calculateAgreement static method

Uint8List calculateAgreement(
  1. ECPublicKey? publicKey,
  2. ECPrivateKey? privateKey


static Uint8List calculateAgreement(
    ECPublicKey? publicKey, ECPrivateKey? privateKey) {
  if (publicKey == null) {
    throw Exception('publicKey value is null');

  if (privateKey == null) {
    throw Exception('privateKey value is null');
  if (publicKey.getType() != privateKey.getType()) {
    throw Exception('Public and private keys must be of the same type!');

  if (publicKey.getType() == djbType) {
    final calculator = agreementCalculator;
    if (calculator != null) {
      return calculator(
        (privateKey as DjbECPrivateKey).privateKey,
        (publicKey as DjbECPublicKey).publicKey,

    final secretKey = x25519.X25519(
      List<int>.from((privateKey as DjbECPrivateKey).privateKey),
      List<int>.from((publicKey as DjbECPublicKey).publicKey),
    return secretKey;
  } else {
    throw Exception('Unknown type: ${publicKey.getType()}');