shareLinkContentToMessenger method

Future shareLinkContentToMessenger({
  1. required String contentUrl,
  2. String? pageId,
  3. String? ref,
  4. List<String>? peopleIds,
  5. String? placeId,
  6. String? hashtag,
  7. String? quote,

Share a link content to Messenger method. You can provide a link of the content you want to share using contentUrl property.

This method will call the ShareLinkContent class from Facebook's SDK to share the link instead of Android Intent like sendMessageToMessenger method. You can use this method or sendMessageToMessenger method to share the link you want to Messenger.

There are some other properties: pageId, peopleIds, hashtag, etc.

Working on: Android and iOS platforms.


Future<dynamic> shareLinkContentToMessenger({
  required String contentUrl,
  String? pageId,
  String? ref,
  List<String>? peopleIds,
  String? placeId,
  String? hashtag,
  String? quote,
}) async {
  return _channel.invokeMethod(
    <String, dynamic>{
      'pageId': pageId,
      'ref': ref,
      'peopleIds': peopleIds,
      'placeId': placeId,
      'hashtag': hashtag,
      'contentUrl': contentUrl,
      'quote': quote,