ass_set_storage_size method
\brief Set the source image size in pixels. This affects some ASS tags like e.g. 3D transforms and is used to calculate the source aspect ratio and blur scale. The source image size can be reset to default by setting w and h to 0. The value set with this function can influence the pixel aspect ratio used for rendering. The values must be the actual storage size of the video stream, without any anamorphic de-squeeze applied. @see ass_set_pixel_aspect() \param priv renderer handle \param w width \param h height
NOTE: storage size must be configured to get correct results, otherwise libass is forced to make a fallible guess.
void ass_set_storage_size(
ffi.Pointer<ASS_Renderer> priv,
int w,
int h,
) {
return _ass_set_storage_size(