RegExp(r'!?\[.*]]?');
  final matchFullHtml = RegExp(r'<.*?\/.*?>');
  final matchHeader = RegExp(r'#+\s.*?\n');
  final matchTag = RegExp('<.*?>');
  final matchUrl = RegExp(r'https?:\/\/[^\s]*');
  final matchMultipleSpaces = RegExp(r'\s\s+');
  final matchPostedTag = RegExp('Posted Using.*');

  // print('_getSummaryText > $value');

  // Note that the order is important, as we are removing nested items
  final plainText = body
      .replaceAll(matchFullHtml, '')
      .replaceAll(matchParen, '')
      .replaceAll(matchLink, '')
      .replaceAll(matchHeader, '')
      .replaceAll(matchTag, '')
      .replaceAll(matchUrl, '')
      .replaceAll('*', '')
      .replaceAll('---', '')
      .replaceAll('\n', '')
      .replaceAll(matchMultipleSpaces, ' ')
      .replaceAll(matchPostedTag, '')
  // print('  plainText: this.$plainText');
  final summary = firstSentenceMatch.stringMatch(plainText) ?? plainText;
  // print('_getSummaryText < $summary');
  return summary;