La class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


accessibleIcon → const IconData
accusoft → const IconData
acquisitionsIncorporated → const IconData
addressBook → const IconData
addressCard → const IconData
adjust → const IconData
adn → const IconData
adobe → const IconData
adversal → const IconData
affiliatetheme → const IconData
airbnb → const IconData
airFreshener → const IconData
algolia → const IconData
alignCenter → const IconData
alignJustify → const IconData
alignLeft → const IconData
alignRight → const IconData
alipay → const IconData
allergies → const IconData
amazon → const IconData
amazonPay → const IconData
ambulance → const IconData
americanSignLanguageInterpreting → const IconData
amilia → const IconData
anchor → const IconData
android → const IconData
angellist → const IconData
angleDoubleDown → const IconData
angleDoubleLeft → const IconData
angleDoubleRight → const IconData
angleDoubleUp → const IconData
angleDown → const IconData
angleLeft → const IconData
angleRight → const IconData
angleUp → const IconData
angry → const IconData
angrycreative → const IconData
angular → const IconData
ankh → const IconData
apper → const IconData
apple → const IconData
appleAlt → const IconData
applePay → const IconData
appStore → const IconData
appStoreIos → const IconData
archive → const IconData
archway → const IconData
arrowAltCircleDown → const IconData
arrowAltCircleLeft → const IconData
arrowAltCircleRight → const IconData
arrowAltCircleUp → const IconData
arrowCircleDown → const IconData
arrowCircleLeft → const IconData
arrowCircleRight → const IconData
arrowCircleUp → const IconData
arrowDown → const IconData
arrowLeft → const IconData
arrowRight → const IconData
arrowsAlt → const IconData
arrowsAltH → const IconData
arrowsAltV → const IconData
arrowUp → const IconData
artstation → const IconData
assistiveListeningSystems → const IconData
asterisk → const IconData
asymmetrik → const IconData
at → const IconData
atlas → const IconData
atlassian → const IconData
atom → const IconData
audible → const IconData
audioDescription → const IconData
autoprefixer → const IconData
avianex → const IconData
aviato → const IconData
award → const IconData
aws → const IconData
baby → const IconData
babyCarriage → const IconData
backspace → const IconData
backward → const IconData
bacon → const IconData
balanceScale → const IconData
balanceScaleLeft → const IconData
balanceScaleRight → const IconData
ban → const IconData
bandAid → const IconData
bandcamp → const IconData
barcode → const IconData
bars → const IconData
baseballBall → const IconData
basketballBall → const IconData
bath → const IconData
batteryEmpty → const IconData
batteryFull → const IconData
batteryHalf → const IconData
batteryQuarter → const IconData
batteryThreeQuarters → const IconData
battleNet → const IconData
bed → const IconData
beer → const IconData
behance → const IconData
behanceSquare → const IconData
bell → const IconData
bellSlash → const IconData
bezierCurve → const IconData
bible → const IconData
bicycle → const IconData
biking → const IconData
bimobject → const IconData
binoculars → const IconData
biohazard → const IconData
birthdayCake → const IconData
bitbucket → const IconData
bitcoin → const IconData
bity → const IconData
blackberry → const IconData
blackTie → const IconData
blender → const IconData
blenderPhone → const IconData
blind → const IconData
blog → const IconData
blogger → const IconData
bloggerB → const IconData
bluetooth → const IconData
bluetoothB → const IconData
bold → const IconData
bolt → const IconData
bomb → const IconData
bone → const IconData
bong → const IconData
book → const IconData
bookDead → const IconData
bookmark → const IconData
bookMedical → const IconData
bookOpen → const IconData
bookReader → const IconData
bootstrap → const IconData
borderAll → const IconData
borderNone → const IconData
borderStyle → const IconData
bowlingBall → const IconData
box → const IconData
boxes → const IconData
boxOpen → const IconData
braille → const IconData
brain → const IconData
breadSlice → const IconData
briefcase → const IconData
briefcaseMedical → const IconData
broadcastTower → const IconData
broom → const IconData
brush → const IconData
btc → const IconData
buffer → const IconData
bug → const IconData
building → const IconData
bullhorn → const IconData
bullseye → const IconData
burn → const IconData
buromobelexperte → const IconData
bus → const IconData
busAlt → const IconData
businessTime → const IconData
buyNLarge → const IconData
buysellads → const IconData
calculator → const IconData
calendar → const IconData
calendarAlt → const IconData
calendarCheck → const IconData
calendarDay → const IconData
calendarMinus → const IconData
calendarPlus → const IconData
calendarTimes → const IconData
calendarWeek → const IconData
camera → const IconData
cameraRetro → const IconData
campground → const IconData
canadianMapleLeaf → const IconData
candyCane → const IconData
cannabis → const IconData
capsules → const IconData
car → const IconData
carAlt → const IconData
carBattery → const IconData
carCrash → const IconData
caretDown → const IconData
caretLeft → const IconData
caretRight → const IconData
caretSquareDown → const IconData
caretSquareLeft → const IconData
caretSquareRight → const IconData
caretSquareUp → const IconData
caretUp → const IconData
carrot → const IconData
carSide → const IconData
cartArrowDown → const IconData
cartPlus → const IconData
cashRegister → const IconData
cat → const IconData
ccAmazonPay → const IconData
ccAmex → const IconData
ccApplePay → const IconData
ccDinersClub → const IconData
ccDiscover → const IconData
ccJcb → const IconData
ccMastercard → const IconData
ccPaypal → const IconData
ccStripe → const IconData
ccVisa → const IconData
centercode → const IconData
centos → const IconData
certificate → const IconData
chair → const IconData
chalkboard → const IconData
chalkboardTeacher → const IconData
chargingStation → const IconData
chartArea → const IconData
chartBar → const IconData
chartLine → const IconData
chartPie → const IconData
check → const IconData
checkCircle → const IconData
checkDouble → const IconData
checkSquare → const IconData
cheese → const IconData
chess → const IconData
chessBishop → const IconData
chessBoard → const IconData
chessKing → const IconData
chessKnight → const IconData
chessPawn → const IconData
chessQueen → const IconData
chessRook → const IconData
chevronCircleDown → const IconData
chevronCircleLeft → const IconData
chevronCircleRight → const IconData
chevronCircleUp → const IconData
chevronDown → const IconData
chevronLeft → const IconData
chevronRight → const IconData
chevronUp → const IconData
child → const IconData
chrome → const IconData
chromecast → const IconData
church → const IconData
circle → const IconData
circleNotch → const IconData
city → const IconData
clinicMedical → const IconData
clipboard → const IconData
clipboardCheck → const IconData
clipboardList → const IconData
clock → const IconData
clone → const IconData
closedCaptioning → const IconData
cloud → const IconData
cloudDownloadAlt → const IconData
cloudMeatball → const IconData
cloudMoon → const IconData
cloudMoonRain → const IconData
cloudRain → const IconData
cloudscale → const IconData
cloudShowersHeavy → const IconData
cloudsmith → const IconData
cloudSun → const IconData
cloudSunRain → const IconData
cloudUploadAlt → const IconData
cloudversify → const IconData
cocktail → const IconData
code → const IconData
codeBranch → const IconData
codepen → const IconData
codiepie → const IconData
coffee → const IconData
cog → const IconData
cogs → const IconData
coins → const IconData
columns → const IconData
comment → const IconData
commentAlt → const IconData
commentDollar → const IconData
commentDots → const IconData
commentMedical → const IconData
comments → const IconData
commentsDollar → const IconData
commentSlash → const IconData
compactDisc → const IconData
compass → const IconData
compress → const IconData
compressArrowsAlt → const IconData
conciergeBell → const IconData
confluence → const IconData
connectdevelop → const IconData
contao → const IconData
cookieBite → const IconData
copy → const IconData
cottonBureau → const IconData
couch → const IconData
cpanel → const IconData
creativeCommons → const IconData
creativeCommonsBy → const IconData
creativeCommonsNc → const IconData
creativeCommonsNcEu → const IconData
creativeCommonsNcJp → const IconData
creativeCommonsNd → const IconData
creativeCommonsPd → const IconData
creativeCommonsPdAlt → const IconData
creativeCommonsRemix → const IconData
creativeCommonsSa → const IconData
creativeCommonsSampling → const IconData
creativeCommonsSamplingPlus → const IconData
creativeCommonsShare → const IconData
creativeCommonsZero → const IconData
creditCard → const IconData
criticalRole → const IconData
crop → const IconData
cropAlt → const IconData
cross → const IconData
crosshairs → const IconData
crow → const IconData
crown → const IconData
crutch → const IconData
css3 → const IconData
css3Alt → const IconData
cube → const IconData
cubes → const IconData
cut → const IconData
cuttlefish → const IconData
dAndD → const IconData
dAndDBeyond → const IconData
dashcube → const IconData
database → const IconData
deaf → const IconData
delicious → const IconData
democrat → const IconData
deploydog → const IconData
deskpro → const IconData
desktop → const IconData
dev → const IconData
deviantart → const IconData
dharmachakra → const IconData
dhl → const IconData
diagnoses → const IconData
diaspora → const IconData
dice → const IconData
diceD6 → const IconData
diceD20 → const IconData
diceFive → const IconData
diceFour → const IconData
diceOne → const IconData
diceSix → const IconData
diceThree → const IconData
diceTwo → const IconData
digg → const IconData
digitalOcean → const IconData
digitalTachograph → const IconData
directions → const IconData
discord → const IconData
discourse → const IconData
divide → const IconData
dizzy → const IconData
dna → const IconData
dochub → const IconData
docker → const IconData
dog → const IconData
dollarSign → const IconData
dolly → const IconData
dollyFlatbed → const IconData
doorClosed → const IconData
doorOpen → const IconData
dotCircle → const IconData
dove → const IconData
download → const IconData
draft2digital → const IconData
draftingCompass → const IconData
dragon → const IconData
drawPolygon → const IconData
dribbble → const IconData
dribbbleSquare → const IconData
dropbox → const IconData
drum → const IconData
drumSteelpan → const IconData
drumstickBite → const IconData
drupal → const IconData
dumbbell → const IconData
dumpster → const IconData
dumpsterFire → const IconData
dungeon → const IconData
dyalog → const IconData
earlybirds → const IconData
ebay → const IconData
edge → const IconData
edit → const IconData
egg → const IconData
eject → const IconData
elementor → const IconData
ellipsisH → const IconData
ellipsisV → const IconData
ello → const IconData
ember → const IconData
empire → const IconData
envelope → const IconData
envelopeOpen → const IconData
envelopeOpenText → const IconData
envelopeSquare → const IconData
envira → const IconData
equals → const IconData
eraser → const IconData
erlang → const IconData
ethereum → const IconData
ethernet → const IconData
etsy → const IconData
euroSign → const IconData
evernote → const IconData
exchangeAlt → const IconData
exclamation → const IconData
exclamationCircle → const IconData
exclamationTriangle → const IconData
expand → const IconData
expandArrowsAlt → const IconData
expeditedssl → const IconData
externalLinkAlt → const IconData
externalLinkSquareAlt → const IconData
eye → const IconData
eyeDropper → const IconData
eyeSlash → const IconData
facebook → const IconData
facebookF → const IconData
facebookMessenger → const IconData
facebookSquare → const IconData
fan → const IconData
fantasyFlightGames → const IconData
fastBackward → const IconData
fastForward → const IconData
fax → const IconData
feather → const IconData
featherAlt → const IconData
fedex → const IconData
fedora → const IconData
female → const IconData
fighterJet → const IconData
figma → const IconData
file → const IconData
fileAlt → const IconData
fileArchive → const IconData
fileAudio → const IconData
fileCode → const IconData
fileContract → const IconData
fileCsv → const IconData
fileDownload → const IconData
fileExcel → const IconData
fileExport → const IconData
fileImage → const IconData
fileImport → const IconData
fileInvoice → const IconData
fileInvoiceDollar → const IconData
fileMedical → const IconData
fileMedicalAlt → const IconData
filePdf → const IconData
filePowerpoint → const IconData
filePrescription → const IconData
fileSignature → const IconData
fileUpload → const IconData
fileVideo → const IconData
fileWord → const IconData
fill → const IconData
fillDrip → const IconData
film → const IconData
filter → const IconData
fingerprint → const IconData
fire → const IconData
fireAlt → const IconData
fireExtinguisher → const IconData
firefox → const IconData
firstAid → const IconData
firstdraft → const IconData
firstOrder → const IconData
firstOrderAlt → const IconData
fish → const IconData
fistRaised → const IconData
flag → const IconData
flagCheckered → const IconData
flagUsa → const IconData
flask → const IconData
flickr → const IconData
flipboard → const IconData
flushed → const IconData
fly → const IconData
folder → const IconData
folderMinus → const IconData
folderOpen → const IconData
folderPlus → const IconData
font → const IconData
fontAwesome → const IconData
fontAwesomeAlt → const IconData
fontAwesomeFlag → const IconData
fonticons → const IconData
fonticonsFi → const IconData
footballBall → const IconData
fortAwesome → const IconData
fortAwesomeAlt → const IconData
forumbee → const IconData
forward → const IconData
foursquare → const IconData
freebsd → const IconData
freeCodeCamp → const IconData
frog → const IconData
frown → const IconData
frownOpen → const IconData
fulcrum → const IconData
funnelDollar → const IconData
futbol → const IconData
galacticRepublic → const IconData
galacticSenate → const IconData
gamepad → const IconData
gasPump → const IconData
gavel → const IconData
gem → const IconData
genderless → const IconData
getPocket → const IconData
gg → const IconData
ggCircle → const IconData
ghost → const IconData
gift → const IconData
gifts → const IconData
git → const IconData
gitAlt → const IconData
github → const IconData
githubAlt → const IconData
githubSquare → const IconData
gitkraken → const IconData
gitlab → const IconData
gitSquare → const IconData
gitter → const IconData
glassCheers → const IconData
glasses → const IconData
glassMartini → const IconData
glassMartiniAlt → const IconData
glassWhiskey → const IconData
glide → const IconData
glideG → const IconData
globe → const IconData
globeAfrica → const IconData
globeAmericas → const IconData
globeAsia → const IconData
globeEurope → const IconData
gofore → const IconData
golfBall → const IconData
goodreads → const IconData
goodreadsG → const IconData
google → const IconData
googleDrive → const IconData
googlePlay → const IconData
googlePlus → const IconData
googlePlusG → const IconData
googlePlusSquare → const IconData
googleWallet → const IconData
gopuram → const IconData
graduationCap → const IconData
gratipay → const IconData
grav → const IconData
greaterThan → const IconData
greaterThanEqual → const IconData
grimace → const IconData
grin → const IconData
grinAlt → const IconData
grinBeam → const IconData
grinBeamSweat → const IconData
grinHearts → const IconData
grinSquint → const IconData
grinSquintTears → const IconData
grinStars → const IconData
grinTears → const IconData
grinTongue → const IconData
grinTongueSquint → const IconData
grinTongueWink → const IconData
grinWink → const IconData
gripfire → const IconData
gripHorizontal → const IconData
gripLines → const IconData
gripLinesVertical → const IconData
gripVertical → const IconData
grunt → const IconData
guitar → const IconData
gulp → const IconData
hackerNews → const IconData
hackerNewsSquare → const IconData
hackerrank → const IconData
hamburger → const IconData
hammer → const IconData
hamsa → const IconData
handHolding → const IconData
handHoldingHeart → const IconData
handHoldingUsd → const IconData
handLizard → const IconData
handMiddleFinger → const IconData
handPaper → const IconData
handPeace → const IconData
handPointDown → const IconData
handPointer → const IconData
handPointLeft → const IconData
handPointRight → const IconData
handPointUp → const IconData
handRock → const IconData
hands → const IconData
handScissors → const IconData
handshake → const IconData
handsHelping → const IconData
handSpock → const IconData
hanukiah → const IconData
hardHat → const IconData
hashtag → const IconData
hatCowboy → const IconData
hatCowboySide → const IconData
hatWizard → const IconData
haykal → const IconData
hdd → const IconData
heading → const IconData
headphones → const IconData
headphonesAlt → const IconData
headset → const IconData
heart → const IconData
heartbeat → const IconData
heartBroken → const IconData
helicopter → const IconData
highlighter → const IconData
hiking → const IconData
hippo → const IconData
hips → const IconData
hireAHelper → const IconData
history → const IconData
hockeyPuck → const IconData
hollyBerry → const IconData
home → const IconData
hooli → const IconData
hornbill → const IconData
horse → const IconData
horseHead → const IconData
hospital → const IconData
hospitalAlt → const IconData
hospitalSymbol → const IconData
hotdog → const IconData
hotel → const IconData
hotjar → const IconData
hotTub → const IconData
hourglass → const IconData
hourglassEnd → const IconData
hourglassHalf → const IconData
hourglassStart → const IconData
houseDamage → const IconData
houzz → const IconData
hryvnia → const IconData
hSquare → const IconData
html5 → const IconData
hubspot → const IconData
i500px → const IconData
iceCream → const IconData
icicles → const IconData
icons → const IconData
iCursor → const IconData
idBadge → const IconData
idCard → const IconData
idCardAlt → const IconData
igloo → const IconData
image → const IconData
images → const IconData
imdb → const IconData
inbox → const IconData
indent → const IconData
industry → const IconData
infinity → const IconData
info → const IconData
infoCircle → const IconData
instagram → const IconData
intercom → const IconData
internetExplorer → const IconData
invision → const IconData
ioxhost → const IconData
italic → const IconData
itchIo → const IconData
itunes → const IconData
itunesNote → const IconData
java → const IconData
jedi → const IconData
jediOrder → const IconData
jenkins → const IconData
jira → const IconData
joget → const IconData
joint → const IconData
joomla → const IconData
journalWhills → const IconData
js → const IconData
jsfiddle → const IconData
jsSquare → const IconData
kaaba → const IconData
kaggle → const IconData
key → const IconData
keybase → const IconData
keyboard → const IconData
keycdn → const IconData
khanda → const IconData
kickstarter → const IconData
kickstarterK → const IconData
kiss → const IconData
kissBeam → const IconData
kissWinkHeart → const IconData
kiwiBird → const IconData
korvue → const IconData
landmark → const IconData
language → const IconData
laptop → const IconData
laptopCode → const IconData
laptopMedical → const IconData
laravel → const IconData
lastfm → const IconData
lastfmSquare → const IconData
laugh → const IconData
laughBeam → const IconData
laughSquint → const IconData
laughWink → const IconData
layerGroup → const IconData
leaf → const IconData
leanpub → const IconData
lemon → const IconData
less → const IconData
lessThan → const IconData
lessThanEqual → const IconData
levelDownAlt → const IconData
levelUpAlt → const IconData
lifeRing → const IconData
lightbulb → const IconData
line → const IconData
linkedin → const IconData
linkedinIn → const IconData
linode → const IconData
linux → const IconData
liraSign → const IconData
list → const IconData
listAlt → const IconData
listOl → const IconData
listUl → const IconData
locationArrow → const IconData
lock → const IconData
lockOpen → const IconData
longArrowAltDown → const IconData
longArrowAltLeft → const IconData
longArrowAltRight → const IconData
longArrowAltUp → const IconData
lowVision → const IconData
luggageCart → const IconData
lyft → const IconData
magento → const IconData
magic → const IconData
magnet → const IconData
mailBulk → const IconData
mailchimp → const IconData
male → const IconData
mandalorian → const IconData
map → const IconData
mapMarked → const IconData
mapMarkedAlt → const IconData
mapMarker → const IconData
mapMarkerAlt → const IconData
mapPin → const IconData
mapSigns → const IconData
markdown → const IconData
marker → const IconData
mars → const IconData
marsDouble → const IconData
marsStroke → const IconData
marsStrokeH → const IconData
marsStrokeV → const IconData
mask → const IconData
mastodon → const IconData
maxcdn → const IconData
mdb → const IconData
medal → const IconData
medapps → const IconData
medium → const IconData
mediumM → const IconData
medkit → const IconData
medrt → const IconData
meetup → const IconData
megaport → const IconData
meh → const IconData
mehBlank → const IconData
mehRollingEyes → const IconData
memory → const IconData
mendeley → const IconData
menorah → const IconData
mercury → const IconData
meteor → const IconData
microchip → const IconData
microphone → const IconData
microphoneAlt → const IconData
microphoneAltSlash → const IconData
microphoneSlash → const IconData
microscope → const IconData
microsoft → const IconData
minus → const IconData
minusCircle → const IconData
minusSquare → const IconData
mitten → const IconData
mix → const IconData
mixcloud → const IconData
mizuni → const IconData
mobile → const IconData
mobileAlt → const IconData
modx → const IconData
monero → const IconData
moneyBill → const IconData
moneyBillAlt → const IconData
moneyBillWave → const IconData
moneyBillWaveAlt → const IconData
moneyCheck → const IconData
moneyCheckAlt → const IconData
monument → const IconData
moon → const IconData
mortarPestle → const IconData
mosque → const IconData
motorcycle → const IconData
mountain → const IconData
mouse → const IconData
mousePointer → const IconData
mugHot → const IconData
music → const IconData
napster → const IconData
neos → const IconData
networkWired → const IconData
neuter → const IconData
newspaper → const IconData
nimblr → const IconData
node → const IconData
nodeJs → const IconData
notEqual → const IconData
notesMedical → const IconData
npm → const IconData
ns8 → const IconData
nutritionix → const IconData
objectGroup → const IconData
objectUngroup → const IconData
odnoklassniki → const IconData
odnoklassnikiSquare → const IconData
oilCan → const IconData
oldRepublic → const IconData
om → const IconData
opencart → const IconData
openid → const IconData
opera → const IconData
optinMonster → const IconData
orcid → const IconData
osi → const IconData
otter → const IconData
outdent → const IconData
page4 → const IconData
pagelines → const IconData
pager → const IconData
paintBrush → const IconData
paintRoller → const IconData
palette → const IconData
palfed → const IconData
pallet → const IconData
paperclip → const IconData
paperPlane → const IconData
parachuteBox → const IconData
paragraph → const IconData
parking → const IconData
passport → const IconData
pastafarianism → const IconData
paste → const IconData
patreon → const IconData
pause → const IconData
pauseCircle → const IconData
paw → const IconData
paypal → const IconData
peace → const IconData
pen → const IconData
penAlt → const IconData
pencilAlt → const IconData
pencilRuler → const IconData
penFancy → const IconData
penNib → const IconData
pennyArcade → const IconData
penSquare → const IconData
peopleCarry → const IconData
pepperHot → const IconData
percent → const IconData
percentage → const IconData
periscope → const IconData
personBooth → const IconData
phabricator → const IconData
phoenixFramework → const IconData
phoenixSquadron → const IconData
phone → const IconData
phoneAlt → const IconData
phoneSlash → const IconData
phoneSquare → const IconData
phoneSquareAlt → const IconData
phoneVolume → const IconData
photoVideo → const IconData
php → const IconData
piedPiper → const IconData
piedPiperAlt → const IconData
piedPiperHat → const IconData
piedPiperPp → const IconData
piggyBank → const IconData
pills → const IconData
pinterest → const IconData
pinterestP → const IconData
pinterestSquare → const IconData
pizzaSlice → const IconData
placeOfWorship → const IconData
plane → const IconData
planeArrival → const IconData
planeDeparture → const IconData
play → const IconData
playCircle → const IconData
playstation → const IconData
plug → const IconData
plus → const IconData
plusCircle → const IconData
plusSquare → const IconData
podcast → const IconData
poll → const IconData
pollH → const IconData
poo → const IconData
poop → const IconData
pooStorm → const IconData
portrait → const IconData
poundSign → const IconData
powerOff → const IconData
pray → const IconData
prayingHands → const IconData
prescription → const IconData
prescriptionBottle → const IconData
prescriptionBottleAlt → const IconData
print → const IconData
procedures → const IconData
productHunt → const IconData
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