TablerIconData constructor

const TablerIconData(
  1. int codePoint

Creates a const TablerIconData by requiring a codePoint and using a default fontFamily.

The codePoint is the Unicode point of the icon. For example, the codePoint for a specific Tabler icon might be 0xe800.

The fontFamily for Tabler icons is predefined as 'TablerIcons' and is bundled within the 'lazyui' package.

Note: If you are using these icons in your application, ensure that the 'TablerIcons' font is included in your pubspec.yaml and properly bundled.


const TablerIconData(int codePoint)
    : super(
        fontFamily: 'packages/lazyui/TablerIcons',
        // The fontPackage can be uncommented and set appropriately if the icons are
        // included as part of a separate Dart package.
        // fontPackage: 'your_package_name',