containers library
Flutter widgets implementing custom containers used to wrap child widgets, or to fill empty space.
To use, import package:leitmotif/containers.dart
- BluredBackgroundContainer
- CleanInkWell
- A stripped out transparent InkWell to hide the default Material's InkWell appearance.
- FadeInTransformContainer
- FadeInTransformScaleContainer
- IndexedPageView
- A widget to display the provided children inside a PageView.
- LitAnimatedGradientBackground
- LitConstrainedSizedBox
- LitDescriptionTextBox
- A Flutter widget displaying an Icon alongside the provided description text in order to share information in a textual manner.
- LitDivider
- A widget visually seperating two similar looking widget.
- LitDraggable
- A draggable container that stretches across the whole screen.
- LitElevatedCard
- A widget combining layout dependent box constraints and box shadow painting.
- LitElevatedGlassCard
- A widget to display an blurred and elevated background.
- LitGradientCard
- A widget combining layout dependent box constraints and gradient style painting.
- LitNotificationContainer
- A widget to show multiple notifications on top of the provided child.
- A widget displaying a List of minimalist buttons on a LitFooter.
- LitTitledActionCard
- A Flutter widget displaying information and allowing the user to pick an action to respond to the given information.
- LitUserIcon
- A widget displaying an username on a colored background.
- OnValueChangedAnimatedContainer
- ScrollableColumn
- A widgets that wrapps the provided children inside a column, which then is wrapped inside a scroll view to allow scrolling through children.