getValueAsString method
Access to the data Access to the data
// dynamic operator [](int index){
// }
/// Access to the data
String getValueAsString(int row, int column,
{int? length, Encoding? encoding}) {
if (row < 0 || row >= rows || column < 0 || column >= columns)
throw LibPqException("Row or column index out of range!");
final valuePoiter = psql.pq.PQgetvalue(res, row, column);
int _length(Pointer<Uint8> codeUnits) {
var length = 0;
while (codeUnits[length] != 0) {
return length;
final codeUnits = valuePoiter.cast<Uint8>();
if (length != null) {
RangeError.checkNotNegative(length, 'length');
} else {
length = _length(codeUnits);
final bytes = codeUnits.asTypedList(length);
return encoding != null
? encoding.decode(bytes)
: psql.encoding.decode(bytes);