ScopedRef<T> class

A reference to a scoped value of type T

It can be isLocal (if true) or global. If it's local, one instance will be created for every scope and it's descendants. If it's global (isLocal == false) one instance will be created for every scope and all its parents. When the reference is created, it will be set to the scoped map and to every parent's scoped map.

final valueRef = ScopedRef<String>.global(
  (ScopedMap scope) => 'Value'

/// [ctx] can be anything that implements [ScopedHolder]
/// For example, any of [ReqCtx], [ResolveCtx] or [ResolveObjectCtx]
void makeAction(ScopedHolder ctx) {
  final String value = valueRef.get(ctx);

// TODO: 1A do not allow to access scoped from globals


ScopedRef(T create(ScopedMap scope), {required bool isLocal, String? name, FutureOr<void> dispose(T value)?})
A reference to a scoped value of type T create(ScopedMap scope), {String? name, FutureOr<void> dispose(T value)?})
ScopedRef.local(T create(ScopedMap scope), {String? name, FutureOr<void> dispose(T value)?})


create → T Function(ScopedMap scope)
The function used to create the value for this reference
dispose → (FutureOr<void> Function(T value)?)
The function used to dispose the value created for this reference
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isGlobal bool
Whether the value is local or global
no setter
isLocal bool
Whether the value is local or global
name String?
An optional name of the reference, useful for debugging
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


get(ScopedHolder holder) → T
Retrieves the value in the holder. If there isn't any, uses create to create a new value and sets it into the appropriate scope.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
override(T create(ScopedMap scope)) ScopedOverride<T>
Creates a ScopedOverride for this reference using the create function for the value that will override
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.