Easy Theme

The easiest way to control your app theme, this package provides couple of widgets to change between system and light/dark theme.

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Add this to your packages pubspec.yaml file:

  lets_theme: <^last>
  shared_preferences: <^last>

Getting Started

import 'package:lets_theme/lets_theme.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() async {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return LetsTheme(
      light: ThemeData.light(useMaterial3: true),
      dark: ThemeData.dark(useMaterial3: true), 
      initialMode: ThemeMode.system, // bad: I'll in more detail below, but you need to know that this would fine if we don't save any preferences.
      builder: (ThemeData light, ThemeData dark) => MaterialApp(
        title: 'Easy Theme Demo',
        theme: light,
        darkTheme: dark,
        home: MyHomePage(),

Get ThemeMode at App Start

When you change your theme, the next app run won't be able to pick the most recent theme directly before rendering with default theme first time. This is because at the time of initialization, we cannot run async code to get previous theme mode. However, it can be avoided if you make your main() method async and load previous theme mode asynchronously. The Below example shows how it can be done.

void main() async {
  final savedThemeMode = await LetsTheme.getThemeMode();
  runApp(MyApp(savedThemeMode: savedThemeMode));
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return LetsTheme(
      light: ThemeData.light(useMaterial3: true),
      dark: ThemeData.dark(useMaterial3: true),
      initial: savedThemeMode ?? ThemeMode.system, // good
      builder: (ThemeData light, ThemeData dark) => MaterialApp(
        title: 'Easy Theme Demo',
        theme: light,
        darkTheme: dark,
        home: MyHomePage(),

Notice that I passed the retrieved ThemeMode to my MaterialApp so that I can use it while initializing the default theme. This helps avoid theme change flickering on app startup.

Sky Theme Toggle Widget

A full-featured widget to play with for changing theme mode, this widget will save your time, since it already includes the following widgets out of the box.

Light Dark
img.png img.png
System Light System Dark
img.png img.png
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(
      title: Text(widget.title),
    body: Column(
      children: [
        const SizedBox(height: 12),
          'Current Theme Mode',
          style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleLarge,
        const SizedBox(height: 24),
          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8),
          child: Text(
            style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.displaySmall,
        const SizedBox(height: 24),
        const LetsThemeToggle(),
        const SizedBox(height: 24),
        const LetsThemeToggle.compact(),
        const SizedBox(height: 24),
        const LetsThemeToggle.label(),
        const SizedBox(height: 24),
        const LetsThemeToggle.icon(),

Yes, this is all that you need 👆 the LetsThemeToggle widget will manage everything for you! As per example, there are multiple types of LetsThemeToggle such as LetsThemeToggle.compact so try them by yourself 😇

Sky Theme Toggle Widget Customization

As for now, there are no too many things to customize, but you still be able to customize the labels and icons. I show you how:

const LetsThemeToggle() // before

// after
const LetsThemeToggle(
  labels: [
    'Day Mode',
    'Night Mode',
    'Auto Mode',
Before Afters
img.png img.png

Tip: icons are not available in LetsThemeToggle() also labels are not available LetsThemeToggle.icon()

One last customization, you can control the behavior of how the toggles dose the changes. There is 2 types of changing. One is infinite and next is spesific, the first dose accepts clicks on any Toggle, and everytime you click any one of the toggles, the selection moves to the next. The Second one instead, moves straight away to the toggle you clicked on, changing the theme to what you have clicked on.


const LetsThemeToggle(
  selectionMode: LetsThemeToggleSelectionMode.infinite,

// defaults
const LetsThemeToggle.compact(
  selectionMode: LetsThemeToggleSelectionMode.specific,

Changing Theme Mode

Now that you have initialized your app as mentioned above. It's very easy and straight forward to change your theme modes: light to dark, dark to light or to system default.

// sets theme mode to dark

// sets theme mode to light

// sets theme mode to system default

// sets theme mode to light if current theme is dark and vice-versa.

Toggle Theme Mode

LetsTheme allows you to toggle between light, dark and system theme the easiest way possible.


Everytime you call this method the ThemeData will change starting from Light to Dark ending with System Defaults

Changing Themes

If you want to change the theme entirely like changing all the colors to some other color swatch, then you can use setTheme method.

  light: ThemeData(
    useMaterial3: true,
    brightness: Brightness.light,
    colorSchemeSeed: Colors.blue,
  dark: ThemeData(
    useMaterial3: true,
    brightness: Brightness.dark,
    colorSchemeSeed: Colors.blue,

Reset Theme

LetsTheme is smart enough to keep your hardcoded default themes provided at the time of initialization. You can fall back to those default themes in a straightforward way.


This will reset your ThemeData as well as ThemeMode to the initial values provided at the time of initialization.

Listen to the theme mode changes

You can listen to the changes in the theme mode via a ValueNotifier. This can be useful when designing theme settings screen or developing ui to show theme status.

LetsTheme.of(context).themeModeNotifier.addListener(() {
  // put your logic.

Or you can utilize it to react on UI with

  valueListenable: LetsTheme.of(context).themeModeNotifier,
  builder: (_, mode, child) {
    // update your UI
    return Container();

