shareStickerAssetToFacebookStory method

Future shareStickerAssetToFacebookStory({
  1. required String appId,
  2. required String fileProviderPath,
  3. required String? stickerPath,
  4. String? dstPath,
  5. List<String>? stickerTopBgColors,
  6. List<String>? stickerBottomBgColors,

Share local sticker image to Facebook story method. The method required the local sticker image (stickerPath) file path, your Facebook app id (appId) and your custom file provider path (fileProviderPath) to access the local file on Android platform.

Besides, you can provide a dstPath to add the custom save folder path to cache the local file, the sticker top and bottom colors stickerTopBgColors, stickerBottomBgColors (dedault color is #222222)

NOTE: On Android platform only a single color can be use for top and bottom of the sticker so the plugin will get the first color of the list on Android platform

Example with color:

  appId: 'your_facebook_app_id',
  stickerPath: 'your_image_path',
  stickerTopBgColors: ['#33FF33'],
  stickerBottomBgColors: ['#FF00FF'],
  dstPath: 'your_custom_save_folder_path',
  fileProviderPath: 'your_custom_fileProvider_path',

Working on: Android and iOS platforms.


Future<dynamic> shareStickerAssetToFacebookStory({
  required String appId,
  required String fileProviderPath,
  required String? stickerPath,
  String? dstPath,
  List<String>? stickerTopBgColors,
  List<String>? stickerBottomBgColors,
}) async {
  return _channel.invokeMethod(
    <String, dynamic>{
      'appId': appId,
      'fileProviderPath': fileProviderPath,
      'stickerPath': stickerPath,
      'dstPath': dstPath,
      'stickerTopBgColors': stickerTopBgColors,
      'stickerBottomBgColors': stickerBottomBgColors,