generateNotices function

String generateNotices(
  1. Map<String, GatheredLicense> licenses, [
  2. NoticesFormat format = defaultNoticesFormat

Compile all licenses together into one notices string.

You can optionally override the NoticesFormat for the generated notices.


String generateNotices(
  Map<String, GatheredLicense> licenses, [
  NoticesFormat format = defaultNoticesFormat,
]) {
  String licensesTexts = '';

  for (GatheredLicense license in licenses.values) {
    if (licensesTexts != '') licensesTexts += format.licenseSeparator;

    licensesTexts += format.license
        .replaceAll('{{VERSION}}', license.version ?? format.nullVersion)
        .replaceAll('{{LICENSE}}', license.license.text);

  if (format.trim) {
    return (format.header + licensesTexts + format.footer).trim();

  return format.header + licensesTexts + format.footer;