locateDependencies function

List<LocatedDependency> locateDependencies(
  1. String pubSpecFilePath, [
  2. bool checkFlutterVersion = true

Locate all dependencies of a 'pubspec.yaml' (Name, Version, Path)

If flutter is in the list of dependencies the version is assumed to be the currently installed. Please ensure flutter is installed and available in PATH. To disable this behavior and replace the version name with 'any' set checkFlutterVersion to false.


List<LocatedDependency> locateDependencies(
  String pubSpecFilePath, [
  bool checkFlutterVersion = true,
]) {
  //* Check file exists and convert to PubSpec
  final pubSpecFile = File(pubSpecFilePath);
  if (!pubSpecFile.existsSync()) {
    throw ArgumentError(
      'Provided path to pubspec.yaml invalid - file does not exist',
  final pubSpec = Pubspec.parse(pubSpecFile.readAsStringSync());

  // Get corresponding package_config.json and parse it
  final packageConfigFile = File(
    p.join(p.dirname(pubSpecFilePath), '.dart_tool', 'package_config.json'),
  if (!packageConfigFile.existsSync()) {
    throw ArgumentError(
      'Could not discover .dart_tool/package_config.json in same directory as pubspec.yaml',
  _Packages packages = _parsePackages(packageConfigFile);

  //* Find names of production dependencies and resolve their paths
  return pubSpec.dependencies.entries.map<LocatedDependency>(
    (MapEntry<String, Dependency> entry) {
      final name = entry.key;
      final dependency = entry.value;
      final String? path = packages[name];
      if (path == null) {
        throw StateError("Package '$name' not in package_config.json");
      String? version = _getVersionFromPath(path);

      // Warn about missing version
      if (version == null && name != 'flutter') {
        printWarning("Could not determine version of package '$name'");

      // Determine dependency type
      if (dependency is HostedDependency) {
        return LocatedDependency(name, version, path);
      } else if (dependency is PathDependency) {
        return LocatedDependency(name, version, dependency.path);
      } else if (dependency is GitDependency) {
        return LocatedDependency(name, version, path);
      } else if (dependency is SdkDependency) {
        if (name == 'flutter' && checkFlutterVersion) {
          final flutterVProc = Process.runSync(
            runInShell: true,
            stdoutEncoding: Encoding.getByName('UTF-8'),

          if (flutterVProc.exitCode == 0) {
            version = RegExp(r'^Flutter ([^•]*) •')
          } else {
            throw StateError(
              'Could not determine flutter version, because it is not available in PATH',

        return LocatedDependency(name, version, path);

      throw ArgumentError("Package '$name' has invalid type");