withStringValue static method

PersistentMap<String, String> withStringValue(
  1. File file, {
  2. bool create = false,

Create a PersistentMap with strings for keys and values, with file being the database file, and create specifying whether to create a new file if it doesn't exist. If file already exists, the file will not be overwritten, but rather opened. If file contains and incompatible database, behavior is unspecified.


static PersistentMap<String, String> withStringValue(final File file,
    {bool create = false}) {
  return make<String, String>(
      (key) => convert.utf8.encoder.convert(key),
      (bytes) => convert.utf8.decode(bytes),
      (value) => convert.utf8.encoder.convert(value),
      (bytes) => convert.utf8.decode(bytes),
      create: create);