init static method

Future<void> init(
  1. Map<String, String> options

Initializes LGCRE with the given options

Available options are :

['lgcre.licenseid']: the license id

['lgcre.clientid']: the client id

['lgcre.loglevel']: the log level (off, fine, warning, debug, severe, config),

['lgcre.maxmem']: the maximum amount of memory to use (affects the speed)

The methods throws a LgcreException if initialization fails. This method must be be called synchronously with await or must be guaranteed that its execution is finished before calling any other method


static Future<void> init(Map<String,String> options) async
    await _channel.invokeMethod<void>('init', options);
  } on PlatformException catch (e)
    throw new LgcreException('${e.message}');