comAtprotoRepoUploadBlob top-level constant

Map<String, dynamic> const comAtprotoRepoUploadBlob



const comAtprotoRepoUploadBlob = <String, dynamic>{
  "lexicon": 1,
  "id": "com.atproto.repo.uploadBlob",
  "defs": {
    "main": {
      "type": "procedure",
          "Upload a new blob, to be referenced from a repository record. The blob will be deleted if it is not referenced within a time window (eg, minutes). Blob restrictions (mimetype, size, etc) are enforced when the reference is created. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.",
      "input": {"encoding": "*/*"},
      "output": {
        "encoding": "application/json",
        "schema": {
          "type": "object",
          "required": ["blob"],
          "properties": {
            "blob": {"type": "blob"}