SetCustomDeviceFingerprint static method

int SetCustomDeviceFingerprint({
  1. required String fingerprint,

This function can be used to set a custom device fingerprint to fingerprint which is a string of minimum length 64 characters and maximum length 256 characters, in case you don't want to use the LexActivator's advanced device fingerprinting algorithm.

If you decide to use your own custom device fingerprint then this function must be called on every start of your program immediately after calling SetProductFile() or SetProductData() function. The license fingerprint matching strategy is ignored if this function is used.

The function throws a LexActivatorException on error.


static int SetCustomDeviceFingerprint({required String fingerprint}) {
  int status = _lexActivatorNative.SetCustomDeviceFingerprint(
  if (LexStatusCodes.LA_OK != status) {
    throw LexActivatorException(status);
  return status;