associateAuthDataAndUnionId method

Future associateAuthDataAndUnionId(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> authData,
  2. String platform,
  3. String unionId, {
  4. LCUserAuthDataLoginOption? option,

Associates this user with a third party authData and unionId.


Future associateAuthDataAndUnionId(
    Map<String, dynamic> authData, String platform, String unionId,
    {LCUserAuthDataLoginOption? option}) {
  if (isNullOrEmpty(platform)) {
    throw ArgumentError.notNull('platform');
  if (isNullOrEmpty(unionId)) {
    throw ArgumentError.notNull('unionId');
  if (option == null) {
    option = new LCUserAuthDataLoginOption();
  _mergeAuthData(authData, unionId, option);
  return _linkWithAuthData(platform, authData);