ExecSshCommandExtension extension



channelReadAsString(ssh_session session, Pointer<ssh_channel_struct> channel, {int? limitLoop, Allocator allocator = calloc, bool isStderr = false, bool isPty = false, int? timeout, bool isCustomPty = false}) String
timeout in Milliseconds para interromper o loop isCustomPty verifica se existe um "----ENDCMD----" na string retornada pelo server e interronpe o loop isPty verifica se existe um "#" or "$" prompts na string retornada pelo server e interronpe o loop
channelWrite(ssh_session session, Pointer<ssh_channel_struct> channel, String command, {Allocator allocator = calloc}) → void
disposeSshChannel(ssh_channel channel) → void
execCommandOnChannel(ssh_session session, Pointer<ssh_channel_struct> channel, String command, {Allocator allocator = calloc, bool returnStderr = false}) String
execCommandsInShell(ssh_session session, List<String> commands) List<String>
experimental as it may not be able to detect the prompt execute commands in the interactive shell the order of execution is based on the order of the command list and return a list with the response of each command in the order of execution
execCommandSync(ssh_session session, String command, {Allocator allocator = calloc, bool returnStderr = false}) String
execute only one command to execute several commands start a scripting language example: execCommandSync(session,"cd /tmp; mkdir mytest; cd mytest; touch mytest");
initShell(ssh_session session, Pointer<ssh_channel_struct> channel) → void
initSshChannel(ssh_session session) ssh_channel