signIn method

  1. @override
Future signIn({
  1. bool reAuthenticate = false,
  2. bool suppressErrors = true,
  3. bool silentOnly = false,
  • Throw if sign in failed


Future signIn({
  bool reAuthenticate = false,
  bool suppressErrors = true,
  bool silentOnly = false,
}) async {
  String debugPrefix = '$runtimeType.signIn()';
  lazy.log(debugPrefix, forced: debugLog);

  // We don't want to keep updating token.value in middle of process
  String tokenTmp = token.value;
  Duration secondSinceSignIn =;

  if (reAuthenticate ||
      token.value.isEmpty ||
      secondSinceSignIn.inSeconds > (_apiFireFoxSignInDuration - 100)) {
    try {
      // https://{redirectUri}/
      //   #access_token={token}
      //   &token_type=Bearer
      //   &expires_in={3599}
      //   &scope={scopes}

      dynamic res;

      if (!reAuthenticate) {
        lazy.log('$debugPrefix:_api.launchWebAuthFlow(interactive: false)',
            forced: debugLog);
        res = await _api.launchWebAuthFlow(interactive: false);
            '$debugPrefix:_api.launchWebAuthFlow(interactive: false):res:${res.toString()}',
            forced: debugLog);
        tokenTmp = _extractToken(res);

      if (tokenTmp.isEmpty) {
        lazy.log('$debugPrefix:_api.launchWebAuthFlow(interactive: true)',
            forced: debugLog);
        res = await _api.launchWebAuthFlow(interactive: true);
            '$debugPrefix:_api.launchWebAuthFlow(interactive: true):res:${res.toString()}',
            forced: debugLog);
        tokenTmp = _extractToken(res);

      if (_apiFireFoxSignInDuration == 0) {
        throw ('Something wrong, cannot get [expire_in].');

      _apiFirefoxSignInTime =;
      _photoUrl = await getPhotoUrl(tokenTmp);
      token.value = tokenTmp;
      isSignedIn.value = true;
    } catch (e) {
      lazy.log('$debugPrefix:catch:$e', forced: debugLog);
      throw ('$debugPrefix:$e');