SetProductId static method

int SetProductId({
  1. required String productId,
  2. required int flags,

Sets the product id of your application to productId which is mentioned on the product page in the Cryptlex dashboard.

Depending upon whether your application requires admin/root permissions to run or not, flags can have one of the following values: LA_SYSTEM, LA_USER, LA_IN_MEMORY.

This function must be called on every start of your program before any other functions are called, with the exception of SetProductFile() or SetProductData() function.

The function throws a LexActivatorException on error.


static int SetProductId({required String productId, required int flags}) {
  int status = _lexActivatorNative.SetProductId(
  if (LexStatusCodes.LA_OK != status) {
    throw LexActivatorException(status);
  return status;