We are building a small ui_kit for us and we are happy to share with you. We hope is will be usefull. :)
- LeanButton
- LeanContainer
- LeanContainerScrollable
- LeanText
- LeanHeading
- LeanScaffold
- LeanSpacedColumn
- LeanSpacedRow
- LeanIcon
- LeanTextField
- LeanProgressBar
- LeanContainerScrollableSearchable (i like that one)
- LeanScreen
- LeanListScreen
We wrote our own theming idea; A little bit for practise, a little bit because i think some theming things are easier with it.
- Use AppThemeAccess.init({required AppTheme theme}) to enable theming.
- AppThemeAccess.theme to access current theme.
- We have predefined theme for free use. (LeanAppTheme)
- Darkmode is supported but optional.
- main
- presentation/screens/lean_list_heading_screen
- presentation/screens/lean_list_screen
- presentation/screens/lean_screen
- presentation/screens/lean_stateful_list_heading_screen
- presentation/screens/lean_stateful_list_screen
- presentation/screens/lean_stateful_screen
- presentation/widgets/lean_checkbox
- presentation/widgets/lean_container
- presentation/widgets/lean_container_scrollable
- presentation/widgets/lean_container_scrollable_searchable
- presentation/widgets/lean_heading
- presentation/widgets/lean_icon
- presentation/widgets/lean_progress_bar
- presentation/widgets/lean_scaffold
- presentation/widgets/lean_space
- presentation/widgets/lean_spaced_column
- presentation/widgets/lean_spaced_row
- presentation/widgets/lean_text
- presentation/widgets/lean_text_field
- theming/app_theme/app_theme
- theming/app_theme/lean_app_theme
- theming/app_theme_access
- theming/color_set/color_set
- theming/color_set/lean_color_set
- theming/other/color_tuple
- theming/text_size_set/lean_heading_size_set
- theming/text_size_set/lean_text_size_set
- theming/text_size_set/text_size_set