ssh_auth_callback typedef

ssh_auth_callback = Pointer<NativeFunction<Int32 Function(Pointer<Int8>, Pointer<Int8>, size_t, Int32, Int32, Pointer<Void>)>>

@brief SSH authentication callback for password and publickey auth.

@param prompt Prompt to be displayed. @param buf Buffer to save the password. You should null-terminate it. @param len Length of the buffer. @param echo Enable or disable the echo of what you type. @param verify Should the password be verified? @param userdata Userdata to be passed to the callback function. Useful for GUI applications.

@return 0 on success, < 0 on error.


typedef ssh_auth_callback = ffi.Pointer<
        ffi.Int32 Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int8>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int8>, size_t,
            ffi.Int32, ffi.Int32, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>;