Lexo Rank

This package lets you generate lexo ranks in flutter. Lexo rank ordering of items in a list according to their alphabetical rank.

Usecases for lexo ranks

  • We use lexo ranks whenever we have use case of rearranging list items
  • instead of having integer based ranking we can have String and bucket based lexo ranks, so that rearranging list items is done in o(1) complexity. Drag and drop is a popular feature in applications. However, by implementing this functionality, you should be aware of some nuances: a large number of elements, recalculation of the positions every time and some additional logic if you have different sections in the list.

You can read more about why and how to use lexo ranks here:

  1. https://tmcalm.nl/blog/lexorank-jira-ranking-system-explained/
  2. https://medium.com/whisperarts/lexorank-what-are-they-and-how-to-use-them-for-efficient-list-sorting-a48fc4e7849f


  1. Generate first lexo rank we use -> LexoRank rank = LexoRank.middle()

  2. Generate previous lexo rank ->

  3. Generate next rank -> rank.genNext()

  4. Generate Middle Lexo Rank -> prevLexoRank.between(nextLexoRank)

Please go to root -> example/lib/main.dart to look into comprehensive example.