run static method

Future<List<ResultEntry>?> run(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> query

Runs a recommendation query

The query is a map with:

['pois']: a list of maps with
    ['poi']: an string with the poi identifier
    ['categories']: a list of string ids with the categories of the poi

The query returns a list of ResultEntry sorted decreasingly by the ResultEntry score. The methods throws a LgcreException if an internal error occurs and the query cannot be executed. This method is transactional and can be executed concurrently with other transactional methods


static Future<List<ResultEntry>?> run(Map<String,dynamic> query) async
    final List<String>? entries = await _channel.invokeListMethod<String>('run', query);
    return entries?.map(ResultEntry.fromJson).toList() ?? <ResultEntry>[];
  } on PlatformException catch (e)
    throw new LgcreException('${e.message}');