
Inspired by https://github.com/dustyRAIN/leetcode-api-go

Get Started

import 'package:leetcode_api_dart/leetcode_api_dart.dart';

final session = "your_leetcode_session_from_cookie";
final csrfToken = "your_leetcode_csrfToken_from_cookie";

void main() {
  final api = LeetcodeApiClient(
    session: session,
    csrfToken: csrfToken,

  // make api calls

You can pass session and csrfToken as empty, however session info will provide additional data such as the user's solve count, submission status, premium data (if applicable to the user), etc.

  Future<Contest> getContestInfo({required String contestSlug});
  Future<ContestRanking> getContestRanking({required String contestSlug, required int page});
  Future<DiscussionList> getDiscussions({
    List<String> categories = const [],
    List<String> tags = const [],
    String? orderBy,
    String? searchQuery,
    required int offset,

  Future<Discussion> getDiscussion({required int topicId});

  Future<List<Comment>> getDiscussionComments({
    required int topicId,
    String? orderBy,
    required int offset,
    required int pageSize,

  Future<List<Comment>> getCommentReplies({required int commentId});
  Future<ProblemList> getAllProblems({required int offset, required int pageSize});
  Future<ProblemContent?> getProblemContentByTitleSlug({required String titleSlug});
  Future<ProbemsByTopics> getProblemsByTopic({required String topicTag});
  Future<ProblemList> getTopInterviewProblems({required int offset, required int pageSize});
  Future<UserPublicProfile> getUserPublicProfile({required String username});
  Future<TagProblemsCount> getUserSolveCountByProblemTag({required String username});
  Future<UserContestRankingDetails> getUserContestRankingHistory({required String username});
  Future<UserSolveCountByDifficultyDetails> getUserSolveCountByDifficulty({required String username});
  Future<UserCalendar> getUserProfileCalendar({required String username});
  Future<List<AcSubmission>> getUserRecentAcSubmissions({required String username, required int pageSize});

Make Your Own Call to Leetcode

Indeed the available APIs may not be sufficient, hence a GraphQL request can be made directly. The following method will only allow us to make GET calls to prevent the misusage of the API. The method takes one parameter, which is GraphQL request payload as a string

import 'package:leetcode_api_dart/leetcode_api_dart.dart';

extension LeetcodeApiClientCustom on LeetcodeApiClient {
  Future<MyCustomModel> getCustomQuery({required String param}) async {
    final data = await makeGraphQLRequest(buildMyGraphQLQueryHere(param: param));
    return MyCustomModel.fromJson(data);

// don't forget to add 'r' before the string, in order to pass the $ symbol without stripping it away in dart
String buildMyGraphQLQueryHere({required String param}) => r'''{
    "query": "\n query Something() {\n name \nis_blocked \n} \n",
    "variables": {}


In order to run tests, create a .env file in root directory
